>tfw I hate feminism with a burning passion
>tfw loved the action scenes in this
>conflicted about the overall quality of the movie and the underlying feminist message
Am I allowed to like it?
Tfw I hate feminism with a burning passion
Love flicks with themes of loyalty, respect and honour.
>women won't get this.
It taught that the pussy femenism about being better then men was retarded, and that women and men can be just as aggresive equally. Also WITNESS ME
>Young americans encounter the word "harem" for the first time
>it is impressive for them
I don't think it had a feminist message. All of the women except Furiosa are depicted as incompetent and stupid (wasting vasts amounts of precious water just to wash themselves when they're in the middle of a desert and will just get dirty again in 2 minutes) and even Furiosa gets her ass kicked by Max and has to rely on him.
And when they finally find the old women, it turns out their little all-women breakaway society completely squandered their one chance at a green paradise, leaving it an even more ravaged wasteland than the one they escaped from.
It was shit eitger way
The underlying feminist message that women don't enjoy being sex slaves?
>the underlying feminist message
There's one female character in the entire movie that is fucking competent. The rest are either sheltered idiots who are utterly dependant on others and don't even realise how good they had it, and a bunch of grannies who've had their brains cooked by the sun. The only female-led society is shown to have collapsed, starved and been reduced to banditry whilst the male societies are at least technologically advanced, functioning and have established trade and defence pacts, even if they are despotic.
One badass with two X chromosomes does not a 'Feminist Movie' make, gullible idiots just parroted that and the director siezed the opportunity to promote his film even further.
The movie wasn't really feminist. They would've been fucked if it wasn't for Max taking charge and making a plan on getting back to their city.
There was some graffiti in the vault that said "Who killed the world?", the implied answer is men. Furiosa's rebellion is supposed to mirror feminism going up against a patriarchal tyranny and implies at the end that women take over and their society will be "better and more fair"
Even in the apocalypse women, women manage to fuck up a working system because they didn't want to take a gross dick, even after living in relative luxury and offluence most-if-not their entire lives.
To me it shows you can never provide enough for a woman, they will always want more. I love that part that one bitch flips when things get hard
>"I changed my mind I'll take the dick TAKE ME BACK!"
>muh feminism, Charlize is a badass wig her arm hurrr durr
Let's be realistic here, if anyone kills the world, it won't be women will it. They're shit at killing things.
>>tfw I hate feminism with a burning passion
>>tfw loved the action scenes in this
>>conflicted about the overall quality of the movie and the underlying feminist message
Agreeing with this, I don't get why even furiosa is a feminist character, she's just not weak like the harem girls apart from the one that grabs the hot exhaust with no problems
The reason this movie is described as feminist is because the female characters are well written. That's it. Stop being a fucking gamergator sperg about it and just enjoy this action movie with hot chicks who are also interesting.
Why am I fedora?
There were no feminist messages anywhere in the movie.
>I can't enjoy movies because internet will think I'm not cool
I loved how much the 'feminist' pieces focused on 'omg those poor enslaved wimmin!'....completely ignoring the fucking War Boys who essentially (and in some cases literal) child soldiers who've been brainwashed to treat their own lives like ammunition in their warlord's wars and are no more free and far more exploited. Their position in their internal hierarchy is maintained by violence, they have to fight every day just to keep their shitty place on the totem pole as disposable cannon fodder.
Plus they're all riddled with cancers from the environment, whereas the 'poor wimmin' are living in a hermatically sealed garden of eden.
The sex slaves basically got to live in the last paradise on Earth in exchange for the """hardship"""" of having some wheezing old guy flop around on top of them for a few minutes. And he was in his sixties, with no chemical aid, how often, realisitically, are they going to have to perform this terrible duty to earn their keep?
Disposable gender I guess though, so not really surprising.
Fury Road shows a feminist society, the green place of many mothers. It failed miserably and there were only a handful of them left struggling to survive.
>feminist movie
>mayority of females end up dead or are damsels in distress
>Furiosa was wrong
>Max had to pretty much "manspain" her back to the citadel and also saves her life countless times
sure, sure
>tfw this is symbolical for cutting the umbilical cord.
I still don't know how this is a feminist movie to some people.
The thing is that the women are talking too much and that they not talking about a man.
>I can't like a movie that I enjoyed because it thinks women aren't pieces of shit
truly you are a strong man
Yeh and it ends with the woman taking over the citadel and everyone cheering, it was obviously pro feminist. How the fuck was women rule going to be better btw, I looked like just used up 90% of the water in final scene wtf
They're cheering because they finally got water.
>p-please tell me what to think Sup Forums!
user, are you a professional critic?
