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shameless self-bump


>Bangs head on table repeatedly
>Big Bird gives a hug to comfort Julia
>Julia bites Bird's hand in response
>Latches on and wont let go, while Big Bird cries for help
>Main frame of the Zipperhead narrating how important it is to not dismiss Julia for lacking any social skills or ability to function in society, but to cherish her for being so brave
>Credits roll with theme song
>*big bird's squawks heard in background
Absolute tolerance kino

Fucking retard. This is my show bitch

>Big Bird: Hi five, Julia!
>Julia: .....................

>hi woowee

What's autism..?


*police siren in the distance*




>Big Bird: Julia, put the knife down
>Julia: .....................

>Julia: You're a big bird
>Bird Bird: For you


>bird bird

What is the percentage of female autists compared to male?


>I love the way the paint squishes on my fingers


>Oh, I'm sorry, Julia. I know you don't like the way it feels.


How did they get away with this?

Even though it sounds like sjw bullshit, females and minorities are less likely to be correctly diagnosed compared to white males.
So it's not very good use to even bother trying find out statistics on that.

Why is she so qt bros?

is sesame street pure kino? seems like it to me

this was very nicely handled and kind of sweet

I mean fucking SJWs niggers reeee

Has Big Bird always sounded like a baked gay dude?

>Character breaks down at 5:20
Couldn't stop laughing tbqh

Was this meant to teach me that people with autism can't function as normal human beings? I guess it was successful.

it is literally impossible to hate sesame street

Oh man Big Bird sounds like shit.


>Uhh we get to be friends ;)


What did she mean by this? was she baneposting in her head?

This just makes me want to have an abortion if there's something wrong with the baby.

you can't know if your fucking fetus has autism you fucking autist


no you fucking can't don't askctually me

>big bird?
>for me
god fucking dammit



>For me?

>I think we've all learned something today....don't let children be immunized, they will end up like Julia!
Woah what the fuck

>You just know

Big Bird looks like he is barely putting up with that shit. That said, this seemed nicely done. Still doesn't top the ultimate sesamekino

what are some muppet kino?
I fucking love the muppet movie
>well if this was the movies...
>which is!
>we would think of a clever plot device.

I know there's memes and everything but this seems like genuinely wholesome kids entertainment.

because it is, literally no one hates sesame street, it is not like fucking barney, it never talks down to kids

why does big bird sound like he's on fucking quaaludes?

Does Barney talk down to kids? I don't really know anything about it honestly.

Either way I don't have a problem with them adding a sperg to Sesame Street, whatever really.

Julia is cute!

7:07 is exactly how I picture Sup Forums users acting when baneposting

>Big Bird!
>For me?

I thought only retards watched Sesame Street. Why is it such a big deal if there's a retarded kid on it?

hehe...bane...hehehe big guy....hehehe

Who do you fucking think make and have been making these threads, it's the fucking shills you idiots.

its true

>autism is totally acceptable and we should love all of them

I should just start being a rude asshole and blame it on autism.

Made this for you, Sup Forums.

>A muppet show makes me want to have a qt autistic ginger daughter

Saw that... Fucking kekd

>tfw my qt ginger daughter will never be retarded


She is autistic, like us.

hehe... big guy... for you... hehe bane?... hehe crashing this plane.... juan you hehehe...

Anyone else want to fuck her?

I wanna fuck big bird for sure.


It's not clear. Far more males are diagnosed but that may be because the usual tilt of female brains (towards personalising and away from systematising) somehow compensates to some degree for the effects of autism in females, in which case there could be equal numbers.

It's clear why they used a female for the show, tho.
>fantasyland autists: cute, creative, everyone loves them and accepts them
>realworld autists: creepy, retarded, everyone thinks they're weirdos and avoids them

This may well be the single most perfect summary of autism yet.


I mean gas yourself, homo

Why do they make her sound like a retard saying 1 thing at a time? Fucking spergs.

>tfw heart isn't hard enough to hate this

feels good

I wanna cuddle elmo. Elmo a CUTE!!!!!

>Big bird
>for me

is Julia /ourgal/?

>ywn fuck big bird's big boipucci while autism muppet sits on your face

Why even live

Is this what autists are really like? Thank god I don't know any, they seem insufferable

jesus christ my sides


>hehe.. big guy... hehehe for... you hehehehe


>I love the way the paint squishes on my fingers
>Oh, I'm sorry, Julia. I know you don't like the way it feels.

Julia is right desu, fucking nigglets pupets painting with their hands, eeeek.
Julia is going to be an artist while this fags are still playing in that shithole.

Why don't they make a sesame street that isn't in the hood?

Suburban kids don't want to watch about the ghettos of new york.

Arthur did it better

>all the autists in the comments

Always has been, always will be.

you sound exactly like an original network executive from 1969

Don't bully Spinney, he's pretty old now

Muppet's Christmas Carol.

I really don't remember Big Bird's voice being so damn annoying. Christ he sounds like a faggot with a cold.

Ultimate kino

>it's a Julia freaks out everytime the count reaches a number with repeating digits episode

>it's a Julia freaks out everytime the count reaches a number with repeating digits episode
>repeating digits


>55 88 44

kek has blessed this thread


Probs to the puppet player who plays Julia

Why the fuck would Elmo and this Pink thing want to be friends with Julia she doesn't even look fun to play with.

>Doesn't even say sentences just says words
>Doesn't respond when big birb talks to her
>have to play in her stupid fucking meme way
>starts having a seizure because of a fucking Alarm
>continues screaming
>has annoying voice
>literally shaking and being autistic and saying on 1 word at the time never a few in a row unless they're the same row

Is Elmo just trying to be nice?

Didn't they recast elmo after the allegations of the puppeteer/ voice actor molesting teen boys?

>Taking a children's show this seriously.

I swear to god they added this same autistic character to the show already a few years back.

Of course, Elmo isn't autistic and likes having friends.
Maybe he tries to teach her things since that's what his Elmo's World was always about.

I wouldn't call it 'talking down', it's more like the target audience is strictly in the 2 year old range.

That's like getting mad at Blue's Clue because Steve repeats the clue five times in a row and never going into the deep social subtext of a salt and pepper married couple having a paprika child Mr. Salt got cucked