Is Rotten Tomatoes loaded with sjws?
Is Rotten Tomatoes loaded with sjws?
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How is this even a real question?
Get Out made fun of SJWs, though a lot of them probably didn't get it.
Is Sup Forums loaded with alt-right crybabies?
No sometimes movies are well executed
Also this movie was very plainly roasting the fuck out of hollywood liberals. Either you were sleeping, or you didn't even go see it.
OP is confirmed for dumbcunt.
No Get Out was just a good movie.
It's loaded with ((((((((((((((((them))))))))))))))))))
I thought it was just an aggregate score site
>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”
Like how white people pretend to be black or know about black issues for social and political brownie points. I guess you didn't see the movie.
Also implying racism exists isn't SJW shit. SJW shit is when you go on facebook and do some kind of post-modern expressionist art piece while apologizing to black for shit you didn't do. The world isn't so black and white you moron.
Except the evil white people in this film weren't rednecks, alt-right, or southerners.
They were rich, white, liberals. Y'know, the rightfully racist white people in this country.
The pendulum really has swung and now conservatives are the ones being outraged at everything. Get a fucking grip, we won, Trump's in the White House. Go out and MAGA.
Pretty much
It is. RT takes reviews by professional movie critics and puts them together for a combined score.
this. OP is just a prick
>professional movie critics
no wonder if its leftist scum that is voting
>leftist scum
i.e. educated professionals
Roger Ebert was a pro-life Catholic btw
50% alt-right crybabies, 50% alt-left crybabies
It evens out.
>English majors
>Not SJWs
>is tv loaded with pussy faggots?
of course
>And Sup Forums says the left is easily triggered.
>Also implying racism exists isn't SJW shit.
A black millionaire claiming to be a victim of racism on a daily basis is absolutelySJW shit, and white liberals are sucking his dick for him feeling like a very victimized member of the 1%.
The guy who made this movie is triggered as fuck by white people though.
>"""""""We""""""" won
Like with any presidential election, the only people who won were the ultra-rich elite in this country. Despite his image as some outsider maverick, Trump is definitely beholden to (((their))) interests.
I've heard from everyone who has seen it that it was good. I kinda want to see it, at the same time I don't want to normalize interracial relationships. Wat do
>Normalize interracial relationships
Don't worry, it won't do that
Get Out is the most anti-interracial movie in decades, but critics don't care and are praising it anyways because it's anti-white.
>brownie points
>a real thing
The forums are.