What was the moral of the story?

What was the moral of the story?

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nahzi's are bad mmkay

Doesn't matter if you're racist or not, life will still find a way to fuck you in the ass.

around blacks never relax

No matter what happens, the Jews will find a way to set whites against blacks, and vice-versa.

Violence breeds more violence, but niggers breed faster.

Muh tolerance just means whites letting their guard down and getting killed.

Niggers will betray you with no remorse

Still cant believe the whole movie was shot in black and white

That you're a neckbeard faggot

Just because racial stereotypes are usually right doesn't mean you should let it dominate your life and control how you treat people you don't know.

Go back to Sup Forums JIDF

Never, ever relax.

Whiteys are all insecure little faggots


Based Asian masculinity poster.

I was really racist until one day one black guy in prison was okay and some white guys were not and so my whole world view was destroyed in an instant.

Violence begets violence and hate is baggage

I might be mistaken, but I believe it was the niggers that beget the violence, and that living in the immediate vicinity of niggers was the true baggage. Had niggers never existed, Derek's dad (a firefighter putting out a fire) would have never been killed by a nigger while putting out a nigger fire in some useless nigger neighborhood.

You know, anons, that's a really funny way of saying "in the last twenty years since the Internet became accessible to just about everybody, we have worked mercilessly to find out what you probably knew but didn't want to address - that the Rothschild Family, George Soros, David Rockefeller and a host of other soulless individuals have been working non-stop for the last 250 years, from generation to generation, to destroy every non-Jew on this planet and create a paradise for themselves, and themselves only."

I'm pretty sure that's what you meant, right? Right?

Pro-tip, sonny. There's no "middle ground" anymore. They control the banks. They control the media. They control your "entertainment" that you talk about here on Sup Forums. They control everything and use unethical and immoral means to continue controlling it.

You're with them, or you're with us. Take the Sup Forums pill. We have a cosy fire and we don't want to cut people like you the FUCK down.

Nigs gonna nog

Even when niggers deserve to die, you're doing yourself a disfavour by killing and hating them. Also, sometimes they are doing what they're doing as a result of their surroundings, so simply that they're black isn't the entire problem.

I meant you're a neckbeard faggot who thinks he's doing a service by shilling nonsense on a baby cartoon board while living off mummy

there's a reason nobody in the real world takes you parasites seriously

A black person's head is no match for a curb.

>types the aesthetic God, as he brushes the piles of self made cash and beautiful women off of his keyboard, to post another image of stormfront

>there's a reason nobody in the real world takes you parasites seriously

This one is 4 U.


around blacks never relax
literally can't take a piss without a nigger shooting you because he can't fight for shit

lmao, do you still trump is "your guy"?

>lmao, do you still trump is "your guy"?