Previous threads: >Not sure what letterboxd is all about? The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the intelligent discussion of film as art by providing members with opportunities for intellectual discussion, by recognizing patrician taste through examinations and by calling out embryos as they appear.
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>QotT Why haven't you migrated to the superior site yet?
Use as a link to find the /lbg/ thread.
Remember the following: >Patricians occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >Patricians may pretend to be normal users asking for recommendations and when you recommend something, they laugh at you for your plebian taste >This is a thread for patrician purposes only don't offer or expect frivolous discussion.
what is your favorite dead general thread? and why is it /lbg/?
Isaac Bennett
Throw Down (2004)
Wyatt Rogers
Headshot (2017)
Elijah Rogers
>they laugh at you for your plebian taste >plebian
oh I kek'd
anyway, what is your favourite M. Night Shyamalan film /lbg/ and why is it The Village?
Brandon Howard
>la la land rated higher than split >has only watched 32 films from before 1960 >below entry level favorites >less than a thousand films watched >retarded bio >poo in loo
wew lad, dont ever post again
Jayden Perez
>4 day weekend >no plans
could it finally be the long awaited the Andy milliganathon?? wahoo
Michael Walker
>resorting to save his shit general thread bumping with blank posts( twice!) Pathetic, but you know it already
Jaxson Edwards
Das Boot was so fuckin good, what a wild ride it was
>la la land rated higher than split implying Split doesn't deserve bellow 80 rating McAvoy was great as always, script was good, but it's not his best. Period.
>below entry level favorites implying I should have became a pretentious piece of shit after joining Sup Forums and listed Synecdoche, New York, Barry Lyndon, Taxi Driver, The Thing as my favourites like everyone else, instead of listing the films I already loved before joining Sup Forums
>less than a thousand films watched implying I only watch films, don't spend my time exploring music, reading or studding paintings
>has only watched 32 films from before 1960 >retarded bio >poo in loo wew skinhead NEET stalker who forgot his own pic and who only knows about films, stop stalking people like that
also I know I've not seen much, there are many films to watch yet, but at least I'm not and won't ever be an arrogant piece of shit enough to think I'm the definition of cinephile, now that's retarded and kind of plebeian
also sorry for not being pic related interesting and important rater or reviewer
Evan Cooper
>this whole post full of fag rage Thanks for the book, embryo
no, he literally just deleted his account after embarrassing himself in such a catastrophic fashion.
Cameron Harris
All that work for nothing!
Lucas Watson
Carson Baker
lmao you guys bullied another embryo into submission
Ayden Brown
best post ITT
Benjamin Torres
>it's a "slept samefags to save face after that awful embarrassment of an essay last thread" episode
Henry Wright
Who the fuck names themself slept
Hudson Thomas
The weak should fear the strong
Caleb Carter
Gabriel Davis
Dominic Stewart
>2 (two) Godard movies we are reaching whole new levels of insecurity Resnais+Truffaut carried the new wave, everyone else is only pretty good (Malle, Marker) or worthless (Godard)
Tell me why you liked zero de conduite I just watched it and it was pretty good, especially that last slo-mo uprising scene , and I liked how he expresses the playful rebellion of the kids in other aspects of the film, like the midget headmaster, etc. But overall, it was just pretty good, especially compared to L'atalante
Lucas Sanders
>another Godard hater Embryos are pathetic
Parker Price
>post profile and get no (You)s
I am going to kill my self
Bentley Sanders
Lucas Barnes
Ronald making self-harm threats again
Logan Edwards
thank you for this reply. It means so much to me. I will not kill my self
please stop calling me Ronald!! I am going to kill my self again now
Nolan Fisher
>"I’ve never gotten anything out of his movies. They have felt constructed, faux intellectual, and completely dead. Cinematographically uninteresting and infinitely boring. Godard is a fucking bore. He’s made his films for the critics. One of the movies, Masculin, Féminin, was shot here in Sweden. It was mind-numbingly boring." -Ingmar Bergman
>"His gifts as a director are enormous. I just can’t take him very seriously as a thinker — and that’s where we seem to differ, because he does. His message is what he cares about these days, and, like most movie messages, it could be written on the head of a pin." -Orson Welles
>"Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film." -Werner Herzog
Godard has no emotional drive when he makes his movies, he has a bloated self-worth and sees himself as too intellectual to make a movie that can actually be enjoyed.
