Best girl, no exceptions, best career, best ayy, best personality, best talent

best girl, no exceptions, best career, best ayy, best personality, best talent.

Stop waifuing my waifu.

She's a skank on her instagram

>implying we wont all have robot versions of her in 15 years.

That's not Jodelle

This is now a Jodelle thread
Resistance is futile

>dat acting

>mfw not Jodelle

what breed is that?

pity about that pussy though
that busted out so young?
worst part of latest fappening


my waifu

Your waifu A SHIT!


is this the girl from twilight

she was in this movie you idiot.

oscar in the next 3 years, mark it down.

best grill

allegedly has nude pics

any vag shots?

i dunno

cheaaa we out here senpai! ha ha!

What's her instagram?

What are you talking about? Did you see her in Split? She had one expression throughout the whole movie


Her name.

Her foot game is very weak. Shame.

I like both tb h