When did you notice the shift to Shitworld, Sup Forumsros?

When did you notice the shift to Shitworld, Sup Forumsros?
For me it was 2005.

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BF4 was amazing you fag

September 11th, 2001.

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Fucking redditfag. I fucking miss moot. I remember when he did something against the cancer on here


The gaming world went to shit when the PS2 was successful and PC gaming became less important.

People still played N64 in 2004. In 2004, people felt a closer connection to the 90s, 80s, and even the 70s than people feel now to just the early 2000s, let alone all the other decades I mentioned.
It was a time of universal love for the cultures we all grew up with.

When The Mayans Predicted the End of the World.

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>For me it was 2005.
Because more-or-less that's when it happened.
90s-00s (exact cutoffs debatable) was the golden age of video games.

So it standing on its last legs in 2005 fits perfectly.

1997-early 2005 was generally the best time to be alive, but I'd say the cultural golden age was 1971-early 2005.
That's when the world felt completely separated from the world of before, and felt like a wonderful time to be alive.

>but I'd say the cultural golden age was 1971-early 2005
That I like to call the mini-Renaissance. Golden age (1997-early 2005) was the pinnacle of it.

Such a shame all good things come to an end.

I blame the recession. Quantum reality fuckery may also be involved (i.e. once those prices started falling, the realities "collapsed" to the inevitable shitty world that would follow).

All you fags have a severe case of nostalgia syndrome. May lead to boomer.

Also, old Zelda is shit and the ultimate soy, 2pac is trash and FF is the most boring game to come in existence.

bf4 is one of the greatest game to have ever existed.

T. Millennial

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late 90s, early 2000s

Eh, these are times of turmoil and we aren't in the clear just yet.
We still aren't seeing the clear picture of what went wrong.

Let's get past this mess that we are in right now first and then decide what the fuck happened, shall we?

That quantum shit is scary and I seriously hope it's not that. The certainty that we'll never be able to tell for sure is bordering on insanity.
So I just hope it's not that, and that's the point where I stop thinking about it.


>mario, zelda, sonic and final fantasy

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Around 2013, when anime went mainstream here in the U.S., and everyone (especially people who previously 'hated' it) started to pretend they love it. NPCs infected the anime and gaming subculture, and it's been a downward trend ever since.

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>anime went mainstream in the west at 2013
You're either a zoomer or retarded, maybe both

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Zoomers don't even watch anime. I guarantee if you show anime to a zoomer, they'll be like "What cartoons are you watching? I only watch Hannah Montana and PewDiePie let's plays".

Millennial, but one who has been an otaku/weeb since the early-90s. I was there when anime was so taboo, yet I was still planted in front of the TV at 4 to watch Sailor Moon, DBZ, Gundam (usually Wing), Ruroken, and so on. Manga sections at bookstores were tiny, but legit. Anime shirts were rare, but truly unique, and paid proper homage to their respective series.' Now, as with vidya, it's all just one big cash-grab, one gimmick after the next, hidden behind a paywall, then forgotten all about months later.

fukken normies, man...

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Mayans didn't predict shit you stupid fucking cuckold

>thousands of kids watched pokemon
>blacks love dbz
>cartoon network had toonami
>lots of American cartoons referenced anime
>thinks anime was some secret club until 2013

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Anime used to be more mainstream. Now, zoomers who only love Western shit like Miley Cyrus and Billie Eilish don't even know what anime is.

It was (in a way). While western cartoons might have referenced anime from time to time, anime itself was hated by the general populace, and you'd be the victim of scorn and oftentimes physical violence for liking it.
>hehe, if you don't like me kicking your ass, just go super saiyan or whatever you fucking nerd

More so, you'd be alienated and ostracized by society, particularly from women/girls. Now, those same women/girls are using cosplay to get thousands a month just to look like a hypersexualized version of an anime/vidya character that, just years earlier, they'd ridicule men for even so much as looking at. Pokemon was a thing, sure, but only so long a you didn't have evangelical parents/relatives who would burn your pokemon cards, assuming they were portals to demon-summoning.

As for blacks loving DBZ...I'd say that it's just the highlights. If you ask the average 'black DBZ fan' where the Z-fighters have to go to get senzu beans, for example, they'd have no idea, and wouldn't be able to tell you who Baba is because they're just bandwagon fans who mostly like the fighting and bright colors.

>The shirt has "楽" on it, not "亀" or "悟." If you were a real 'fan,' you'd know that this isn't Goku's.

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I know for a fact zoomers watch jojo, dbz, and boruto

If you got bullied or ostracized for watching anime you were most likely a fat weeb that deserved it

I remember inuyasha and all the fun stuff. Also the excitement of new Naruto episodes that slowly turned into seething hatred after 100s of episodes of Sasuke flashbacks and reunion teasers with 0 development.

Now anime is mostly just rehashed plots with very little oc

Maybe the zoomers you know do. But most zoomers don't know what those shows are.
You gotta remember, when your only frame of reference is Western culture of the mid-late '00s and 2010s, you don't like stuff from outside of that terrible window. It's why zoomers watch capeshit instead of Star Wars, and listen to Bobby Shmurda instead of Michael Jackson.

