How do you deal with nihilism?

how do you deal with nihilism?

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Try and make it in life if u always believe u cant change it you wont Faggot

>make it in life

I remember being young and dumb....


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Camus or in other words a life without meaning is actually better because we are free to give meaning to whatever we wish, the clear blue sky, the whiff of coffee in the morning, the smile of a loved one, all of these or some of these or something entirely different can hold meaning to anyone, and that's why this godless world is beautiful

By moving onto one form of existentialism or another. Also, that picture pitches itself as darkly self-aware but is really just a string of pathetic excuses. The real problem is that a majority of college students don't consider what job they want before they get a degree. Computer and information scientists who've been working five years get paid a national average of about $116,000 and that's what I'm shooting for. I like the work involved and the job pays a lot. But my friend got a degree in psychology with no regard for what he'd use it for, wasted tens of thousands of dollars, and is now working as a fucking nursing assistant making about $32,000 per year doing very hard and unpleasant work. Fucking idiot.

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ye but ur both gona die

At least, he is gonna have fun though and master something in his life. So he can die happy, rich and with his loved ones around him. He is not gonna live a pointless life without responsibilities arguing with himself and acting like a philosopher online. He is gonna try his best, win or lose and then he is gonna die. Like a hero, not like a loser.

meaning is meaningless, i mean it literally has no value, i can't even say "do whatever you want" because that's a meaning in itself, there are no right answers, do what you feel like doing or don't, it doesn't matter at all since you're just an insignificant speck in terms of the whole universe

Wrong, because nihilism is the realization that there is no "inherent" meaning but there is a lot of subjective meaning people have favorite colors, music, bands, movies, places, languages and for much of these the only reason and a pretty sufficient one is "idk I just think it's cool" that is the essence of a meaningless word.

Well, aren't you guys just so fuckin edgy

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Wat, how is that edgy, absurdism is one of the more accepted (among other) philosophical answers to nihilism, I thought being nihilistic was edgy, not being anti nihilistic?

I don't have favorite stuff, i'm not a teenager

Use drugs, hang out with friends, tell your parents you love them, find a hobby that you love and get some pussy for yourself


realise you're rotting and accept it

The difference between a loser and a hero is knowing what they want? So if I just lie to everyone all the time and make it my mission to disrupt anyone wanting anything, then I can make everyone except me a loser?

I do horrible crimes to give back to myself some sense of control and power over my chaotic life.
Aside the criminality I live somewhat admirable life from my peers and colleagues but whenever I push myself to climb the ladder of success I find it tedious and meaningless so I do some crime (I won't say which kind) on the side that I can remove all bad emotions through and remind myself that it can always get worse in my life so that I need to be thankful.

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Pleasure yourself sexually and play Minecraft.

I remember being this much of a faggot