Kingmaker Edition
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Kingmaker Edition
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Don't you think he looks tired?
He's making an expression of mild concern.
Series 10 will be GOAT
If only we got this instead of Class :(
I like the idea that 2 got shit all over his dick at one point and had to deal with that
Series 10 will be the best of NuWho
Wait, was this Moff pottery?
If each Doctor was a food what do you think they would be?
Answer this and I'll draw it.
I don't really see how the things relate to each other.
What is the best Chinball episode?
Doctor Who takes an ethical stance towards alien life – so why isn’t he vegan?
Since the Doctor Who series was rebooted in 2005 the television show has consistently presented the Doctor as a moral leader, a key element of which is his respectful relationship with other species. The Doctor expresses admiration and wonder for others, even when they threaten him or his human companions. Christopher Eccleston, who played the first relaunched Doctor, told the BBC that the new show retained “the central message of love for life in all its forms”. If this is the case, we have wondered, why isn’t the Doctor a vegan?
Peter Capaldi, who plays the latest incarnation of the Doctor, has not eaten meat on screen. This is a nonhuman character who does not appear eat other nonhumans, and in this regard he differs from his previous three incarnations (Matt Smith, David Tennant, and Eccleston) who were often seen eating dead animals or wearing dead animals’ skins. This is a partial departure from the Doctor’s behaviour during the original series, which ran from 1962 to 1989. The sixth Doctor (played by Colin Baker) became a vegetarian in the 1985 episode The Two Doctors after his companions were almost killed by a species who viewed humans as food animals.
But the Doctor’s vegetarianism was expressly abandoned by head writer Russell T Davies when the show returned in 2005. Davies explained that he wrote the Doctor’s vegetarianism out of the series because he wanted to make the Doctor more relatable to the audience. But the result is that the Doctor now displays some very confused ethics.
Oh wait now I do, ignore this.
Well Six is a pie, obviously.
Well 5 would certainly be celery
In episode Boom Town from 2005, Eccleston’s Doctor discusses issues about death and mercy with a condemned alien. The scene is set in a restaurant, and the Doctor orders steak and chips. In the episode The Age of Steel from 2006, Tennant’s Doctor expresses how much he enjoys eating meat hotdogs while acknowledging their similarity to what Cybermen unjustly do to humans. In his first episode in 2010, Smith’s Doctor famously ate fish fingers and custard to recover from the regeneration process. Yet in the Christmas episode that year he reacts with wonder and compassion when encountering flying fishes, who he seeks to save.
The Eccleston, Tennant and Smith Doctors have all been shown as enthusiastic consumers of some nonhuman species while at the same time trying to protect others. When the earth is under threat of destruction, the Doctor only ever seems to care about the loss of human lives that might result, and not the many other species living on Earth. In the episode “Cold Earth” from 2010, Smith’s Doctor becomes involved in negotiations for humans to “share” the planet with Silurians, a species of “homo reptilians” who lived on Earth before humans evolved. In the debate over whether there is room for both species, there is no acknowledgement that any species other than humans already live on the planet, or that they are kept and killed for the convenience of humans.
9 would be a banana.
Capaldi’s Doctor hasn’t yet been shown eating meat like his predecessors. In his first episode in 2014 he even gently chided his companion Clara’s hypocrisy when she was disgusted by the farming of human body parts by an alien, saying: “You weren’t a vegetarian the last time I looked.” There’s been no overt statement that the Doctor has returned to his vegetarianism, but by conspicuously not eating meat Capaldi’s Doctor has at least brought back the moral consistency of the earlier series’ vegetarian Doctor. Twelve years after Davies’ script decision, it seems the Doctor does not need to eat other species in order for us to relate to the character.
As a primetime show aimed at children and adults with a history stretching back more than 50 years, Doctor Who reflects contemporary cultural and ethical norms through the stories it tells. The post-2005 show has been rightly credited for the diversity of its human characters – the new series about to begin sees the introduction of the Doctor’s first openly gay companion, and tipsters feel that the next Doctor may be a woman, or black, or a black woman. However, the modern series has not been so progressive in dealing with our inconsistent ethical relationship with other species, even if the 12th Doctor has gone further than most of his predecessors to demonstrate that he does indeed “love life in all its forms”.
