When I started getting wet dreams my parents began forcing me to masturbate each night...

When I started getting wet dreams my parents began forcing me to masturbate each night. I know compared to most sorts of abuse this is pretty tame, but it's being fucking with me lately. It was just super uncomfortable, and I still don't really know what to think about the whole thing. Idk Sup Forums, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

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How did they force you though. Christ, don’t tell me you passed up the opportunity to refuse until your mom did it for you

Am literate swear

They mostly left me alone while I did it, but if I refused then my dad would show me porn and sometimes he would masturbate with me. If they did leave me alone I had to show them evidence that I actually did it because they didn't trust me to tell the truth. Neither of them touched me, although I saw my dad masturbate so that's a thing burned into my memory.

This site never fails to amaze me.

aw look at that little savage drinking blood from a cup. how fucking cute is that

In a good way or a bad way? Sorry if it's a bad way, I'm not looking to make anyone uncomfortable I just wanted to share. I've thought about messaging some hotline but I worry they will think I'm just some creep, but I really should at least talk to someone.

It's fucking wicked cute user.

I only saw my dad’s dick once when we were peeing outdoors and I remember it like it was fucking yesterday, unfortunately. I have a very slight idea of your suffering, OP

Maybe your parents are just old and ignorant about sex, and they genuinely believed it could cause health problems if you don’t nut lol. Did they say why it needed to be done? It wasn’t just to avoid washing sheets, right?

>I’m not looking to make anyone uncomfortable
Your father would be so disappointed

Kleenex or toilet paper aught to do the trick.

fake. if you made it this far on the internet you already know that shits fucked up

It was definitely a sexual thing for my dad, and probably my mom too. They told me it was just to avoid washing sheets though, but that's a lie. I had wet dreams super often for a bit, like 3 times a week, but I still got them occasionally even when they would make me jerk off so idk.


I stuffed tissues down my pants for quite a while when I slept but they found out and made me stop.

I didn't say I didn't know it was fucked up. I just said it's been fucking with me and it's confusing. I like my parents otherwise, it sucks to have this get in the way but it's a pretty big thing to have to deal with.

Fuck off, PETA.

So you have siblings?

Nope, I had sister but she died real young unfortunately.

Would of probaly been way more awkward if she had lived...no offenze

I get it my dude, I'm glad my sister died.

That's a hard thing to have to admit

I was being sarcastic...

What do you think it would of been like if she had been around?

I don't know, maybe she wouldn't been abused too I'm not sure. I was joking about being glad she is dead, it kinda sucked when it happened.

would've been*

You're trying to get hom to write erotic fiction about his dead sister?

That is pretty messed up. Maybe you should try and talk to them about it.

I have, but they just lie and make excuses. I'm planning to have a kid soon and I'm tossing up whether I should cut them completely out of my life tbh. Maybe I should speak to them more before that happens, or maybe I could even use it as leverage. Godspeed user.

how can they lie about something like this ? andor what excuses can they even make.
Surly they cant deny that it never happend

They say it wasn't as often as it actually was, they claim that I enjoyed it, if I point at the times I obviously didn't like it then they say that it was actually to help me and I should be grateful. You would be surprised at how well abusers can avoid feeling bad for the things they did.

I have an ex that was molested by the father repeatedly . Whole family still denies it happened. Still does.

I know she's your ex so maybe you don't give a shit about her anymore, but I hope she is safe now user.

She is safe. We are still friends. She doesn't speak to her family anymore. Hasn't in about 2 years.

I'm glad she is safe user.

Never say
>oh well mine was pretty tame
>I know it was nothing
>It's not big deal
user, you know it was abuse and it hurts, just remember, it's okay to cry

Thanks user. I downplay a lot of bad shit that happens and I really shouldn't, there is no use pretending stuff is good if it actually isn't. For years I never cried a single tear, but lately it's happened a couple of times. I wish there were spoiler tags on Sup Forums, but lets just say there was a recent episode of a popular TV show that featured some abuse, and holy shit I could barely watch it. My partner knows something happened to me and recently I cried in front of her too, and that was the worst fucking thing ever but I'm glad it happened.