So user, what have you done for women today?
What do you say
So user, what have you done for women today?
I ate out my gf and made her cum on my cock. Does that count?
well done user
I completed the next chapter of my erotic fantasy novel where the heroine dismantles all the logical foundations of feminism while getting herself raped to her slutty heart's content while having adventures in a high fantasy setting that teenage girls will love
I hope my book will contribute to at least 20% of the collapse of feminism in the next decade
I made her feel like a woman when I handed her a full laundry basket
Made her cum, did her dishes, and helped her with a design project. Also made her a synthwave/goth playlist
If you’re a male writer no feminist will take it seriously once they see the how you write her dialogue(and the rape)
You’ll never get published
>a male writer
who can roleplay as a woman author as well as the next anonymous author who decided to use a nom-de-plume, and who can chose to identify as any gender he wants for dealing with publisher, didyoujustmisgendermeyoubigot.wmv
>once they see the how you write her dialogue(and the rape)
they won't see shit if I write about the consequences of the explanations of the fundamental psychological analysis of rape fantasies, from a host of studies on female psychology that are very rarely spoken about and kept extremely confidential
the few tries I made in writing short stories using this sort of psychology trickery have been extraordinarily well recieved by women, without raising any suspicon about the origin of their success
>You’ll never get published
online authoring has never been easier
after the numbers will come in, publishers will fight each other for the rights to the 2nd tome and the rest of the serie
who's that cutie in the middle
a 6.5/10 in the middle of two 5/10
it's a girl trick, you wouldn't understand
shes my type
Please post link? Would buy
the one that is into anal is my type
Please tell me your rape secrets :O
i agree
no link yet, but I'll be sure to shill the completed book here for shit, giggles and profit
no short stories link either, sorry, I don't want to link a former persona on erotic litterature websites with the new one I'm creating for this book
don't be sad, if you have read some well-rated rape fantasy stories in some smutty place, they may have been mine
what girls want is just to be forcefully taken by an adequate male male, and the forcefulness of the male depends on the conviction he has that his taking of the female is within his right (lover, spouse) or within his might (rapist)
imagine the brute saying to the frightened maiden he has just grabbed and hauled on his horse "Ill ride you like I stole you..."
Nice to all of that. Thanks for the insight . :p
Nothing, because I've never met a woman who didn't cheat, abuse their children, or manipulate their family.
A poor approach.
Just be more interesting than them, and they are yours. That's all it takes.
For long term, you don't want a woman that plays any kind of games: so just being you, becoming friends, and then eventually dating will yield best results. That takes ages to work, but that's how you find the one.
>A poor approach.
that is not the approach I'm describing, but the consuming of the carnal act, where the woman has to be in the position where she recieves all the action and energy that the male decides to spend on and in her
the approach is an entierely different game, where the respective roles have to be established in the social game usually led, and always judged, by the woman
the cure for feminism is when a woman understands the ultimate goal of the role of the male, and helps him without him noticing to reach it
the slut
Went out for a hot chocolate with my gf and paid for it (although she paid last time so I was just balancing things out)
Love this, and agreed :D
fucking kek, based
Relates to my experiences so far, and will use in future ones
>the cure for feminism is when a woman understands the ultimate goal of the role of the male, and helps him without him noticing to reach it
what a clever way to describe with limpid clarity such a fascinating and devious concept
would read
I avoid women at all costs, unless there is a chance of fucking them.
>high fantasy setting
>rape fantasy heroine
>getting herself all smuted up
write moare!