Redesign Donald's Logo

We all know Trump/Pence's logo is pretty unpopular, so lets help him out by making him a new one

Pic related, my contribution

bonus points for explaining why you made particular choices

>Hoping gold starts will create some positivity, make people think of wealth, and he could even make 3 campaign promises and say that the stars represent each of those
>MAGA front and centre, where it ought to be

Too many colors. Serifs not fitting with Trump's previous font style. No memorable design choices, like Shillary's H with the arrow.

Good initiative. I suck at visual though, I can't help you.

Does Pence have any solid memes or even a 2hu yet? I have no idea how to represent him.


>too many colours
Are you a genuine retard? Literally every candidate uses red white, blue and black. Every single one of them. All I did was add yellow
>not fitting with Trump's previous font style
I don't know what font Trump usually uses, this just looked more traditional.
>No memorable design choices, like Shillary's H with the arrow.
Better than being memorable for being awful to look at

If you can do better, do better.

>No memorable design choices, like Shillary's H with the arrow.
That's a gimmicky logo that feels like her trying to be """"""""hip"""""""" like with everything she does.

My concept is glass full, positive. What think you?

I agree with the other guy about the font. Serif a shit

Reminds me of France

It looks more presidential.

All the people who are good at graphic design support Hillary.

There's a french flag in that 'U' faggot

>this is objectively a lie

>Needs a wall
>needs a eagle

>a eagle

Eh, I guess. He also uses serifs on his own branding. I'll shut up

How about this one?

Don't you get it user? Awoo has been pence all along - we memed him into reality


Maybe one arrow going up for trumps logo. Trump going up and Clinton going sidewards.


Ya it's good but $Hillary is the thief, we don't want Trump to be in a position to have that called on him.


literally pbrush trash

Make them six sided gold stars

I mean pointed

Yea gfx isn't in my wheelhouse just an idea.

It's not like it would be official.

holy shit

How about this one?

Make the background blue, trump signs are usually blue with white trump on it, it's a good Colour combination



If the background was blue what colour would the blue line have to be changed to?

i really wish more people tried to do something with Trump's old casino/golf course logo while he was running on its own.

unfortunately he made the mistake of picking a "P" VP so any attempt to use basic acronyms will just result in Toilet Paper jokes.

No, looks like they fuckin

Just looks like their old one on a french flag, m8

White, try white letters and make them wider if you want but it may take away from the line but black letters may be too dull depending on the shade of blue.

Other variants here:

For some reason it look like the logo for gun shop.

I think this one emphasizes a high energy duo


Get the fuck out ¡Jeb!

It makes it look like a hazard sign or warning label with the black and red colour contrast

>Sup Forums has no artistic talent or drive to help out The God Emperor in his time of need
I'm not angry Sup Forums, just disappointed.

G-g-guys, what does this mean?

I can make one on my computer if anyone's interested and you guys keep the thread open

The Zodiac Killer will strike again

I'm very interested, no guarantees on this thread lasting though. But you can always make a new one


Might be a bit late in the game to change the slogan

I don't think anything will ever replace 'make america great again', but as a secondary slogan or chant it's not awful

Yeah, absolutely, I like it, so long as there's also material using MAGA, just so people don't get it in their head that MAGA won't happen


No exclamation mark, it makes it sound like it isn't a promise. Like it's just encouragement


also clean up the "U" area, it looks a bit rough, other than that, it looks great

Pence is Woojak.

Trump is Pepe.


Donald Pence is a much better term. TP is always going to come across as toilet paper, you could try to rationalize it by saying the Donald will clean up our government's shit, but I would rather the slogan be DP for fucking the establishment.

marvelous, simply marvelous

Also a version with the makes sense slogan.

It's 2:30 and I've got a research meeting in the morning. Later.

whipped it up fast in paint so it looks like shit but gives the general look of what i was going for

Looks like the Temple University logo desu senpai

This looks REALLY good.

make that logo the same color as the eagle i told you already


The revised logo is great. It's minimalist and classy like Trump's solo logo.

Someone should use the Imperium logo



If the letters were a little smoother along the edges it would be perfect.

How about just a trump logo without pence so we can forget he picked such a god awful vp

kind of rough

Sinners, re-pence

pence is momiji
trump is marisa

what are you talking about the logo is great

why dont you guys ask /gd/ or something

You guys are fucking morons if you don't think the phallic symbolism was an intentional strategic move in order to garner publicity from the type of morons who will retweet it and make a big deal out of it. Absolutely fucking moronic. I mean you have the deductive capabilities of a fucking nigger.


>make reference to homosexuality in Republican party campaign material
>party that opposes gay marriage
> majority of voters devout Christians
>regardless of whether it was intentional or not
>logo is universally disliked
>not appealing to voters
>"it was the plan al along!"
I really don't think you should be going around calling anyone else a moron

The OFFICIAL one is just fine, faggot.

Subliminally it looks like fucking and everyone likes sex but the MSM can't criticise or even mention it because they just can't bring that topic up without looking like cucks and anyway because they just can't.

>God Emperor wins 4D chess move...AGAIN.

See my previous post

ONLY 'universally disliked' by faggots because it makes them hard and uncomfortable in public

Everybody else loves it but doesn't want to say

4D check.....mate!

Ah bait, I see. Take it somewhere else.

Why are you so fucking retarded?

Stupid faggot! The official logo is PERFECT!

loving this

I tried...


can someone tweet this too him? i guarentee no candidate has had a logo like this


Come on Sup Forums someone tap into that meme magic for Trump

someone shoop up a coin shaped logo and call it a trumppence
yknow.. like a tuppence.
cant believe nobodys thought of this


At first I thought that said



No meme material from me until after we get more material from this Pence character, though.