What is the cleanest way of committing suicide?

What is the cleanest way of committing suicide?

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helium tank

cleanest or least painful

Time travel fetal cord suicide like in the butterfly effect.

blow ur brains out and get ur down syndrome children to clean it up after.

Overdosing on psilocybin

it's super clean to fly into a black hole

Dying in a washing machine or falling into a vat of bleach.

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Especially clean, because of relatives/friends or anyone that finds the body. Least painful is also preferred but the first one is most important

that was an awful film, especially the original release with the godawful ending. at least the directors cut made more sense and was more satisfying, but what a pile of shite overall

Clean? Think of the economy, user! Make a mess! Someone has to clean that up. And it's a well paying job too!

Reminder: If you kill yourself "cleanly" and quietly, you'll still rot for a few months before they find your body. There will still be a massive mess to clean. So just go out with a bang and create some jobs.

also least painful

can i have your volvo then
pls im broke and live in the middle of nowhere. all i have is a bike

This. You'll just float up into the stratosphere and become space debris.

the middle of the ocean so that your body can decompose is probably the best place
hang off the edge of a boat with a load of weights and shoot yourself i guess

>made more sense
it's not a movie for everyone to 'get'
i hate movies that spoon fed you info in subtitles and poorly made scenes.

Is this guaranteed to work 100%?
If I get a large gas canister and open it in my car with the windows closed? I don't want to use a breather

Starvation is the cleanest

it's not a difficult to understand film, the ending where he kills himself in the womb is just shit

Sodium thiopental or pentobarbital, then pancuronium bromide, and finally for good measure potassium chloride

for you maybe, not for whoever finds your rotting body


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>you'll still rot for a few months
I've always said to myself if I decided to do it, I'm doing it clean, or mostly clean.
my plan would be to drive out to a low traffic area with clear addresses. call 911, tell them im offing myself and how. wait about 5 or 10 minutes then cut both arteries. that way my organs will be fresh for transplant.
if you declined yourself a 2nd chance, give it to someone else.
OP should do this if he's a donor.

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No? Lmao
Your car is not air sealed by any means and there would be still be a pretty large amount of oxygen in there
Party balloon tanks don’t work either, you need the stuff from welding supply stores that has no oxygen in it


I think overdosing on heroin/opiates sounds fun to me, warm embrace then nod out then just die quietly

Chlorine mixed with bleach gets you hydrochloric acid
Get a Rubbermaid tub fill it up borrow neighbors slide go head first done.

This user is right

This user is a retard who likes to think they are smart.

The directors cut without question was better. The fetal death ending was clever; referenced back to his mom claiming she had several miscarriages before him; implying this whole time travel shicht has happened several times.
The original ending of him just telling the girl to not talk to him is fucking dumb and leaves so many loose ends.

Fun fact! Not all organs donors go for transplant! Some get cut up by uni students!

First you experience mental suicide.
Then you will feel dead inside as you work for idiots.
If you want the complete package.
Get married on top of it.
The emotional suicide will kick in shortly after the honeymoon.

Your bowels release as soon as you're dead. Unless you've got the world's cleanest colon, there is no clean way to die.

A decent filled helium filled gas canister (20L) would give plenty of time to disperse all oxygen out of the car and have it filled with practically 99% helium?

That sounds messy bc the splash will damage stuff around the pool.


I mean just no deformed body.. no cut up wrists, no mangled neck from hanging myself.

Imma guess 90% at best. I think you could still survive?

Get 2 big garbage bags. Sit down in one, tie other around your head

I’d prefer any of what you stated compared to having shat myself.
If you want clean, you’ve got to mean clean, OP.
You need to wash up your butt prior to suicide. Imagine being found by your dad and all he can think is how bad it smells to be in your presence? That’s his last memory of you.
OR, he can find you dead, love you anally and have a great memory of you before he calls the ambulance.

co2 poisoning in your garage.

assuming you don't vomit all over yourself

I'll take that into account, thanks

Doesn't this make you vomit?

Chlorine mixed with bleach just gets you chlorinated bleach and isn’t any more harmful than just bleach tbh
Hydrochloride avid is made with chlorine and hydrogen gas precipitated out from a very hot chamber, creating hydrochloride gas into water, making hydrochloric acid.
Or you can just buy the shit at ace hardware.

Regardless, it’s not that powerful of an acid and unless you basically drown yourself in it the acid won’t do much. You’d sooner drown in it than have the acid actually do anything to you.

Poop first

Drink a liter of RoundUp

Education is important

Jump into a volcano

You would need to air seal your car. And pump out all the oxygen as you introduce helium.
You’d be making a car sized exit bag.

Plug every vent, tape every door and window, lay down plastic bags on the floor and foot wells, cover up the speakers, any of those little screw holes, the cavities for the seatbelts, etc
There’s a lot of ways for air to move through your car, you’re not gonna crack open a helium tank and hope for the best. You’ll just sit there sounding like your balls are in a vice and feel dizzy for a bit.

Well, whatever the answer is... It's defiantly not 'Volvo'

this works

leave a note, then drive / walk deep into a forest. then method of your choice, nature does the cleanup for you.

there are overpressure vents in the rear quarter panel of the car

I'm supposed to be found and not look like a corpse

you don't have to use a mask for a exit bag. you can get an oven bag, tape a hose from the tank to the bag and use a draw string, tape, or a rubber band to keep the bag in place around your head. then the He is just filling the volume of bag, you'll need proper airflow though to create enough pressure to prevent outside air from filling the bag.