In a terrible state rn b

In a terrible state rn b

What’s the most depressing and soul crushing game you’ve ever played? Any game can apply

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Your mom's pussy. Get owned.

touche amore nice


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>What’s the most depressing and soul crushing game you’ve ever played?

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firewatch was comfy though

The middle sections of every metro game makes you depressed, feels hopeless

>posting v in b
I mean I didn't know you had expectations of what b should be... Like, b is just a reflection of people, so don't be a pussy and just say: "fuck you guys are repetitive and boring and I have no solution because I'm the same, but I'll complain anyways like a baby"

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Doki Doki literature club.
If you've never played it, it starts out cute, but don't let that fool you, it gets very dark.
Free on steam

Loved firewatch, not dark, but relaxing

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the game called life

Yeah I’ve played that already was really nice tbh

To the beat of a dead faggot should be written on my tombstone

Play Monopoly solo. When you land on The Other You's properties, beg for a deal. Then refuse to negotiate with yourself and demand payment.

>Playing the "Next person I talk to will like me" game
>Haven't won in years b/ro's

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Looks like a good one, thx

The never-ending quest, until I end it of course

firewatch had so much more potential to go in other much darker directions. kid of hope someone takes te concept in one of those darker paths sometime.