People who say they enjoy his """""films""""" are too insecure to admit to liking something meant to be liked. His films have no power to them, just empty, boring ideas laid out in twisted ranks. To say that this actually interests you is to signal to everyone your childish need for attention as someone "different" and "smart" and "avant-garde". Godard should be gassed along with his protege bitchboy Carax.
>inb4 I'm getting too worked up Fuck you I just have a lot of feelings inside me
I have never seen nor heard of any of these, otherwise I would have said something.
Lucas Jenkins
>Make a thread about Bergman or Wong Kar Wai >Doesn't get no more than 20 replies >Blacked threads gets almost 300 replies
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
Leo Davis
Why do you quote >His gifts as a director are enormous. if you wanna hate on Godard? That's a really retarded choice of quote bro.
Evan Scott
I think it is still possible to admire a film (or at least the film maker making them) without enjoying them This trail of thought implies enjoyment is the sole purpose of films, and I don't think this is necessarily true
I near universally hate everything I've seen by Godard but I'll still be sad when the dude dies He's spent 50 years doing things that are genuinely creative and new and able to surprise people, and that's cool as hell
Dylan Stewart
Godard was the Tarantino of the French new wave.
Dominic Baker
I really enjoyed Breathless and Pierrot le Fou but after watching Contempt I think Bergman was right about some of his films being boring
Oliver Jones
Because I didn't actually read the quote when I pasted it
It said "filmmaker insults" so I assumed it was more insulting then it turned out to be...
>I think it is still possible to admire a film (or at least the film maker making them) without enjoying them I don't think Godard falls into this category. Haneke makes movies that nobody enjoys in terms of "happiness", but they're still very powerful and provocative, and thus enjoyable in that sense. Godard's movies have no similar power to them, they're just strings of experimentation for the sake of experimentation.
Logan Butler
I don't know what you mean by "happiness" but i am very entertained when i see a haneke film
Matthew Rodriguez
Of course you're one of those who feast upon these so repeated-in-void quotes. Anyone with a proper brain or cinematic knowledge could only laugh at all those tired axioms, false on all accounts, and so stupid in themselves that there's no need to even apply them any specific case. But then again, such is the way of the embryo
Another statement meaning nothing
Jace Cox
>Because I didn't actually read the quote when I pasted it >It said "filmmaker insults" so I assumed it was more insulting then it turned out to be... >then You are a vermin
Carter Cook
I love movies about childhood and adult idiocy, The 400 Blows is actually my favourite movie.
I like Godard aestheticism in the 60' and Je Vous Salue Sarajevo is one of the most powerful short movie I have ever seen.
Landon Rogers
Spl2 a time for consequences
James Hernandez
>marker >new wave
oh i am laffin
Liam Edwards
>Godard's movies have no similar power to them
clearly they do as we are still talking about them 50 years later and they are still provoking heated discussion/debate. People clearly react to them, even if it's negatively such as yourself, to me this is still admirable
I mean that the emotions you experience are very different from that of a musical or romance, for example. It's no secret that haneke wants people to feel unsettled and jarred after viewing his films - that's why they rarely if ever have satisfying conclusions.
Essentially what I'm saying is Godard's films provide no emotionally driven provocation. They just present experimental shit and expect you to provide your own desire to explore it.
No one genuinely wants to see a film that has the attitude "EY LOOK HOW CRAZY I AM, ANALYZE ME YO LMAO"
you have said literally nothing
tee hee I still hate him though
mmm maybe I'll check it out if it's only a couple minutes
La jetée is usually considered one of the last movies of the new wave?
