Hillary is letting nigger mothers speak at dnc
Fugg zim zam should speak at the rnc
Why are people still saying these nigs were victims?
This fucking woman makes me sick. Bernie Sanders was a fucking RETARD and I think his economic and immigration policies would be TERRIBLE for this country, however, I never thought he was evil, like he just wants to crush people for power, just way fucking misguided.
Hillary Clinton is the fucking embodiment of evil, I swear she's the spawn of Satan. She will step on anyone and anything for power. This wildly obvious pandering in order to stoke racial divides, buy nigger poll attendance, and bring out the self hating white people is fucking disgusting and it will probably work, those people are fuckin full on sheep.
I hate the bitch, but, I'll give her her fuckin due............she's a brilliant politician, she could sell a fucking popsicle to an eskimo.
hillary is the next greatest thing to happen to murica broo gang 69 bless my fucking ball sack you unculted swine pusss y pusss y fagg feggetts cocking sloooots
It amazes me that she hasn't learned to stop siding with the losing team yet. She's so out of touch that she thinks she can support the people who sympathize with cop killers without alienating voters.
Keep fucking going, Hillary. Please, for the love of god, keep going.
This will surely help her general appeal to the public, and will in no way hurt her.
Reddit comments make me want to commit genocide. These faggots are all still saying trayvin and Mike were "murdered" and they downvote ask the redpilled comments.
What about the families of the officers killed in the last week or so? Seems a bit one sided to be honest family member
>It amazes me that she hasn't learned to stop siding with the losing team yet
I think it has to do with all the 20-something millennials she has running her campaign. There is a serious hivemind and it is going to bite her in the ass over the next few months.
In 2012, Romney went into election night thinking he was really going to win... the hivemind that developed among his team said that all the national polls that showed him behind were oversampling democrats and invalid.
God it's beautiful, she's both alienating moderate whites who will actually show up to the polls in favor of the "oh fuck that shit was today" voting block.
This is a fucking GARGANTUAN miscalculation on her part. She's only going to lose votes from this, potentially enough to fuck her over in some key states, and I'll explain why.
Soccer moms.
The suburban soccer mom liberal is one of Hillary's strongest demographics. Here's the thing about suburban soccer mom liberals: they like cops. They know cops. They live next door to cops. Cops coach their kids in little league. Cops sit outside their local high school (their all white high school) to ward off trouble.
Soccer mom liberals don't give a shit about blacks. They don't encounter them often, and they like it that way, even though they'll never admit it.
So when Hillary goes up on stage at the DNC, and she tacitly blames cops for 'good cops' getting slaughtered by militant blacks, she's going to lose the soccer moms.
Above all, soccer moms want safety and prosperity for their children. Parading a bunch of dindus on stage to wag their fingers at the evil po-leece is going to enrage a lot of casual liberals.
Source: my mom is a lifelong Massachusetts liberal who recently hopped on the Trump Train because of BLM's war on the police. A lot of liberals are actually smart enough to see this as what it is: an attack on the literal pillars of society.
Every time there's another cop shooting, that's another bunch of older voters (who have the highest turnout) that go Trump. Landslide coming!
Ive never gotten through those comments without laughing.
Quit smoking weed dumbass
>Christopher Poole
>With Love From The Jewish Community
But not their fathers, of course.
This will go well.
So she's using human shields now.
>mfw one of these dindus goes WAY off script and says some wildly racist, anti-white, call-to-violence shit and completely tanks Hillary's entire campaign
She's literally giving the founders of BLM an open mic in front of the entire world, in HER name.
What could possibly go wrong? Now I actually have a reason to watch the DNC.
I never even thought of this. Holy fuck, I gotta tune in now.
And with whatever jive she espouses at the bully pulpit comes the end of Clinton's presidential ambitions; she seals her legacy as the Buffalo Bills of US Presidential Elections.
Seeing my OC under my OC not posted by me confused the shit out of me. I need another nuke image.
Did she just decide she wants Trump to win all the sudden? Holy shit what a stupid cunt!
I suspect it's a move to prevent and appease BLM
Apparently I'm Satan.
Wow support our police not thugs you dumb bitch
Are the cops who were killed recently getting a gofundme?
You're talking about a candidate who is literally banking everything on her being a woman and getting vagina solidarity votes.
She just doesn't care, she will do anything to win.