Congrats, nobody gives a fuck what you like. Your opinion is completely inconsequential. So just be happy when you can enjoy something.
If this movie was feminist I don't have a problem with feminism
But it doesn't square with what the internet tells me is feminism
>implying a numale such as the one in the picture wouldn't call himself a male feminist
The movie is basically nothing more than pure action. I think you're looking for hidden meaning when none exists.
If I don't ask Sup Forums and form my own opinions, people call me a pleb
>Am I allowed to like it?
fuck off
>Am I allowed to like it?
>Am I allowed to like it?
>Am I allowed to like it?
>Am I allowed to like it?
>Am I allowed to like it?
Fragile fucking basement dwellers
Like what you want to like
If you're put off by women, don't go outside
Sup Forums is retarded. that much should have been clear.
So stop having pleb opinions then
you realized that it wasn't the inclusion of "strong" female characters for the reason of your opposition to feminazis, but rather the constant shilling and support for cliche "strong" or obviously overcentric roles in various forms of media. A male character can act the same way, but it's been perfected in a way, but the SJW's just wanted to include a women for diversity's sake and would waste it by making them shallow as possible and such other criticisms of bad characters.
Then fucking ignore them and enjoy what you enjoy.
The movie was feminist and not """feminist"""
Max is also used by Joe; as fuel for his war boys
The girls realise their feminist utopia, the 'Green Place' is a lie, and they cannot run and hide in a 'safe space' -
They must work hard to live just like anyone else, and that society must be changed if they want change
This guy gets it
Metropolis has a shitty message by modern standards. It is still a great movie.
I'm an atheist, but I think Life of Pi is an amazing film.
You can enjoy a film without agreeing with the message.
Aren't those "feminist" pieces written in response to an internet community that seems to take any story focusing on females, despite any actions taken by those characters, as antimale propaganda? Or do you think loud outspoken people would continue to be this way if no one paid them attention to the degree that this site does.
So if an evil king is beaten by the hero in a story and the hero, ignoring any other characteristic trait, is female does that automatically become pro feminist propaganda?
except they explored exactly what you're saying they ignored with the character of Nux, you fucking retard
It's not feminist, it's anti-religious.
You didn't pay attention if you think this movie has a good feminist message if anything it shits on it.
>Female lead loses fight with sanguinated man with dead weight chained to him
>"Badass" elderly ladies get picked off like flies, never managing to more than one warboy before getting blindsided
>Feminist movie
Nice cherrypicking.
I didn't see any feminist articles focusing on Nux over the 'Brides' you fucking cock polisher.
Give me examples of female competence in the film.
Dude it wasn't fucking feminist in any way. The fucking hero was Max, in the end after helping the women that would had died long in ago in the road or going to fucking nowhere in the salt he disappears as the hero he's. Stop with this bullshit.
>tfw I hate feminism with a burning passion
>Am I allowed to like it?
now this is autism
The only feminist message is that it's bad to treat people like slaves. You could pick apart the necessity of Immortan Joe's existence as a stabilizing element in reestablishing society but the time comes when tyrants are no longer needed. This is the only "feminist" movie I've seen where the filmmakers acknowledged the reality of women, no matter how competent or badass they seem, need to rely on a man to take care of the the most significant physical altercations. Also, to fix their cars.
I interpreted it to mean that warlords like Immortan Joe killed the world. You know, since it was destroyed by nuclear war and all that.
>Dude it wasn't fucking feminist in any way. The fucking hero was Max, in the end after helping the women that would had died long in ago in the road or going to fucking nowhere in the salt he disappears as the hero he's. Stop with this bullshit.
t. SJW apologist
I used to like this flick before this thread, but not anymore
Thanks for opening my eyes OP
>The entire film is women being irrational and a man is the one who talks some sense into them and makes sure they won't die in the fucking desert
Exactly. Didn't got the "strong woman" meme if they discuss here Fury Road, they are strong woman, yes, but they are no Mary Sues, Miller knows that his audience are mostly males and he knows like everyone else that women are simply weaker than men, the scene where they finished off Max was because he was weak from the blood they took him.
It's a good movie dude. Just like it because you like the movie.
People who like movies for their political messages are fucking retarded anyways.
First of all this.
Also, the first thing the women do when they are "in charge" is let loose a shit ton of water. You know the stuff the bad man was wisely conserving because he lives in a fucking post apocalyptic desert. Why do you think Max leaves at the end instead of enjoying this wonderful female led communist utopia? Because it won't last long before people are eating each other.
The only value judgement the movie overtly makes is that "women are not things", which is easy enough to swallow if you're not from Saudi Arabia.
