Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Martin Freeman

>even huffington goddamn post is defending him
Leftists unequivocally BTFO yet again

or johnny depp if he needs more money

Jenny McCarthy

This unironically smooths my hippocampus

>your own followers love to chant GAS THE KIKES
>this isn't enough to remind you you're about to fuck up

But, HuffPo ARE leftists. Doesn't that mean they aren't getting BTFO?

I watched the entire press conference, he said nothing out of line, just badly phrased and apologized and explained exactly what he meant. This liberal hysteria over the most minor shit is really making them look like buffoons.

don't people get tired of pretending to be outraged?

What if this is what he wanted all along? Like, oh no, they'll have to fire me now and I'll be free to go hide for a while, then become a Fox News commentator.

Nah. Conservatives did it for eight years but they're taking a break now.

Liberals just had an eight year break so they're good to go for a while.

go to bed, child

But the jews were just given a gift

>What is an editorial

>what is the huffingtonpost

More like the cuckington post.

How could they call for his job over a remark, if they couldn't see or hear him making it?

why do they want him fired? it's not like he praised Hitler or anything. i mean he should have because Hitler was a great man but he didn't so these guys have nothing to be upset over.

You almost feel bad for Sean Spicer. Almost.

>literally saying "not even Hitler was this bad" when he in fact was
And people want 8 years of this, kek.

because this is just an excuse to bring back the Trump is anti semitic narrative


Melissa McCarthy.

You sort of wish those people would find something better to do. Like you know, maybe kill themselves.

Sadly this won't damage the GOP at all.

Can I sleep with you, Mummy?


lol I know right he's anything but anti-semitic. Trump is much too friendly with (((them))). they're actually right there in his own family in fact. his own son-in-law and daughter.

Trump loves the kikes.

He wasn't that bad.
Hitler supposedly gassed vermin, but he never killed his own people.
At the very least, Hitler loved his country and his fellow people, I know loving your own country and people is considered a negative by (((them))), but it is a positive trait.
To gas your own people for no reason is a whole other level of fucked up

Technically zyklon b isn't a weapon. Technically he's right

moderate kek

I'm a lib who finds this and other Trump gaffes more amusing than anything else. I can't remember the last time I felt true outrage, beyond individual Trumptards unironically arguing against their own best interests. Even then, it's more profound disappointment that human civilization can make it this far with human beings still capable of such staggering ignorance.

>be press secretary for "literally hitler"
>deny holocaust

Typically chlorine isnt either.

how do they keep winning wtf
libcucks all said he would be impeached within a month

>libcucks all said he would be impeached within a month


Whatever your political bent, if you're in the public eye and have any intelligence at all, you'll understand full well to NEVER comment on Hitler or the Holocaust until you know exactly what you're talking about and what point you're trying to make.

It's not even so much what he said as the fact that he was stupid enough to open his mouth about the subject in the first place.

Neither are ammonia and bleach but why don't you combine them and see what happens?