This is a documentary FILM. It's a FILM. I should be able to discuss it without the mods deleting it...

This is a documentary FILM. It's a FILM. I should be able to discuss it without the mods deleting it, especially when there are 50 capeshit meme threads

Next janny that deletes it I'm reporting to /qa/

good documentary that proves hitler did nothing wrong

You're attracting some serious JIDF here.

Go cry some more cuck.

I look forward to the delete and you bitching to the admins like a baby


Why so terrified of a thread you don't like? You sound like a really fragile pussy.

Will have to check this out. Looks like some real jew kryptonite. Never see thks response to anything else WW2 related.

>thread deleted
>this was left up
modding based on politics and he's a pedo?

it is very good

It's on my to-watch list, but I'm well read on the subject.

isnt this whole documentary essentially 'hitler did nothing wrong?'

I have not seen this film.
Can someone give me a quick rundown?

most of this documentaries 'facts' are just pulled straight from the Nazi propaganda at the time. The Nazis didn't have an economic miracle at all.

- real wages didn't really increase in the 10 years they were in power before the beginning of WW2
- the national deficit doubled in this time while tax revenue only increased 50%
- they conscripted all their unemployed into non-productive military jobs
- their unemployment figures were constantly tampered with, like taking citizenship off the Jews so they were no longer in the tally.
-trade between other nations reduced because of nazi doctrine pushing for self-sufficiency
- how do you have an economic boom while trade is simultaneously reducing and you're creating millions of non-productive jobs in the military? durrr

the fact is that the Nazi government was facing bankruptcy and were put in the position where they were almost forced to invade poland and empty their banks or face a financial catastrophe. They also confiscated assets from certain peoples (jews, commies, etc) to help pay for a lot of this.

The nazis were excellent at propaganda though and spun a lot of bullshit.

Never stop fighting, OP. Never stop fighting, 'til the fight is done.

Here endeth the lesson.

Yes. Its full off half-truths and false information, but presented in a quite convincing way.

And it sucks.

this is horribly produced on top of being crappily written. i guess that shouldn't be a surprise considering its pov

most of this posts 'facts' are just pulled straight from the Ally propaganda at the time. The Allies didn't have an economic miracle at all.

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from invading Poland.

The Jews were excellent at propaganda though and spun a lot of bullshit.

Isn't that how the USA creates jobs?

Fight the good fight, OP.
Just like Hitler, he never quit either.

>I'm reporting to /qa/
lmao, and why should that change anything?
>boo hoo hoo mods are evil and I'll tell Hiro to do something with you :(

/qa/ is dead jim




conscripting the unemployed and revoking people's citizenship?


stay mad jew

>I should be able to discuss it

lel. whiny, entitled nazi baby


why? we rule the white house

IP logged and noted for the other threads you post

>Wants to discuss a film on a board for television and films
>Whiny, entitled Nazi baby

>I should decide what is and isn't allowed to be discussed
fuck off

>>I should decide what is and isn't allowed to be discussed
Sounds like a typical jew

>look at the reviews for it on iMDB
>very first review I see uses the term "red-pill" in the first sentence
>second review I read calls people criticizing it "shills"
Yeah, don't pretend this isn't just a Sup Forums thread you slimy git. Piss off and discuss it there instead, nothing's stopping you.

It's not a discussion. he wants a Sup Forumscirclejerk over their fake history. Go to your safespace to do that

Yeah, yeah. Mods = fags.
This shouldn't be a surprise.

>he wants a Sup Forums circlejerk over their fake history
History as depicted in a FILM. Stop crying. He objectively has every right.

neckbeard fanfic in a 6 hour autistic rant on youtube that claims Auschwitz was a swim club

>The fact that Sup Forumstards like a film somehow makes that film not a film

It really doesn't. The neckbeard is a disgusting parasite. Anything it enjoys is literal garbage.

Think you can fit a few more buzzwords in there, buddy?

It's still a FILM shlomo.


Holy shit samefag gtfo

kill yourself like your fuhrer, neckbeard piece of shit



No, it's fiction or at the very most, revisionist history.

But you should be able to discuss it.

The janitors know exactly what you're trying to do. You're not trying to talk about the documentary, you're trying to Trojan Horse Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums via this documentary.

Why is that man wearing braids? I thought Nazis don't like degenerates.

Okay, here's my review:

Sup Forums likes it, so probability dictates that it's almost certainly shit and riddled with selective truths/omissions.