>hire feminists as advisors
>Everyone hails your movie as being profeminism when really you just used it as a cover so people didn't bitch about you putting hot models running around in skimpy clothing
I love how rejects couldn't realize such an easy solution to such a stupid problem, only retards see this as a pro feminist movie.
Lmao, furiosa may be pretty bad ass but max basically whooped her ass while chained and out numbered and takes out a fucking tank by himself, his bad assery is just too subtle for the mouth breathing plebs.
>this is what nu-male cucks actually believe
> one armed 80kg woman JUST loses after gun doesn't work
Still fucking stupid mate
I know exactly that feel
Also the production work in to those fucking cars.. THOSE FUCKING CARS MAN
That's some passion
eh, maybe it was feminist in a superficial way, but think about it. the female-run society was destroyed and the women were reduced to crazed harpies using their bodies to lure men to the death and steal their resources. when Furiosa finally finds them they decide to just ride off in despair into the sunset, and have to be saved by a man. then they only have a happy ending by stealing what a man has built. without leadership, what they stole will be destroyed in no time. I think it's tragic, but it's not feminist.
>sex slaves dressed as sex slaves
You probably think their outfits weren't intentional and part of the theme, either.
Now this is true autism.
Well yeah, that's what all people with a fucking brain got.
Go dust your anime figurines, millennial.
Man that's a great argument right there.
>can't enjoy a movie because muh feminism boogeyman
Living with autism must be very hard, I'm sorry about that OP.
>Also, the first thing the women do when they are "in charge" is let loose a shit ton of water
the problem is the film portrays this as a good thing. you're not supposed take "wow that's a bad idea" from it
>callsv others millennials
>defends feminist propaganda
You can dismiss feminism and the white genocide at large as "le boogeyman" all you want but it won't keep you out of the mass grave.
>LITERALLY too retarded to recognize millennial SJW propaganda, mistakes genius method of side stepping retard vocal minority being upset at naked super models in your movie
You are a mouth breathing slope browed cunt.
no it's smashing the chains of the patriarchy
That's this scene.
>this is what mu-males actually believe
Could you be anymore of a fedora tipping faggot?
If you hadnt been told the movie was feminist, would you still see it that way?
Keep in mind the movie was written in 1997 by two dudes. The script barely changed. Any modern identity politics you see are pure coincidence. The feminism angle was pushed as a genius marketing campaign because it shielded the movie (that contains 5 skantally dressed sex slaves) from ever being critised in that way.
Oh, sorry.
I thought you were critisising the movie, not articles written about the movie.
I remember reading one about how the movie was about Objectification and how in Joe's society humsn life has no value only what can be squeezed out of you, not just of women for sex purposes but everyone.
> wives are baby factories
> fat women are literal dairy cows
> war boys are disposable muscle
> max is only valuable for his blood
They keep a record of every litre of gas they wasted, and every trashed car. But didn't care at all about the dozens of war boys who got BTFO along the way.
>If you hadnt been told the movie was feminist, would you still see it that way?
Even if you were living in a cave you'd need to be completely illiterate about film not to see the overt feminist subtext.
I don't give a fuck about any "message," imagined or not. It was an objectively good movie, and if you refuse to watch the movie because of what someone says on the internet then you're poorer for it.
Men killed the world by giving women the right to vote.
if there is any message its 1st wave feminism and it's done very well. I'm a Sup Forumstard and think it's absurd anyone would dismiss the movie over this.
>I don't care if it's propaganda that's contributing to the very real genocide of my race so long as I had FUN.
Good little Sup Forums crossposting goy. Your entertainment is transient but white people will be gone for good.
>hate feminism with a burning passion
t. 13 yr old
>destroyed by nuclear war and all that.
It wasn't a nuclear war that killed the mad max world, was it?
I thought civilization just collapsed because of resource scarcity and squabbles over what little was left.
Hell the first one isn't even post apocalyptic. It's the last shreds of civilization teetering on the brink.
It's not a feminist message, Christ.
The matriachial society completely collapsed in one generation. The patriarchal one was a compelte sucess with a rebirth of industry and a growing population kept alive by carefully regimented and metered water rationing.
This. It wasn't war. It was a lack of fuel to maintain civilization.
And this civilization was dying without water.
Which got wasted in the end.
The next Mad Max will be about people suffocating because air will be running out because of too many mouth breathers.
>Mad max and snake pliskin team up to escape earth
Pls be a thing. Bring back mel and kurt.
>It's a, "BROS BEFORE HOS," episode.
I'd spend my hard earned money on it.
except for western civilization of course.
he thought this lazy as fuck bait movie was legitimately good
How the fuck does that belt even work, wouldn't it like stink of piss all the time?
They would probably wash it