Why no one remembers old Marvel flicks?
Why no one remembers old Marvel flicks?
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Because they're not memorable.
Because they aren't enough flaws to get mileage out of, whereas we can mock BvS for months on end.
Mister Doctor was by far the best quip in movie history.
Because DC drama overshadows them. And they are pretty formulaic.
Dr Strange was fucking awfully bland
I thought this was awesome.
Was pleasantly surprised.
>if it's not talked about here, then it's not talked about anywhere else
DCucks are at full force.
I think it was just a really overused "origin story" setup. Doctor Strange is a great character that brings more of the magical angle to Marvel, but I hope he gets another movie or at least has a big role to play in the future. He's the kind of guy you bring in to fight Thanos.
He's definitely got another movie coming with Mordo as the villain, and he's going to show up in Ragnarok.
Because we dont the same threads about a movie like you do dannyboy
there's nothing to talk about
Because shills know they are a lost cause so they attack DC movies instead
I remember old marvel flicks
>Why no one remembers old Marvel flicks?
Since you clearly have problems with grammar I don't think your memory is that great either
How does it feel to represent the lowest common denominator?
Doctor Acid
Because shills keep making BvS threads
So does BvS, difference is Marvel does it well.
Chris Pratt in GoTG was a meme character who everyone accuses of being reddit. It's not wrong but so is Lex Luthor, difference is Eisenberg tries way harder and does a much shittier job. Every line out of him sounds like it was written to appear on a Hot Topic shirt.
Everything out of him was "lol so quirky" "lol so random". He played a good Martin Shkreli but a terrible Lex.
Lol, I really don't understand legit DC fans on this board. Lex was quippin' it up and doing wacky ass shit on BvS, but he gets a pass.
Doctor Strange has honestly been my favorite so far. Even over Winter Soldier, which was great. I think those are the most rewatchable ones honestly.
Sup Forums is too progressive to lend attention to flicks that appropriate asian culture so unrepentantly
>He played a good Martin Shkreli but a terrible Lex.
This is actually a pretty good comparison.
I remember them and they are not flicks
Why are DCshills so insecure? Why do they force their beliefs onto others?
He gets a pass because it was toned down and more serious quipping. Also, it was a part of his character. Batman, Doomsday, Superman, Wonder Woman, Lois all didn't quip because it wasn't a part of their characters. As opposed to Marvel movies where literally every character besides Black Panther is the comedic relief.
>toned down
>serious quipping
Nigga, what?
I saw a Doctor Strange t shirt for 3 dollars at Walmart. Should have bought it kind of feel regretful.
>Chris Pratt in GoTG was a meme character
He was the self-effacing hero, much like Indiana Jones and Han Solo or Marty McFly or any number of Bruce Willis characters or...
because they're the Big Macs of the movie inustry
DChads don't bother themselves with such cuckoldry. Try ledddit.
And DC is the cheap generic brand frozen burger patties from the supermarket that are 30% fat and 90% pink slime.
Honestly, we can't talk about here without being called shills, i personnaly don't remember seeing a single thread without dcucks crying at shills
I think there's gonna be at least three (with Dr. Strange).
Joaquin Phoenix was supposed to play strange but he didn't want to sign a three picture deal.
Why has the s/v/edish gamer been capeshit posting for 12 hours?
Since when is acting like an unhinged tech billionaire manlet part of Lex's character?
>toned down
"Ahhhh, Batman is popular, redo some of it to make it a Batman movie mostly, and make Lex like the Joker. Fanbois bitch about things but will sew their lips to your penis over and over and over again, every single god damned planned POS coming out over the next 10 years."
anyone else have an inexplicable hatred of benedict cumberbatch
yeah. I also dont get the assertion that he's a hunk.
The dude is a play-doh faced goblin
>I also dont get the assertion that he's a hunk.
Maybe because you're not female. You probably don't get why women foam at the gash for Tom Hiddlestone either.
nah DC is the Baconator