Would you rate the Holiday Special above Force Awakens?

Would you rate the Holiday Special above Force Awakens?

I cant wait for lukeposting to raise again in december

Above the prequels for sure. TFA was better than Jedi, so.. No.


I can get drunk and have a good time so yes

TFA is an awful film from any standpoint, just barley being better than TPM but worse than the rest

HOWEVER it didn't have that satanic Wookiee face

anyone who says it's better than any other star wars movie, including those fucking ewok ones, has either never seen the holiday special, or is lying through their teeth.

It's the worst kind of bad: boring. It's so fucking boring, it's not even good to make fun of its so terrible. It's a worse cash-in than anything Disney will ever make and shits all over the "lore" worse than any prequel.

>TFA was bad meme still up and running

It's generic nostalgia pandering crap, it's the same as Jurassic world and terminator 5.

Disney shill leave. Chewy's dad buying porn is kino that you'll never come close to

Hell no.

here come the memers...
>the muh unoriginal argument

>TFA was better than Jedi

How long until Hamill dies and we can find out what really happened to his face?

Yes. Oh god yes.


Nigga the movie is two hours of JJ not fucking bothering with plot

It is fucking unoriginal you simpleton. Whether you want to write it off as a meme or not, don't give a fuck. Even (((JJ))) said it was about remaking Star Wars for new audiences.

>liking something that's objectively terrible makes me a shill
Fuck off you contrarian cunt, no Star Wars movie past Empire has any redeeming artistry and RotJ was barely tolerable due to Lucas selling out. Everything else is terrible, some are just a lot worse than others.

Why did R2D2 turn on, thereby resolving the entire plot of the movie?

Where did Poe go? How did he suddenly return?

Were we supposed to care about those planets?

You didn't think Finn busting Poe out felt rushed, forced and artificial?

Come to think of it, you didn't think his entire turn was a rush job?

You didn't think Rey was a Mary Sue? One of the worst possible examples, at that?

You didn't think the death star was entirely superfluous to the movie?

You didn't think the ebtiew death star attack was one of the most phone-in pieces of tacked on filmmaking in the history of cinema?

Congratulations! You're are an pleb

No, I wont rate it at all, the holiday special is insanely bizarre.
The force awakens didn't work for me because I'm sick of JJ Abrams's gimmicks, he's not a good director, he's bringing his tv style to cinema and to me that's unacceptable.

Why did they make Luke a faggot?

>TFA better than Jedi