9 = chips
11 = fish fingers and custard but I'm pretty sure this has already been drawn
I'm not sure about 5, but it would definitely be a well prepared meal because that's what life is all about.
11 would be a Swiss roll
Four is a half-empty bottle of Jack
Could 6 drink cow semen or would that be against his good morals and a lover of animal
One has gotta be some Candy Rock
>In his first episode in 2014 he even gently chided his companion Clara’s hypocrisy when she was disgusted by the farming of human body parts by an alien, saying: “You weren’t a vegetarian the last time I looked.”
I simply took it as an affirmation of the circle of life. Someone like Doctor should develop some sense of cynical moral relativism.
Redpill me on Ian Levene
Humans drink human semen all the time
Doctor Who?
More like 'Dogturd Poo' haha
Why no plogical this year?
Chibnall is bad series 11 is shit meme needs to stop
Chibnall is a solid writer with a lot of experience.
All of his DW episodes were fucked by the production and budget issues
>all of character developement of silurians in two parter was cut off
>power of three had to be rewritten in the last few days because shakri actor refused to act
>series 7 was in production hell overall
>42 is pretty good episode
>he wrote for theater
>broadchurch is really good (and it was succesful and even got an american adaptation)
>tennant and colman both praise him as a nice guy and great writer
Maybe they realised that actually promoting the show was more important than filming minisodes that barely anyone ends up seeing.
>all of character developement of silurians in two parter was cut off
If all of the good content in your two-parter gets cut out then you are clearly inept at putting it in the right places.
oh look the chibcucks are already revealing themselves
this is still the moffchads town, for now. remember that.
You have "I hate Chibnall" syndrome
>The Eaters of Light written by Rung Moo
If by that you mean "the episodes were bad" syndrome, then yes?
By that I mean "I hate things because I cant think wider" syndrome
Is this like the game of thrones general where everyone hates the show or do people here actually enjoy the latest seasons?
It's about 50/50.
People are so different that in one week you can have "RTD IS SHIT EDITION" and "RTD IS GOD EDITION" threads
Chibs leave.
We're still missing some
>1: Rock Candy
>4: Jelly Baby/Half empty bottle of Jack
>5: Celery
>6: Pie
>7: Swiss Cheese
>9: Banana
>10: Chips
>11: Fish Fingers and Custard/Swiss Roll
Didn't Three like wine? Suits him.
god I love this meme
Pic related, only becos Brian.
>But the result is that the Doctor now displays some very confused ethics.
I think the author of this is confused since he doesn't actually identify any contradictions in the Doctor's ethics.
On a side note, can I say that I'm not sure I've ever seen someone serve steak and chips? Where I live, steak is considered the highest form of meat (and therefore of food generally), the kind of thing you order at fancy restaurants, while french fries are basically trash, the sort of thing you would only eat at a fast food restaurant or sports bar.
>french fries
Not all chips are french fries.
They make a joke about this in 'Amy's Choice'.
THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE CHIPS? Why are these rules so complicated? Anyway, google imaging "steak and chips" gives me images of steak with french fries.
Similar where I live. You get your big juicy sirloin steak on a plate, with maybe a bit of side salad added to make it look 'pretty'.
But the chips come in a separate bowl, and are NEVER those thin floppy french fry thingies. We're talking super thick wedges triple fried for extra crispiness.
French fries are Mcdonalds/burger king trash.
But you get steak with proper chips. Hand cut and that like m8. Tis good. But you ameriplebs wouldn't get it
French fries are the long and thin ones. Chips can sometimes be long and thin but are frequently shorter and chunkier, and just generally shaped like they were actually cut out of a potato. This image isn't ideal but it shows the basic distinction.
>tfw this thread has made me hungry now
I want steak and chips for dinner tonight now.
