Hi Sup Forums do you think someday i will pass as a woman?

Hi Sup Forums do you think someday i will pass as a woman?

btw the 41% is about suicide attempts so I already am in the 41%

Attached: 39.jpg (720x1280, 72K)

With more attention to hair and a light application of make up, yes


Attached: e37f376acfa9fec4f2eb6bf5feecb917.jpg (847x1272, 101K)

i would bang you until anal prolapse

spread cheeks

you're really cute, hang in there

wow thanks, i was talking about how many months of hrt

cute, its impossible to compete with asians

sounds painful

is that a yes?

thanks! i'm feeling realy good now the attempts were some years ago

Even if you don't, you're adorable as you are.

Good luck in your journey, op

it's a perhaps lemme see more

thanks ^-^

what do you want to see?