>reading a power girl comic
>the lads from the Big Bang Theory show up
Reading a power girl comic
How any man in the DC or Marvel universe can help from becoming a villain is beyond me. I'd say woman genocide when but this was probably written by a man.
"Mrrahahahaha Take that popular show". (writer pats himself on the back, then rips one in the bathroom)
jesus that profile in bottom right
did she gain 400lbs?
why is Leonard wearing Sheldon's Tshirt
>"be respectful, polite and always act like gentlemen"
He approached, gave them both a compliment, and asked to sit with them. What the fuck does she want?
Isn't that the super hero with the massive tits and leotard?
Haha yeah can you imagine how awful it would be if you lived in a world where everywhere you went, seven foot tall women who can shoot lasers out of their eyes and throw cars like footballs bullied and patronized you
It would be so terrible I would probably kill myself haha
Wow. Just wow. I'm literally shaking. Look at what she did to him. She grabbed him by the face. How fucking dare she! That's assault. Does that shitlord think she can just touch someone without their consent!?
I love that they use the most stereo typical beta group they could to make that point
None of them are seven feet tall though
Fucking batlets
When will they learn
Bat girl is the only one that doesn't look like a porn star/stripper. Especially starfire like wtf
CGI was a mistake
>reading a justice league comic
>superman got batman pregnant
>pander to sjws
>forget they don't buy things
>reading Crossed
>a strong feminist comic writer defeats a gang of pudgy rapist gamergaters
Found the autist
What the fuck. This is the kind of self-centered revenge porn that if a kid drew it you'd suspect them of planning a school shooting.
>Disagree with opinion
>Better murder them savagely
Jesus Christ these people have problems.
How old is OP's pic? The jew stopped being a """ladies man""" around season 3 and that was around 2009
manlets.. when will they learn?
>he doesn't know Big Barda
BOOBZINGA! eh? eh?
I thought you had to be a dickhead to get women
only works if you're attractive and tall. big bang dude is a manlet and looks like shit.
if a chad tried that he'd probably be fucking powergirls brains out
>"is anyone sitting with you"
>she is sitting next to someone, there's no other seat next to her, and she was clearly talking to that person
i feel you man
It's Crossed. Brutal murder is the norm for that comic. It's the apparent catalyst to said murder that doesn't make sense in the apocalyptic hellhole that is the crossed world.
Crossed has always been an edge lord comic for school shooter faggots
>reading comics
You deserve all that you suffer.
>Something Unlimited finished never
why do you even read comic books?
Manlets, will they ever learn?
So is this supposed to be a dig at big bang theory?
Star Girl looks like she has a giant mono-boob.
No, the artist (Amanda Conner) was just a fan so she put them in the book. When you are drawing all day you get bored and do things to amuse yourself.
Like that guy who recently got fired for putting Quran shit about hating Jews and Christians in X-Men: Gold #1. Except less political.
he should have pulled his dick out
>expecting anything good from Crossed
It's a series literally made to be as violent and offensive as possible. There is no merit to it at all. One of the issues early on has a character called Horse Cock because he beats people to death with a horses cocks. His only words are "horse cock" if I remember rightly. His prime motivation is killing people with a horse's cock.
Except Crossed is written by a Britaboo who couldn't give a fuck about SJW stuff. Actually, wait, he might have only done half the comic. Who knows? Who cares. Crossed is powerfantasy anyway, people kill and murder for any reason in it; it's mocking SJW not supporting them.
Next you'll think The Boys was praising superhero comics and shit. Why the fuck is Sup Forums so autistic?
Comics seem really faggy desu
Crossed is literally written by a guy who was fascinated with 80's British Football Hooligans and how a simple scuffle over a pint could turn into a free for all riot that resulted in deaths. That's basically what the whole thing was about. The Cross on the face being the St George's Cross that the English would paint on their faces every time there was an international football/soccer tournament. Getting into fights.
Sadly we had fucking MI5 put on the case and within 15-20 years that kind of activity was destroyed. Computers helped predict shit, easier communication and so on. 2016 was a taste of the past glories, when Russia started shit and thought the English were soft cunts until they got on guard and twatted them.
>reading a comic
Nobody does that
>Heh you disagree with me? Time to make a comic where I brutally murder you
SJW's, every single time. Then finally this year they got so triggered they started attacking people in real life.
>woman hits on a guy
>he's not interested
>she keeps flirting
>he stands up, grabs her face and tells her to sit down in a condescending manner
How are you so unable to read between the lines? I don't read Crossed but the regret and emptiness is obvious in the last frame.
what a cucked piece of media. why do you read this trash OP? are you gay?