Why doesn't Sup Forums like golf? You realize it really is the patrician sport once you get into it.
Why doesn't Sup Forums like golf? You realize it really is the patrician sport once you get into it
It's a boomer sport. I'm Gen Z. Fuck off.
Masters always gets a very active gamethreads
Yeah, but who the fuck cares? There are old as fuck people posting here and it's usually 3-4 people in last year's thread. Why would I and the rest of Sup Forums care about your pathetic milquetoast boomerized sport?
What does this even mean
It means bluepilled goobers like the sport. Belongs in /asp/ or /out/
Alright soy boy
It's a boring sport for fat, old, lazy people who want to say they are doing sports while actually investing as little effort as possible
I'm all protein m8, no need to project your dietary failures onto others. Bottom line is I, when I speak for this board, DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about your shitty sport and therefore, I'm going to let you know that it's irrelevant and doesn't deserve any subject matter.
This. Boomer camps fucking when.
PGA tour has probably the most conservative fanbase of any sports league. Maybe NASCAR is up there, but it's close.
i like watching golf. there have been some great tourneys already in 2018. sp threads would be fun.
Is literally not a sport tho.
You realize all the guys on tour are in their 20s-30s and in pretty good shape, right?
Only care about Tiger 2bh.
Bluepilled goobers are conservative
>damage control
Get the fuck out
Notice how it's only Amerimutts saying that it is.
>Facts are damage control
neets on 4chin are poor, ugly and dumb. of course they're not cut out for golf
Don't forget shitskins. But that doesn't make Golf a sport.
So you just hate a sport because old people like it?
t. Amerimutt on vacation
>deflecting this hard
Then why do only fat, old, and lazy people watch it? You are what you play, nerd.
Coincidence. They're the best players only because they have the best eyesight and don't have parkinson's. They're in good shape because rich people are often /fit/fags.
Do you not know where the fuck you are, mate?
Imagine actually thinking this. I'm sure the only people who watch basketball are 7 foot tall black guys too.
Also, the only golf that is sport is in the pic.
Do you know what country you're from?
Well yeah, hand-eye coordination is the most important thing. But most guys get fit so they can drive the ball as far as possible.
>I like to identify sports by using my edgy Sup Forums buzzwords
I tried making golf threads for days but I gave up. Only 0-5 people would respond.
Yeah it sucks. The only time you can get an active thread is for the Masters, or if Spieth/Tiger is in contention at a big event.
It must suck not being white.
Sup Forums does not even care about tiger.
>gen z
>not conservative
pick only one
>reddit projecting this hard
>TFW wasn't good enough to get a full ride at an American College.
Life would have been on easy mode after that.
Not a sport