no wincest? ok ill start then with a pic, also if my 204 Sup Forumsros still lurk around n got any good ones of her help a homie out. pic very very "related" kek
No wincest? ok ill start then with a pic...
gonna take a bit to write story out,bit drunk bit tweeked out atm, its bad combo for story telln but will contue to post more pics in the mean time for fapping sake
>be me 25 hit hard times and had to move in to my unlces place for a bit.
>walk in to his place for the first time in 10 years dreading it never got along with him very well.
>few days go by i mostly stay in my room while there at first since after not seeing family for 10 years there like pure stangers too me.
>finally my cousin comes home from her friends after spending the weekend out, holy fuck shes hotter then sraacha sauce on the dick, damn why we gotta be related.
>later that night she comes n knocks on my door and wants me to go buy her some beer since shes only 16.
>of course now problem i couldent deny someone drugs or alcohl, we destrory a 24 me and her alone and catch up abit, and omg this chick is fucking awesome, fucked up humor, likes classic rock and can back it up with song names, band members and triva and such not just saying shes likes it, pretty much hitting every check box in what i want in a woman.
>keep reminding myself not to hit on her shes my cousin, god fuckn damn it.
>still eyeball fucking the shit out of her as shes wearing litle spandex shorts and a trank top, my god that the nicest ass i ever seen im thinking to my self
>god damn it why do we have to be related.
side note still to this day nicest ass ive ever seen for real wow
>both call it a night and kindda crash out where we fall.
>to be contunued...
Bump for interest
best one i have of the mentioned booty, all my good pics got gone when my old computer got stolen unfortunatly