With proper chips.
Those are also called french fries.
That thigh game hnnnnnng:
Those are potato wedges.
3 would be a home cooked meal that doesn't cost the earth - the best of both worlds
Maybe in "america" but here in the real chippy land you have to earn the title chip
It's an even split. But no one here actually talks about show quality.
So answer me user, what does Paul McGann's semen taste like?
I thought "french fry" wasn't even used in the UK, presumably out of some national hostility (just kidding) and it was always chips.
American fast food chains still call them fries on the menus.
2. MOF national loaf w/drippings
3. Liquid Lunch-single malt scotch or a cask of some nice wine as you suggested
8. Something romantic? Linguini w/clams?
What did he mean by this?
Fuck me. Is there a new Who Doctor actor who hasn't aged terribly in the part?
Now all we need is Twelve.
Here is Six as a pie, I am still working on the others.
He's right you know :^|
Pearl Mackie isn't q...
>in a tweet for normal people
I think that the plots of the campy Bond films, scifi-ed and stretched out over 12 episodes, could make a cool, Chibnallesque story arc.
>cloning world leaders
>destroying oil pipelines (rocket fuel)
>baddie stockpiling nuclear weapons
>planetary military coups
We don't even know what Chibnallesque means yet in a Doctor Who context.
We refer to the thin things you get in mcdonalds as fries (no french) but these motherfuckers we call chips.
When will they make him Controller of the BBC?
Never. He doesn't have the "right" views.
Reminder that the xmas special will take place entirely inside 12's mind TARDIS as he struggles with his regeneration.
Clara and Missy co-star.
Should the Doctor be stranded on Earth again, as UNIT's scientific adviser?
Circular Time: Winter already did that.
The plot of Agent Under Fire would make for an amazing series. Malprave as big bad. Get Hayley Atwell to play her.
>On a side note, can I say that I'm not sure I've ever seen someone serve steak and chips? Where I live, steak is considered the highest form of meat (and therefore of food generally), the kind of thing you order at fancy restaurants, while french fries are basically trash, the sort of thing you would only eat at a fast food restaurant or sports bar.
Where exactly do you live?
In the US (and non-French Canada), the word "steak fries" exists specifically to describe the thick fries that you get with steak at a steakhouse, as opposed to the thin ones that you normally get. (Although the term was popularized by Sizzler, a relatively cheap chain-franchise steakhouse, in the 1970s, and their "steak fries" are actually not that thick.)
In the UK, chips are almost always thick, and they come with steak there too.
Meanwhile, the reason the thin ones are called "French fries" is because they're part of steak-frites, the standard brasserie meal anywhere you go in western/central Europe (or French Canada), which originally comes from France. (Belgians claim it comes from Belgium, but as far as the rest of the world is concerned, Belgium is just France's appendix anyway.)
Finally, in much of Europe, if you want thick fries, the place to get them is Australian steakhouses.
Is Matt's "acting like a bad actor" thing bit at the beginning specifically borrowed from Stephen Root's, or are they both borrowing from the same thing, or is it just a coincidence that they're so similar?
they have no chemistry
She's much better in motion. I'm excited for Bill now
I would say yes if only to give Kate the much needed chance to develop more as a character.
The second Doctor would be a persimmon
Cricket balls were the traditionally red balls around which the sport of cricket revolved. Made of leather (COMIC: The Forgotten) they were, according to Tegan, quite hard. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)
The Doctor often had one close to hand.
The Fifth Doctor was the incarnation who was the biggest fan of cricket, and therefore frequently had one on his person. This was in evidence in Amsterdam, when he emptied his pockets, and their contents included a cricket ball. (TV: Arc of Infinity)
75 percent. :)
Unlike /got/ where people praise the older season and shit on the newer ones, /who/ shits on older Nu-Who and praises the newer stuff (despite it being the worst it's ever been) to justify their continued visits to these threads and their e-"friends". It's a bit sad really tbqh.
12th Doctor would be a wrinkly almond.