The US is infecting everything around it

The US is infecting everything around it...
Now even goddamn Montreal has BLM activists.

Fucking hell.

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yes, racism exists outside of the US Montreal...sure.

OMFG its touching us, I knew this city was degenerate as fuck. Fucking haitians I hate those niggers

Can't be as bad as here in Toronto.

no it was Putin infecting

Most people would call me a racist at this point so whatever.

They even did a protest last week. Nothing big althought, no happening to be seen like 2008.

Montreal is the asshole of Quebec, just like Toronto is the asshole of Canada. Both are nice when you're visiting tho, but when you live there, it's a fucking nightmare. Glad i moved to Laval.

So huh, how do we rehabilitate racism and anti-multiculturalism?


That word has no meaning anymore.

This isn't good news for Trudeau. How will he find a proper hat to wear to signify he's 'down with the movement.'

>The US is infecting everything around it...

More like Soros and his Kikery is infecting the Western world....

montreal like toronto is a nigger cesspool

Oh, shit, forget it.

"Doo-rag Trudeau" incoming.


It exists wherever niggers are. They bread racism.

u wot m8?


Blame Soros and niggers. Not us.

bless their hearts they're trying so hard to get a foothold in canada too. they've gotta be upset after that flop in toronto.

>mfw, BLM movement starts in africa
can't wait for niggers to call the real african KANGZ racist, thats going to go so well for them.

FUCK they just traded Subban also. Watch BLM protest the hockey team for trading a player because of "muh white supremacy in hockey"

They're in Vancouver to apparently, hopefully I won't run into em.

More like non-US countries are parasitically stealing US culture. We see it all the time on American internet forums. Canadians can't legally host sites like these due to speech laws so you flood our internet media and this is the result.

Stop visiting American websites and create your own. Are Canadians even capable? Are there people in your country who can figure this shit out?

There are a bunch of delusional nigger students and at least one "professor" at Dalhousie. We haven't had any action from them, though, just armchair activism. Hope they stay the fuck out of Halifax.

>anti-racism efforts

You mean anti-white efforts.

Non-Americans are too retarded to do anything, unless the US has done it first. What a world we live in.

It's Soros funding it via his Open Society Foundation crap.

But yes America once again births this crap.

Feel the wrath of the nigger menace, all you international fuckbags who claimed you wouldn't get blacked, you'll soon feel the same pain we do.

I'm hoping it's all a master plan to export American niggers to all parts elsewhere once your leftists demand you take in more "diversity", Trump will kick out the illegals and disallow new Muslims, we'll be white and prosperous once again!

>someone post densemotherfucker.png

look at whos financing this bull shit!!!! stupid white people! fuck