We're all in agreement that Sam was the real hero of Lord of the Rings, right?
We're all in agreement that Sam was the real hero of Lord of the Rings, right?
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What do you mean 'we'? Tolkien himself said that Sam was the true hero. You're not saying anything new here, most people already agree with that assertion.
>this lil hobbit made something older than the planet his bitch
>meanwhile gandalf couldn't even 1v1 a silly little firey headed demon
He did win that 1vs1 fight though. It was the DoT that ended up killing him.
It's really hard for me to enjoy Samwise Gamgee or see him as a hero after I found out what a cunt Sean Austin was during the filming of the movies.
explain pls
dumb wikiposter
>older than the planet
It'd be a lot to explain, but he wrote a book bitching about random stuff that went on during the production of the trilogy, and other actors generally felt like he had an undeserved air of superiority or unfriendliness about him because he saw himself as more of a seasoned actor than the rest of the hobbits in particular. He didn't go out to any of the gay bars Ian Mckellen took them to and spent most of his time in his trailer bitching about wearing the prosthetic feet for so long. Also he hated Andy Serkis for some practical stunt. (I think it was pulling him back or tossing him in the water?) Admittedly, it's funny that Sam's actor hated Gollum's actor as much as the characters did, but it's all just one depressing mess that ruins the cozy image I had in my head about them being a real life fellowship.
>but it's all just one depressing mess that ruins the cozy image I had in my head about them being a real life fellowship.
Stopped reading here. What sort of autistic child do you have to be to care how well actors get along?
that's actually pretty disappointing but i'm intrigued. not sure if i should read it at the risk of losing some of the films coziness.
Why do you think so many childish retards insist on branding actors as /theirguys/?
Wow way to misunderstand Tolkien
Ungoliant is the oldest and no one knows where or when she came from
I just want to believe that people playing roles in movies for so long would develop a good friendship together and bring some of that wonder off-screen. There's nothing wrong with being optimistic.
How come at that final battle, Aragorn says "FOR FRODO!"
What about Sam?
Don't worry, bud. I also feel the same
Filming LOTR would've been one whole gigantic campaign trip in NZ wilderness.
Watch the documentary series, the behind the scenes stuff is kino
you stopped reading there, because it ended there you memeing faggot
did he seriously? in all the appendix interviews he seemed whatever about all the annoying prosthetics and that scene where andy pulled his wig in the two towers
no gollum was the real hero without him the ring would not have fallen into the lava...impretty sure sam would not have pushed frodo in the lava like he did with gollum
>insert batman quote here
>Sam's the 'true hero'
There's no one 'true hero'. Frodo is the legit ringbearer and suffers most horribly. Yet Sam keeps him on track and is every bit as heroic as Frodo is. On a broader scale, dwarves, elves and men all uniting as one brotherhood is what saves the day.
> tldr; Fellowship is the hero
>The power of friendship/love
Interesting how such a simple concept can be executed so well when most of the time it's used cheaply.
>What sort of autistic child do you have to be to care how well actors get along?
Stopped reading there.
i have like 6 gay coworkers and I wouldn't go along with them to a gay bar either . do you hate me? they're fine people but i have no interest in going along to a simpsons skit with them
Frodo failed at the last hurdle but that's the nature of the ring. Sam helped him reach the last hurdle. Gollum in the end was the 'tragic hero'; the ring could only be destroyed in the end by someone who had no intention of destroying it.
Frodo went through the entire trip suffering from the equivalent of heroin withdrawal.
>this lil hobbit made something older than the planet his bitch
Ungoliant isn't older than Arda, and Shelob is a spawn of Ungoliant. The Balrog however was, as he was a Maiar that was corrupted by Melkor before creation of Arda.
Sauron was dipshit
Stopped reading here.
Most likable character in the films by far, that's for sure.
>made something older than the planet his bitch
thanks to the elven dildo he was holding
>a silly little firey headed demon
balrogs are maiar, so is gandalf. it could have gone either way
Galadriel's riverdancing is what saved the middle earth
its also one of the reasons I dislike all the "SAM AND FRODO ARE TOTALLY LIKE GAY" folks
Their tale is about friendship in its truest form, adding anything romantic to it would just cheapen the whole ordeal.
>the light of a literal silmaril.
>a dildo.
DoT? I'm missing something, what does that mean?
Of course, its a British military thing Tolkien is referencing.
Frodo is an officer, Merry and Pippin are similarly of the officer class, Sam is his batman.
Sam did all the work but the credit rightfully lies with the officers. Because. Sam is somewhat less servile in the film than in the book of course.
Cineasts will also remember this from The Battle of Britain where Ian McShane gets shit from a child for being a Sergeant (the difference between Pilot Officer and a Sergeant Pilot was literally only where you went to school).
It's a video game term meaning Damage over Time. He killed the Barlog but was immediately after finished by the lingering damage from his flame based attacks.