>People clearly react to them Boredom + annoyance that people still wank off to him in lieu of other, much better filmmakers The fact that Godard gets more attention then Resnais is a crime
Josiah Sullivan
Why is it so unfathomable to you that your opinion isn't actually the only possible and correct one
If you don't like Godard that's fine, I don't like him either as I said in my first post, but saying every single person that likes his work is pretending and it's absolutely impossible for anyone to do so is dumb as shit, the mentality of a 4 year old or something, there's enough fans and critical body of work to think maybe there is something to him
>not assuming your own opinions are empirically right pleb detected
Nathan Nguyen
>Essentially what I'm saying is Godard's films provide no emotionally driven provocation. They just present experimental shit and expect you to provide your own desire to explore it. Which is blatantly false and can only be said in shitposting or by someone who didn't actually watch his cinema >No one genuinely wants to see a film that has the attitude "EY LOOK HOW CRAZY I AM, ANALYZE ME YO LMAO" That's your projection on a director and his films that are intimidating to you >you have said literally nothing Unsurprising you couldn't understand >tee hee >I still hate him though Hehe, awesome >mmm maybe I'll check it out if it's only a couple minutes Don't bother, it will be lost on you >Boredom + annoyance that people still wank off to him in lieu of other, much better filmmakers More stupid projecting. Godard attracts and create reactions for plenty of reasons besides the two negatives that your incapacities can come up with >The fact that Godard gets more attention then Resnais is a crime Not in any way, Godard is the bigger name and Resnais is widely acclaimed, just not on the same level.
By language and 'ideas', you are nothing but the classically arrogant embryo that infests the land
Kayden Reyes
>he can't provide counter arguments if I don't provide any arguments...
pic related could be (you)!
Angel Howard
>that green and black mess of quotations gross.
Camden Rivera
>La jetée is usually considered one of the last movies of the new wave?
it isn't though, what is your source?
Grayson Morgan
More like >not a 12-year old detected
Aiden Anderson
Exactly, you never provided any worthy argument besides your own embryoness and ignorance in those posts. Must be enough for you
It's very clear, not a mess if you don't have eye matters.
Sebastian Bennett
You are operating on a very low level of irony
You must be new here.
Christopher Hernandez
>rating Miami Vice 5/5 Justembryothings
Robert Cruz
Just tried to watch one way boogie woogie but the quality was abysmal, does a rip better than the one on kg/ptp exist or is this the only copy out there?
Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.
6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL)
In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.
It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaneously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.
That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total number of jews killed would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
How can any Jew, Israeli, or Shill ever even argue this story when just simple math is enough to destroy the whole argument? Can any Jews respond to this?
Brayden Allen
Why are (((trans advocates))) giving kids hormone blockers? If they don't go through puberty their dicks won't grow, and there won't be enough penis to invert to a "vag". They're just creating stunted men with nun-functioning penises
David Sullivan
Colton Hill
>being so autistically literal-minded that you think that every single individual jew killed in the holocaust was gassed and cremated
Justin Carter
>1945+72 >still propagating the idea of a holocaust of the Jewish people The question is, why?
Leo King
Imagine like, 10 or 15 years from now when these kids are old enough to actually understand the decision they shouldn't have been encouraged to make.
Easton Baker
>not an argument
Jayden Barnes
Matthew Jones
fuck off Will Folsom
Gabriel Reed
Suicide rate is extremely high, there's that at least
Not everyone can a be a contrarian pleb like you. Allen is a great director, a giant american name
Jayden Kelly
Good one, reddit
Anthony Rivera
anyone who lets anything but the quality of the film interfere with their enjoyment of said film is fucking stupid. It's like when people said they disliked Hacksaw Ridge entirely on the fact that he said some shit some time. Woody Allen has some excellent films under his belt and "duuhhh pedo" isn't a justifiable criticism" how about you actually watch something of his and form your own opinion
Christopher Miller
I don't support pedophilia, sorry guys
Thomas Stewart
I've been in a horror mood of late, I might watch something different tomorrow or keep with a horror theme, I don't know