Canadian government wants feedback on immigration

They'll listen to us this time.. right guys?

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Surely this isn't a plot to create a list of evil KKK racist nazi right wing extremist.

This is how they'll put away the dissidents.

Send them a link to an Evalion video about immigration.

Privacy act forbids that thankfully and we have full access to how government uses any and all citizen data thanks to Harper.

try not to use the word nigger, or they will just throw out the responses


Are you trying to get Sup Forums to flood it with positives about refugees to cuck Canada even harder?

INB4 the seeyeayee kicks my door down

They don't actually use these that's the point it's all for show.

This isn't America we have true freedom of speech here and not wanting immigrants is not a crime or even controversial. Even our inciting hatred over the internet law was reversed by based Harper.

it's some fucking honeypot to monitor morons dumb enough to put "questionable" shit in there. otherwise it's useless.

t. canadian immigrant

I don't think so, just the other day they offered me "assistance"

My friend, you should know how governments work. It's not like western governments have their citizens best interest at heart.

Fuck Canada.

I hope the entire nation burns.

best we can do is fort mac

Have faith in our government friend we have an all party committee and a non-partisan privacy commissioner. Unless CSIS has a direct tap into this office of immigration and citizenship and every ndp/cpc/lpc member of the committee is keeping it a secret it's impossible because it's forbidden by the privacy act unless you 'advocate genocide' which is the only criminal speech in Canada.

This isn't America our government is literally as transparent as it possibly can be without sacrificing national security and the national security stuff is always overseen by a non-partisan bureaucrat and members from each major political party. We even ban union and corporate donations and track and limit or ban third party election spending here. Don't assume all western government are like America the UK and Aussies are even more 'progressive' in this sense.

Someone post the Jew name chart please.

Heres our chance to fuck canada over guys, lets all say how immigration is good, especially muslims and niggers. GO GO GO

