Finally confronted my father about all the abuse he put me through growing up and he unironically used the "you were too sexy" defense. What the fuck anons, I didn't realize that was an actual thing people said. It doesn't even make sense, he would constantly make fun of my body and bully me, but now that he's been caught out he tries to bullshit me and attempt to make me feel good or something. Idk anons, this shit is whack.
Finally confronted my father about all the abuse he put me through growing up and he unironically used the "you were...
Sounds like an asshole
He is. When I was really little he wasn't though, but as soon as I reached puberty he seemed to change entirely. I guess it's possible that I might have deserved it in some way, but the man is even rude to waitstaff. He's fucked.
Why would you deserve it? Sounds like bad parenting. Shouldnt resort to mental/physical abuse of a child.
You femanon OP?
If so, tits or gtfo
I phrased that weird lol, I don't think I deserve it, but random waiters definitely don't deserve it. It's possible I was a shit kid (I wasn't), but he is rude to everyone.
I'm out then I guess. It doesn't really matter, I don't want anything from you guys except a chance to vent.
I mean, were you too sexy? Pics plz.
Screw that user. I was abused to, and your voice matters. Vent away, screw the victim shamers.
Pics or it didn't happen