I've been a Domino's delivery driver for over 10 years. Ask me anything

I've been a Domino's delivery driver for over 10 years. Ask me anything

Pic for attention

Attached: cursed_cereal.jpg (1024x768, 113K)

Tits or gtfo

are you tired of fry jokes yet?

Attached: 9488676494_380bf9e9b6.jpg (500x500, 59K)

Is delivering to niggers typically worst?

How easy is it for someone to walk in and apply as a part-time driver, nights and weekends sort of thing? I recently started working as an assistant in a real estate sales team (potential to make more later) and I need to supplement my income right now.

Just curious if those shifts are more coveted by the existing drivers or if it's something where they are always looking for extra help.

10 years? Damn, that's some dedication

what's the best pizza to order if you had to order dominos

Do you feel accomplished OP? Is this ur mt everest?

It depends in where said niggers live that makes the difference more than anything

Easy as hell, especially if you're willing to work nights and close

Not really, I'm just lazy and complacent as all fuck.

My personal favorite is a large thin crust with alfredo sauce and double philly steak

Not op but coming up on 4 years delivering for Domino's, pan pizza is best but you gotta tell them to cook that bitch a little more. It sucks they've jacked the prices up so much