Will get a Jew shill more angry than the truth.
When I post this... I'm an incel? suddenly my marriage ends and i no longer own property...
Other urls found in this thread:
David Attenborough is a British TV presenter not a member of parliament.
Jews invented the death camp.
Jews invented mass murder on an industrial scale.
They had death quotas...
You would die if they THOUGHT you could be a threat.
Yes, we've heard of Yagoda. He was a real person, and not a nice one either. I believe it was the British who invented Concentration Camps, to house Boer prisoners during the Boer war. And the either the Americans invented mass murder genocide against the Indians, or Europeans following the Spanish Inquisition who tortured many 'heretics' i.e. Non-Christians. Oh by the way, did you know Stalin arrested every Jewish doctor before he died because he thought they were going to poison him?
David Attenborough killed my father
I notice on Reddit
>inb4 hurr durr reddit newfag gtfo fagit
that even standing firm and speaking benign truths about the country of Israel will get you banned and called a Nazi and whatever. If you ever bring up jews in anything less than a favorable light people will think you're being antisemitic.
I like to bring up how America gives billions of dollars to Israel every year for "Relief" and that they commit what some call human rights violations, but people still immediatly go to calling me a Nazi.
Fucking forget how there are Zionist Jews who literally want to make the Holy Land a place for only jews and exclude all others. Yeah, the Holy Land. Mentioning their existence or insinuating that you have a personal or political problem with that will get you branded an antisemitic.
Oh right, also the last time I said something like this they insinuated that I had not had sex in many years.
I think its really causing a problematic divide in society where some people will staunchly defend that no sects of the jewish community are capable of wrongdoing and other people are so offended by the infallibility the jews receive and fear what may or is happening by their position.
Go squeeze your pimples.