ITT: Fuck you I liked it
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
I liked how realistic a character tom cruise was
>son is a fuckhead and hates you
>wants to fight aliens
>let him so he dies
Tfw your image is actually really accurate with your statement:
>Brazil is a faggot and hates you
>wants to fight Eternal Ally
>let him so he dies
He also wasn't a fucking superhuman action hero either. Like that scene where he gets beat up and let's them take the car and then cries in the diner
It's been a while since I've seen the movie, why didn't he just fix another car? didn't the mechanic tell him how?
>Spring Breakers
>The Counselor
>Mr. Lonely
>Only God Forgives
>Inherent Vice
It was a fun movie.
Best Fantastic Four movie to date
The first 20-30 minutes are good. After that the kids get really fucking annoying. Dakota Fanning screaming non stop and the other retard wanting to fight back at the aliens that he obviously cant win against.
Also how the fuck did he survive anyway, it shows him literally running into a giant wall of explosion fire.
Don't worry. So did I.
The Star Wars prequels
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
fun for my dick
>That awkward stroll scene though
Best scene in the trilogy
I enjoyed every single one of these.
That scene was fine. The idea that evil Peter is just an emo dork since he's that pure is like Sam taking the ring and only getting visions of being a master gardener. The jazz club scene right after it where suddenly he's badass and people take him seriously is much worse
*Desire to breed intensifies*
I fucking love these. 2 was bad thou.
why the fuck do people like Extinction and it's firestarter bullshit.
I liked 2 because it was the one that felt most like a Resident Evil game.
Liked every one but the last one
I like you, great taste
What seems to be the problem? This is one of the best sci-fi movies in existance, no debate here
the Solenoids got fried - no idea what those are and i only ever heard that word in this movie, but for some reason it's still in my head after all these years
it did exactly what it was suppose to do
whats not to like?
the goal of the movie was to close out the story and it did it, it covered every plot that was still open
also had some nice throwback scenes
That's probably the 2nd best scene in the film, after Sandman's reveal.
This movie was nothing but loud noises. I had a headache after watching it.
>I had a headache after watching it.
was it autism ?