How do you feel about white washing?
How do you feel about white washing?
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She's a half white Algerian
So probably not how the average non Ptolemaic Egyptian looked
But its a action movie and she's QT so who cares
It's blackwashing to claim that Egyptians were black. They were brown, like the modern Egyptian people.
That actress is genetically closer to the Egyptians than any sub-saharan African.
>it's a black americans hate everyone episode
>modern Egyptian people.
Modern Egyptians are Arabs.
They're right though. She's an Arab and half-white. Hell, a Sudanese person would be a far better choice.
Isn't this Mummy meant to be half Iraqi half Egyptian?
So in that case, this casting makes perfect sense
>Modern Egyptians are Arabs.
They might call themselves Arabs, but they are still pretty much the same as they were 1000's years ago.
>"Certainly there was some foreign admixture [in Egypt], but basically a homogeneous African population had lived in the Nile Valley from ancient to modern times...
half white?
How do you feel about black
>half white
No both her parents are Algerians. She was born there.
>Modern Egyptians are Arabs
Only culturally. Genetically, they're mostly the same as old Egyptians.
She's hot, I'm always kinda pissed sandniggers keep their women covered up. Too bad her beef curtains are probably dark brown.
>She's a half white Algerian
so french?
No, those are Arabs and Middle Easterners. To see how the Egyptians would've looked, you have to look outside of the main population centers (Which are heavily Arab) and at the more isolated tribes.
Godfrey is so fucking hilarious.
Remember that time Zoe Saldana got accused of whitewashing a role?
What the fuck is going on
that image is glare AF
>pic related
of how she's actually looks like
dumbest orchestrated 'controversy' ever
and niggas here keep falling for it
I think blacks really are just that perpetually asshurt
I'm starting to understand why "diversity" doesn't actually mean more Hispanics, Asians or Middle Easterners
She had to darken her skin, wear a prosthetic nose and an afro wig because she can't grow an afro. She's not black and says so herself in interviews before she took this role, when she then conveniently started spouting some "me stronk black woman" shit
>mfw mulattos literally have to wear blackface now in the name of "progress"
The same as I do about blackwashing.
Yes, because she has no black features
but there are no inherent white and black features my bigot friend race does not even exist
Is that why she's so fuckable? Because she's like those dark skin anime elves?
If that's your thing, then sure
okie dokie
normieposting is so 2016 man
its ok to admit niggers are ugly beasts here
Backwards Racists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You suck at this.
>Half white
To be half white one of your parents has to be white, if both are Algerian you can't be half white
don't burgers classify anything west of india as white?
So Africans are now white?
Everyone who isn't black african is white.
According to the US census bureau, North Africans and Middle Easterners are indeed white.
this classification only exists to make white crime statistics seem more extreme
>this thread again
Actually it has been true in the US for over a century. Middle easterners were indeed considered white by the US legally due to some syrian person taking matters to court.
Kek nice to see someone reusing my OC.
I used to think that these idiots had a point but im so tired of hearing them whine over every fucking thing im secretly happy when a character gets white washed now.
this guy gets it.
I believed this until five minutes ago when I discovered every black person considers this a a Hitler Youth KKK level white bitch
The kikes have been trying to inflate white crime for over a century
Her nose is terribly shopped
>Argentina is white!
>Algeria is white!
hmm they got a point with the pinto thing tho-if it is a show about black radicals why is it fronted by an indian woman? does she identify as black?
First one is right though, the shows about black radicals but you make the front an Indian?
>not wanting your sons to have that chin and jawline
Why are blacks trying to turn every other race against them?
Nigs gonna nig
because they need to be able to play the victim card 24/7
I'm Egyptian and this baffles me. Niggers never existed here. What are they on about? Where does this come from?
hahaha wimmin got fuckin owned
hotep and ankh niggas.
because one of the most important members of the "black power" movement in london was an Indian man.
Sofia a cute.
>freida pinto is an indian man
congrats on your autism user.
and and i bet you wish it was you :^)
Nigger existed but they were only used as penis inspectors in the egyptian cinemas
Niggers are retarded they think any human with pale skin is white.
What? They think Asians are white too?
i know some white people consider east asians as "honorary whites" but i assume thats because they are weeaboos.
Jyuu-san, I'm NSDAP
kek. where that ken sama pic when you need it.
needs BBC
The Jews fear the "samurai" indeed
Preparing for the moment when they outnumber every other race combined
>dat dumb projection
Did they just assume infinite land, water and resources?
You know, there were Indians in the UK in the '70s, and it's very possible some of them didn't appreciate being called pakis and teamed up with black people.
The series is specifically about black radicals during the black civil rights movement, which was led by black women. Why the hell would you cast an Indian woman as the main character? Oh wait, actually the director already said its because he's in an interracial relationship and wanted to see it on scree.
The criticisms are justified, especially because Indians are notoriously racist towards blacks
They assumed infinite aid
Also it's pretty noteworthy that the number of Africans increased by 500 million between 1995 and 2015, what with Ebola and HIV and the Congo World War and the Rwandan genocide and malaria and famine
I don't think anything apart from total nuclear war can put a dent in a whole continents population growth.
Even WWII is just a little dent on the chart of Europe, let alone the world.