There. That's my final review, and I won't say any more on the matter. I welcome others to do the same.

Ok, great, but it's still a film that is fair game on a film board. This is not a debate, it's objective fact.

Why can't the people getting triggered just learn how to hide threads?

Yeah you thick cunt, that's why I reviewed it.

You said "don't pretend this isn't a Sup Forums thread." It's not a Sup Forums thread.

>spammer didn't answer your question int he last thread but kept posting
Is it, dare I say, time for him to be range banned?

It's a Sup Forums thread and a Sup Forums thread and even a /his/ thread. The only reason it's been posted here is rather than on the much larger higher-traffic board is because Sup Forums likes to act like Jehovah's Witnesses but they're less honest about it.

Really tinkers my jamjams

They want to shut down threads that contradict their narrative because they have no argument, but they know they'll look like the censoring cunts they are if they admit that it's the political views that bother them. So they act like it's everything BUT the politics that are the problem, to the point where they'll try to convince people that discussion of a film documentary is not related to film.

You already know this, and so does most of Sup Forums, but they seem to think they're fooling people so they keep doing it. It's pretty funny, and one of the main reasons to come to Sup Forums still.


fuck off to Sup Forums or /his/

yet another thinly veiled attempt to discuss nazi shit on this board


JIDF pls go


>Sup Forumspraganda
It's a flick, not a film.

>- their unemployment figures were constantly tampered with, like taking citizenship off the Jews so they were no longer in the tally.
So the jews didn't do honest work at all? Really makes you think...

It's really long but it is good for at least one watch through. Portions of it or something more similar to it should probably be mandatory viewing in school to articulate how people become enamored by right wing politics.

It's pure kino, you kike.


It's so easy to call someone a Nazi because

it's a buzzword.

Nazi stands for National Socialist

The Nazi didn't even call themselves Nazi's

Why don't people call them national socialists?

It's either this or watching Zeitgeist

Hey, I'm right-wing as fuck, but I ain't Nazi!

Hitler was shit tier; true patricians love Stalin

I'm right-wing as fuck, but I'm Nazi. gtfo fake right

>he doesn't like nazi Kino.


Nazi scum are the fucking worst.

You're basically cuckolds for shitty german supremacy instead of defending your proud and beautiful anglo-saxon origins


Why do whitebois praise and follow a race and ideology that literally contributed nothing to mankind and were only relevant for how badly they were beaten by people they deemed inferior? Sad bunch of folks really, and don't even bother to try and debate me because I know I'm right ;)

You are more left wing than me, economically speaking, you protectionist fuck!

Daily Reminder that hitler hid in his cuckbunker while big, strong Soviet bulls were literally raping Germany

Shut the fuck up you nigger worshipping faggot

t. Sup Forums

And now 70 years later you get a society in which degeneracy is seen as progressive and encouraged. There is nothing beautiful about the state of the world


russian subhumans are inferior. they simply had millions more fighting age men. also the world went into space with german technology

>fake history

Everything is fake unless it is JEW APPROVED, right goy?

why are leftists so bad at making memes?


nah bro i dont live in modern germany

If aryans were so """superior""" then a numerical disadvantage wouldn't be a problem in modern warfare :^)

Fair enough. Another good movie in the same vein as this one is Triumph of the Will. I'm surprised it isn't posted on tv more often since its said to be the greatest propaganda film of all time.

You do realise thats its 90% fictional right?

Some of the things it explains are real, like the Communist revolt etc, but the rest is complete fiction m8. Please dont base your historical "opinon" on neo-nazi propaganda.

Read some actual books.

>he hasnt seen it
>he thinks books don't also describe what this documentary shows

>I should be able to discuss it
>check thread
>0 discussing about the film

wow what a surprise!

the wermacht took out about 10 soviets for every casualty they suffered

You spelled Wehrmacht wrong, and they still lost.
Wars aren't won by ratios.

Dubs don't lie. Kino confirmed.

the 10:1 ratio indicates that they were superior to subhuman russians

You never had a thread about this deleted, attention whore.

Ive watched close to 25 parts on youtube before I was done with the inaccuracies and the sensationalist nature of the film.

Its well made and I appreciate the fact that it can easily fool retards into blindly accepting it as truth, but dont base your historical "opinion" on one "documentary". Even books can be propaganda (jewish propaganda), but thats why you dont just read one book, you read many many books.

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