I was a fat weeb, yes, but I didn't deserve it. Now, everyone else wants to be a [body-positive!] weeb and buy up all the anime shirts from Hot Topic and Rue 21, claiming themselves to be experts on the artform. When really, all they watch is Academia, Jojo, Naruto's Son, and that demon-slaying show with the hee-hee demon.

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Lol fuck off boomer.
Gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang my bitch love cocaine ooh i fucked a bitch i forgot her name uhh gucci gang gucci gang (gucci gang).

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Ok zoomer

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People who say "ok boomer" should be rounded up and shot.

Agreed, do the same to people that get butthurt about it

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the day that nigger dindu got shot and that entire city chimped out

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Which "nigger dindu" are you talking about? Trayvon?

correct, and not just because of this recent news of dindu family getting sued. That was always the starting point for shitworld for me

Hate to tell you, man, but you put way too much weight on African-American deaths. Sure you got a movement out of it, but it wasn't a global thing.
The recession, on the other hand... That marked a turning point for the whole world.

No, for me it was the first time i've ever witnessed mass hysteria. People lost their fuckin shit and didn't act like actual people. Seems to be a casual lifestyle now.

Ever hear of Rodney King and the L.A. riots? That made the Black Lives Matter movement look like a playground scuffle.

ahh yes 2004
the year of mario 64 and coca cola
if only those things existed now, my life would be perfect

They exist, but the culture isn't the same.
In 2004, there was a kino atmosphere. The 70s-90s was still fresh in everyone's memory, so people had parties where they played Mario 64 and drank Coke and stuff.
Now, you can still play Mario 64 and drink Coke, but good luck getting the Instagram thots to come to your social gathering. The culture is completely different. It fucking sucks.

because the only girls that exist now are instagram thots?
2004 had the same type of girls, they went to raves and posted their asses on myspace

you obviously were in grade school in the 00s judging from your items posted for 2004

>HURRRR the shit people younger than me like is SHIT
Man I'm almost 30 so I grew up with a lot of the shit in the top part of your photo and I couldn't give less of a shit about fortnite and soundcloud rap etc. but I'm not gonna shit on stuff zoomers like just because, I'm sure they're having a blast and I hope they do

But at least the raves and Myspace were kino.
I mean, aside from shit like Li'l Jon. I could do without him. But as much as I despise Li'l Jon, there is something to be said for having intentionally trashy songs at clubs. I don't wanna give him credit, but I have to anyway. He had the right idea, he just made terrible music.


Take off those rose tinted glasses

This. most music and film were garbage for majority of the 00s.
A few games were good, but mostly OP only likes because of nostalgia.

Yeah man, because Academia's pretty good, it's the natural evolution of good shonen. Only a true otaku would realize this.

actual top music from 2004:
Lil John
Maroon 5
3 Doors Down
Hilary Duff

Music in the mid-00s was horrible
OP is just on a nostalgia trip

Yeah I was born

At least they all had soul, no matter how small the amount.
Li'l Jon and Nickelback were garbage, but man, I'd take that shit over 2010s music.
I'd take literal shit over 2010s music.

Nothing says soul like Hilary Duff, Backstreet Boys, and Britney Spears

Shitty music
Bad polygons trying to pass for "3D gaming!"
Rise of the corporatocracy of video games, beginning the Halo Shooter Guy Multiplayer and WoW everything! idea of video games.
Crappy cars with underpowered enginges
And ohyeah, the number one movie out... THE PASSION OF THE FUCKING CHRIST!

Fuck that bullshit. Was also the height of the AMerican diet full blown youth diabetes method.

Now we have, better cars, better games, better music, independent producers and developers, high speed internet, much better technology, not to mention the advancements in biotechnology.

Nah, only a brainlet would WANT to live in 2004, instead of eating healthy and playing ANY decent game from the last 40 years on an emulator.



Come on, there's no denying which ones have more soul.

All those are songs manufactured by the record labels to sell singles.
None of them have an ounce of soul.
You are blinded by your nostalgia from 5th grade to actually believe 2004 was full of soulful music.

k boomboom

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Look, soul is something that can't be described. It has to be felt.
All I can say, is that I can FEEL something in Toxic that I can't in Wrecking Ball. I can FEEL the early 2000s in Toxic. It reminds me of better times. What I feel in Wrecking Ball, on the other hand, is the shiny, sleek, minimalistic, smartphone era that is the 2010s.
If you want me to write a dissertation on the chemical reactions in my brain that make me feel this way, I'm afraid I can't provide. You'll just have to try to understand.

you literally just described nostalgia you

it'll only get worse friend
i will show you how
also cringe thread

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life sux now

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>kids these days
congrats, op. you're getting old

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You literally just miss being a kid


Fortnite is just RuneScape for Zoomers.

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Aw fuck I’ve clearly been outplayed

Yep, you got yeeted fam.

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Not really tbh.

>FF is the most boring game to come in existence.
Which one, mom?


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Around the time I started to get old and cynical, just like everyone else on Planet Earth.

No it isn't.

It is, and it's over-hyped. Almost as bad as Zelda OoT.

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dubs of truth

Protip, Don't enter the shitworld.