>Back In Black starts playing
Back In Black starts playing
Other urls found in this thread:
>not Ride the Lightning
I heard that his old man farts are so wretched that they have had to spend thousands on a vent system for the white house and a constant stream of lavender is pumped into the oval office. What a eggy eggy man. Pheeeeeew-eeeeeey!
>not Little Green Bag
>not Hells Bells in slow motion
damn that would be good
>not dirty deeds done dirt cheap
>This has anything to do with Sup Forums
Dubs and OP is a faggot
>not American Idiot
rip dimebog dave
>turn on tv
>every channel is whining about Trump
>Trump isn't Sup Forums related
ok, kid
>Bannon no where to be seen
More like back in blue and white.
Stay mad you are confirmed a faggot
Since he started sucking that kosher sausage and bombed Syria everyone's been praising him though.
"Dammit Pantera, I told you to get out there and mow that lawn! Oh, what's this? Is that a tear, Pantera? Oh, is daddy's little girl upset? I'm gonna kick your ass into next Tuesday, now get outta here! And quit acting like a damn little girl!"
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
dub dubs op is a double faggot
>Jimmy Hendrix - There Must Be Some Kinda Way Outta Here starts playing
Trump administration is a joke.
>co-starred in Home Alone II: New York
>re-defined reality TV with "The Apprentice"
>produced the best on-air comedy with "Election: Current Year +1"
There are atleast ten """"""comedy""""""" shows about Trump.
Is this kino?
they lead the biggest empire in the world but the only thing you lead is a bbc in you're ass bitch
Trump looking like Seth Bullock in that long coat.