Tfw parents want to take me to Europe as a college graduation gift next summer (semi-richfag)

>tfw parents want to take me to Europe as a college graduation gift next summer (semi-richfag)
>tfw I don't want to go because tourist spots in Europe seem like death traps right now

Am I being completely irrational? I wanted to visit Germany in high school through a school group ~4 years ago but ended up having to miss that trip. I regret having missed it, because Europe seems far more dangerous now.

Go to Japan instead

Come here instead, boy :-)

god the rich are worthless

Come to Finland so you can be bored to death instead of being blown up, shot or run over by a truck.

>Am I being completely irrational?
yes retard
meanwhile in the real world you have a 0.000001% of getting rekt by a snackbar. Live your life and enjoy europe while its still around.

Honestly, Mexicans scare me far less than towelheads.

I mean as tourists they'd probably show you around the places that aren't shitholes for the sake of a good reputation so reasonable odds of not dying.

That's the closest thing to good news I can say. My dad does a lot of travel for business and it's more about where you go and how you get there. It's like when a school puts on a happy face and perfect presentation to lure people in and seal the deal before submitting them to shit cafeteria food and trash teachers.

America is still more than 10x more dangerous than Europe even with all the snackbars. Niggers.

Fuck europe. going to chile this November

My friend just got back from Germany. They only complained the weed was shit, so I guess it's safe there. Probably safer than Chicago. Personally, I wouldn't be afraid. That's what ISIS wants, that's why they're called TERRORists because they use fear as a tactic.


I guess I worry less about that since I already live here, but the thing is almost all violent crime here happens in minority ghettos.

Seems like in Europe it can happen anywhere and everywhere

Yep lots of planned false flags this summer, i wouldn't come here. Try avoiding France, Belgium and Germany atleast for now

Just don't go to berlin or cologne and youll be fine.


How is Munich/Bavaria in general?

Bavaria is the Scotland of Germany.

In what way? I don't give a shit if they're libtards, I just want to know if it's a relatively safe area of Germany that I can visit for a few days without getting culturally enriched

Socialist cucks or sheepfuckers?


Lol just come visit us, we haven't really had terror yet. I think two years ago we had a muslim whom went gun slinger but be only targeted jews and marxists.

In the uk basically anywhere outside of London is fine. I would recommend Durham or somewhere like that, it would be great.

Try Poland or Croatia.

If someone was offering me a free trip to Europe, I wouldn't fucking hesitate to go check it out.

Especially Italy.

I want to cut your fucking head off just for being a spoiled rich kid too scared to exploit his incredible luck.

Where do you live you fucking pussy?

I'll bring you some violent crime right fucking now.

Go anywhere other than France or Belgium and you'll be fine.

check'd and check'd


Everyone scares me less than Mudslimes.

Go to Eastern Europe