>Sam had the ring for like a day at most
>Frodo carried it for a year
It's just a bar though, and if you're out for a drink with co workers and they want to have it at the gay bar then why not come along.
They're not forcing you to wear a butt plug the moment you set foot in the establishment and having you suck the beer out of a plastic dick. It's just a bar, but the clientele are homosexuals.
do you have a link to these/torrent? ive watched the fellowship on youtube but the rest is nowhere to be seen online. Or do i have to buy extended editions?
totally unrelated, but during my time in the army my sergeant would go to gay bars often. He wasnt gay at all, but due to his boyish looks and military physique he could score free drinks all night long
LotR timeline doesnt make any sese.
You're a dumb cunt then.
You're fucking A right he was.
Apparently I'm just a dumb cunt.
Best LOTR thread I've seen on Sup Forums
Sam was loyal to Frodo but didn't really have any sense of responsibility as far as actually saving the world went. If he saw Frodo die he probably wouldn't take the ring and start walking towards Mordor himself, whereas I think Frodo would if Sam died. I think you have to give Frodo points there.
are you sure he wasn't taking it up the ass?
Frodo was the ring bearer, it was his task to destroy the ring, and no one else's
Sam was his gardener and servant
Ian McShane is not in these films...
I want more stuff set in the LOTR universe, please Chris just sell the rights.
seriously jackson?
That was after Aragorn murdered a diplomatic envoy, he wasn't thinking about purehearted Sam.
>Ian McKellen will never take you, Ellijah Wood, Dominic Monaghan, and based Billy Boyd to a gay bar
>you will never dance on the tables with Dom and Billy and sing Hobbit songs while all the gay men clap
>you will never stumble out a few hours later and see Viggo in full Aragorn gear casually walking down the road with his sword out
Shelob wasn't Ungoliant, just its daughter, and Gandalf did defeat the Balrog while being incarnated in a weak form.
I think it's time to get a LOTR marathon going again. I wish I had a good enough comp to stream it for Sup Forums
You can literally track the Fellowship's progress through moon phases. Tolkien thought about it harder than you.
I feel your pain, I'd be streaming shit constantly otherwise
Great, another body acceptance thread.
Which is...bad?
Don't undervalue frodo's heroism. He was willing to go to Mordor himself, even without Sam.
He's a super friendly and nice guy. That's an extraordinary amount of time to have to spend shooting a movie in a foreign country, I'm sure there were days he was tired of some of it. As far as the gay bars, religion might have something to do with it, so he might've been friends with Ian but didn't want to go surround himself with the lifestyle. With Andy Serkis, I have no idea, he seems like someone who may go overboard with his characters, who knows.
For death and glory.
Because a lot of Lotr is effectively a commentary on class politics and Jackson realised this, why would a king cheer on a serf and not his lord?
Frodo carried the burden of the ring, Sam carried Frodo.
the relationship is somewhat different than in the books
in the books Sam is decades younger than Frodo (who is 50 years old)
and Sam is more a servant than a friend
they obviously care deeply for one another, but it is a servant looking after his master
Frodo is a rich man from an aristocratic family, Sam is a humble gardner
in the movies, they are of the same age, Sam is obese for some reason, and they are more friends than anything else
But when Sam thinks Frodo is dead (after being stung by Shelob) he takes the ring with the intention of finishing the task.
People who don't have a good circle of friends probably can't relate to the friendship in the lotr.
wasnt it destroyed by god
Yeah, you are, you dumb cunt.
is this peak kino?
Gay bars are fucking FUN, especially if you're straight.
Gay men hitting on you and you get to turn them down which makes you feel kinda good in a weird way... and they ALWAYS bring straight females along with them.
You haven't lived till you've got hammered at gay bars and pulled a straight chick after doing really terrible kareoke with a transvestite.
>venerating the hired help
His gardner and part-time manservant, nothing more
The real hero is Elrond with the strength and wisdom to precipitate through gentle encouragement over millennia the eventual downfall of Sauron
>Sam literally carries a ringbearer to the doorstep of Magic Hitler's garage to destroy the most powerful weapon ever made
>"durrr Sam didn't do anything"
Yet even Elrond never wanted to go walk to Mordor, ever. A couple of Halfings did it.
If you don't think that Boromir was the hero then you're a fucking idiot
God damn right he was. Dude stepped up more than anyone, considering he was just a midget with zero life experience at the start. By the end, he's fighting off monsters and essentially saving the planet.
Why didn't the half elf push Isildur into the fire?
>just won a major victory
>dude you fought with is literally the biggest Chad in Middle Earth now
>defeated Mordor's armies, ""killed"" Sauron 1v1 and even took his ultimate weapon
>"why wasn't this man, who would have been lauded as a fucking god now, just get pushed in the lava?"