I don't want to live anymore. What should I do?
I don't want to live anymore. What should I do?
Suicide, maybe?
Go do a heap of drugs and watch your life spiral even more out of control
I think I will.
doing drugs can make you wake the fuck up, I used to be pretty suicidal, then when I tried weed for the first time all the shitty stuff that happened in my life flashed before my eyes, and now I find my purpose in life is to just face all those things head on, and ever since my mind has been all sorted instead of being all over the place.
Life reset
If shit ever got so bad, save up a couple grand and just move the fuck away and see what you can do
Take either psilocybe mushrooms or ketamine they're both great for depression
Go for it. What's the worst that could happen? :P
>I don't want to live anymore
What's up with that, what happened with you?
another thing id like to add to this, never do suicide, its seriously never the answer. its just the pussy's way out.
if you commit suicide then you are just letting the system beat you, dont be like that op, you are better than that.
beat the system, dont let it beat you
Long story short, I got kicked from a discord sever for not giving the mod money.
Maybe drugs are the way for me.
I'm 18. I am in not position to reset my life.
Try becoming an hero
What this guy said. My insecurities manifesting as me being toxic to people close to me. When I tried cannabis I realized how much my insecurities came from a mix of a lack of self love and worries that I wouldn't be good enough. Ever since then I've focused mostly on dealing with my worries when they come up, instead of feeding them constant attention.
This seems like it's so vaguely described that it almost sounds trivial.
If that's all it takes for you to become suicidal then you should off yourself now
I promised to give a girl airpods for attention from her. Thought she did not have a boyfriend. She and her friend lied and said she didn't when she did so she could get money. When I told I can't give her anymore money she kicked me from the sever.
>never do suicide, its seriously never the answer. its just the pussy's way out.
Running away from your problems and hiding behind "recreative" drugs is not a good thing. It's on the same level of pussyness as killing yourself.
So you're telling me that you lost your will to live over some trivial bullshit?
I recommend using a hemp rope or ye ol' painkillers and vodka.
This is stupid, you're stupid.
Women do that kind of shit all the time. Just look out and don't let it happen again
Should I try to live?
Fair enough.
I just lost my 12-year long relationship, now that shit stings. You'll be fine.
I'm sorry to hear that, user.
no you're not, why are you lying?
I am sorry to hear that. It sucks.
better question is, why are you responding to such obvious B8?
Who are you talking to?
Ouch, that must've hurt a lot, and yes, cause I'm sure you wouldn't want me to sugarcoat it, what you did was stupid. You need to realize why it is you are so desperate for someones attention as to give them bribes for it. Find attention in healthier ways, that's it. This is no reason for suicide, I'm gonna assume this is just one in other events that make you want to commit sudoko but no. Go do some fun shit in your life. Suicide is stupid to even think about after this. It will be an embarrassing dumb memory of your life, that's all.
Who are you talking to?
You're right. Thank you. It still hurts tho. Those people laughing at me in the sever. How do I get that out of my head?
Who are you talking to?
>I don't want to live anymore. What should I do?
They're nothing but words/voices on the internet, fuck em.
look at the bigger picture, it's a fucking discord server. how old are you dude? ifyou're over 20 and caring about what people think in your discord server, get your shit together. do some irl shit with irl friends
Thank you, user.
Who am I talking to?
This. Though I have made IRL best buds doin this.
They won't even remember this come tomorrow. So you shouldn't either.
Honestly, you won't fully forget the laughter soon, especially if it's recent that this event happened, but I would just try and focus on the why/how I got myself in a situation like the one you did, and how to avoid it in the future. Yet it just seems you clearly want some form of attention, especially female, try to see why it is you are so desperate for it. It could even have just been a dumb horny decision I bet but I'd try to get better at realizing when my dick is the one doing the thinking. If the people in the discord laughing at you for what happened, that's a very weird group your involved with in the first place. But to most people, it is slightly a comedic situation. The joke is usually the funniest to the person that didn't go through it. I don't really know how to answer you in all honesty. Deal with it in a healthier way than thinking suicide is the answer to getting rid of the laughter, because that is a severly drastic decision to take. Your emotions are still really high from the event, not to mention your ego must've taken a huge bruise. Take time to heal in ways that bring you progress. Whether that be playing a new game/getting into a new/old neglected hobby, you know yourself best.
Thank you for the advice, user. I will think of your words.
Also, I do like this guy's straightforward approach the most.
Forget the girl. If she's begging for money and lying about having a boyfriend it just shows she's a cheap skank who would only do the same to you if you was her boyfriend. There's probably well over hundreds of thousands of people on this planet looking for someone like you. So just get up, brush of this inconvenience, get out there and find those people.
Thank you, user.