Reminder if you haven't seen the greatest film of the past 20 years, you don't deserve to post on Sup Forums
Reminder if you haven't seen the greatest film of the past 20 years, you don't deserve to post on Sup Forums
overrated garbage, especially the series.
Best girl
but thats not a picture of BvS... what did OP mean by this?
>implying i even want to post here
How could someone finish Eva and actually have a favorite girl
pleb. you barely deserve to post on Sup Forums
Stop false flagging, this show and movie is 100x better than the second best anime
Thats funny faggot
Where can I stream this show subbed or dubbed doesn't matter to me.
Stream on mobile or nay?
In theory yes, but I personally get some problems with it on mobile. If it's not working for you try 9anime
I've been meaning to watch this one lately, but I've a question, will I've to watch the series first to watch the movie?
Yes. It's only 26 episodes though. 20 something mini in length
Either way it's worth it it's a fantastic buildup to the movie
Yes you have to watch the series.
thanks anons
Be prepared for generic anime type shit with sprinkled in good sci-fi moments for the first half of the series,
Just power through it til you get halfway. That's when the director seemed to get real creative control and started taking it in interesting directions. The early 20's episodes and the movie are the best parts.
did I get the ending?
>everyone is turned into primordial goo
>only Asuka and Shinji left on earth
>anyone can choose to free themselves from the primordial goo (sort of like the Matrix) collective consciousness
Yes I have seen TDKR
>weebs actually think this tripe is deep
Fuck off
What movie do you think is deep, user?
Problem Child 2
You got it right but it seems you didn't get how to greentext.
I don't know how such a happy song can contain such depressing lyrics and still working in both ways.
Ive seen Boku No Pico though.
Also the sequel fucking sucked, Pico looked too much like a guy for my liking. I like my traps clean shaved and aesthetic
>best anything
Your life is a joke
it is actually quite deep
it is a commentary on how humans feel separated, because we are all originally one primordial organism (collective consciousness)
now we are separated individuals, and it creates a hole in our minds that cannot be filled
I personally believe that religions can facilitate a similar integration of minds
thus religions need to exist because we are separated
the metaphysical realm is the void inside our souls
Funny thing is while we joke around about BvS being amazing, weebs are actually dead serious about this shitty chinktoon being a masterpiece.
That's because it's a masterpiece. Are you sure you understood what was going on?
Who's the coolest Eva and why is it Unit 03?
Am I the only one that feel kinda depressed after watching this movie?
Of course not. It's a super depressing movie no matter how you look at it.
It does help though to remember against all odds, it has a surprisingly happy ending
>"Sometimes, sometimes, people form relationships and don't hurt each other, and that makes it all worthwhile"
yep. hedgehogs dilemma user. it's worth the risk
That's not the message
it really is
trusting others, really trusting them, is an essential part of being human
this board, which I suspect is populated by introverts and shy nerds, should really take this message to heart
I guess you missed the final episode where Shinji learns to love himself and trust others?
The human experience is vulgar and meaningless.