Dubs and I kill myself

dubs and I kill myself

Attached: 1556239972853.jpg (2048x1357, 1.18M)

Too easy

Attached: DIN.jpg (582x768, 193K)

dubs and I do it

Post proof

dubs and I livestream my suicide

If you were serious you would do it on singles

I’m going to be the voice or reason and say don’t do it user. It will get better.

It's serious enough to consider it

But I need a sign



Rolling again

> (You)
>Rolling again
Third time's a charm

please let me be the decider
dubs get!!!!!!!!

if you need a stupid number rolled on a website to decide if you are going to kys then you're an attention seeking piece of shit.
So fuck off and kys without spamming crap like this

Yay this faggot will kill himself now

you just killed op. congratulations you lucky son of a bitch

>you're an attention seeking piece of shit
I'm not op but you have no idea what your talking about. Have you ever seriously contemplated suicide only to realize that nobody cares or would miss you? people don't want to feel insignificant which is why they share their suicide with the internet

I wanted this

no, they share their suicide with Sup Forums. which is not the internet. it's just a bunch of fucking retards and cucks. they're still insignificant, if anything more so, because they reduced the decision of whether they live or die to a random chance, generated by other fucking retards like myself on Sup Forums.

Don't try to make a suicidal person feel even more justified in what's already the most selfish fucking short sighted decision they'll ever make in life.

The fuck would I want to kill myself, I am not a piece of shit that needs the attention form someone on the internet to save my life, someone that doesn't know me in person or has any impact in my daily life.

If you think nobody cares or would miss you then you then you are 1) fucking stupid, 2) have pushed/done shit to push people away that did care or 3) haven't tried to make connections to keep yourself alive.

Also me, don't have anyone really significant in my life, my parents mainly but not super close with them anyway. Never though of killing myself because I'm fine by myself, I don't need other people to make me whole.

live stream! you said!

Fucking dumb bitch

looks like op ran away to cry for more attention elsewhere since this thread ended to quickly for him

OP here. I haven't gotten dubs yet why would it be over.

? dubs up there and you just got dubs you fucking retard

Time to die cuck

Well now it's over.

its been over for a long time but op is just blind

wheres that livestream you promised faggot

OP won't because he's a faggot that ran away and tried to deny dubs happened so early in his attention seeking thread