A lot more violent than i remember it being

a lot more violent than i remember it being

Yeah, this was totally worth making a thread about. Fucking retard.

you replied to it

[Total Recall theme intensifies]

This guy's upset because you just wiped out his RLM "friend simulator" thread. Now he has no one again.

>date of classification - June 4, 1990
>post ends in 1990

What did I mean by this?


Trying to think of how to put this without overtly outing myself as an old man who still browses Nepali wreathmaking websites.

I was 10 when this came out. This was not abnormally, or even unusually, violent for the time.

Something happened during the early Nineties - the culture minders in the media decided that Americans were too dumb to understand that violence such as this was gratuitous/ironic, that "over-the-top violence as ironic commentary, or simply as a joke" was too adult, and detrimental to youth.

I mean....the movies I grew up watching....Die Hard, Beverly Hills Cop, Lethal Weapon, Robocop....the list goes on and on.....used to be a normal genre called "Action." It was expected that several characters and the bad guy would die horrible, horrible, deaths.

But I didn't bump it.

Fuck off and stop projecting you retard. This is a shit thread. Where is it meant to go from here?

Jay Bauman? Is that you?



why even cast arnold for this movie if you're gonna hide his muslces for most of it


*screams in austrian*

>Something happened during the early Nineties

Jurassic Park made a billion dollars and people realized if you cut out blood and boobs you could market your movie to children and adults.

Is that a random civilian he used as a shield?

I love Veerhoeven, scifi, 80s Arnold action movies, dystopian stuff, and think PKD is okay

so why didn't I like this flick?


There are still people who think the entire movie (post-Recall visit) is not Quaid's dream.


>throws dead civillian. his arms and legs flail as he soars through the air.

guy cant act dead for shit.