alrite? londons shit innit
Alrite? londons shit innit
You're shit.
Lymes Regis is alright tho
No soil
Lived in London for a year. Can confirm.
The parts with no mudslimes and niggers are alright though.
Alrite well I wouldn't say that, but's not that good
Head like a fucking mong.
right, Steve .. you know, i know .. you're an odd lookin fella.
>buy on ferry
Londonistan needs a big wall building around it or just an exterminatus. We need a capital city that doesn't reek of desperation and piss
he literally never says "little monkey fella" i was mad when i found out
>literally the same thing everytime
british comedy
>turns out it wasn't a tumor it was a pork chop she'd sat on four years ago
>uhm...birds aren't allowed here
boy zone??
Listened to the Xfm episode yesterday where he moans that he can't find any bags of soil in London.
Pretty sure he's said it at least once. He's definitely said little gay fella and little midget fella.
Knockin about
How strong is Susan's foot game?
I have to start at the very beginning with XFM, right? that's the first time Karl's voice ever gets recorded for public broadcast?
Reported for being a pleb.