Please remember that we hate police more than shitskins Sup Forums
Police are the ones who can fuck you raw dog and you can't do anything about it.
Remember that Black Lives Matter, though run by dindus, still represents the effort to curb police power. Government power. Jewish power. Let them kill each other.
>Remember that Black Lives Matter, though run by dindus, still represents the effort to curb police power. Government power. Jewish power. Let them kill each other.
You are fucking stupid my man lmfao.
Nathaniel Jackson
I'm not a criminal or a shit skin so I have no problems with the police.
>Please remember that we hate police more than shitskins Sup Forums Shut the fuck up. I was standing at a crosswalk today while waiting on the light with a police car next to me. Waved and told him to be safe. I've never had major issues with cops even when I was blatantly breaking the law. I respect them immensely. Take your Anarchy/Libertarian meme shit and get the fuck out.
Cooper Richardson
But if enough cops get killed then the National Guard will show up. The balance must be maintained.
Andrew Gonzalez
Daniel Baker
Hey I forgot what's this guy's name again Sup Forums?
Daniel Ross
Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, WI.
Isaiah White
Go suck a fatty cock you faggot.
Anthony Barnes
A jew rising for a pig raising the American flag.
Adam Hall
Samuel L Justice
Cooper Nelson
wrong, friendo
Aaron Wood
Remember, whenever you encounter a policeman or firefighter on the fourth of July buy them a beer :)
Jose Nguyen
Thomas Bailey
Try harder shill. I hate niggers more than cops
Bentley Parker
My dogs life is worth more than the life of a dindu
Levi Fisher
>hate police more than shitskins come back here after you graduate high school
Jason Watson
>Remember that Black Lives Matter, though run by dindus, still represents the effort to curb police power. Government power. Jewish power.
I guess that's why they are funded by Soros... Right?
Tyler Scott
Ahh, shitty shills still don't understand that other people don't think like the liberal hivemind.
Jaxson Carter
What?! Stupid Antifa Scum! Go fuck yourself.
Why should we hate the Police?
Dylan Lopez
Brayden Taylor
>be nigger >see polo >so fucking scared he shits his undies
>be innocent black man >greets police and follow all protocols >goes on his merry way
Wow really jiggles dem noggins huh
Zachary Butler
Fuck off. You can't curb police power when you have idiotic thugs turning cities into warzones.
Oliver Campbell
If we ever hated the police it was because we were shithead teenagers that did shit that was illegal. then we grew up.
Camden Powell
Easton Mitchell
>let them kill each other
Andrew Lopez
This one
Are you mad because some Policeman arrested you for smoking Weed? Good!
Jeremiah Gomez
Nuanced issues are wasted on your ilk.
Carson Stewart
Why did the bald jew stand up if he's not even American?
Blake Myers
BLM doesn't want to curb police power, they just want attention. The same people calling police racist, corrupt, violent thugs are going on social media and claiming they're reporting people to police for mean words.
Eli Allen
>thinking there's some intricate nuances to his pleb argument, that's not an argument.
Top Kek, m8
Caleb White
Thomas Cook
>you can't do anything about it You get a lawyer, produce evidence of rape, get him fired, sue for everything the department has, get him jailed as a disgraced rapist former police officer, and you win.
Sebastian Powell
Just when i thought Sup Forums couldn't get more retarded. Good job OP, you lowered the bar once again.
Michael Torres
Deal with shitskins and dindus first, then worry about the popo
Priorities my man
Jason Walker
The best thing is to get police and degenerate trash from the Black and White races to begin exterminating one another in large numbers. Fortunately, the police are already mostly degenerate White and Black trash.
Henry Myers
kill yourself.
Lucas Wright
No to all of this complete crap.
Kill yourself antifa scum.
Grayson Ortiz
>we >hate police
No I don't faggot, I respect and commend them.
Nolan Morales
you.... don't even know the BLM demands and by extension what they would do to the country? do you?? piss off clown
Jace Williams
You're either >a nog that got arrested for something illegal >your homie rayquan got arrested for something illegal >you're smoked weed and got arrested >or you're a BLM supporting cuck
Wyatt Jones
Dindus aren't intelligent enough to maintain power themselves, they need institutionalized police and government power to gain control with the help of their jewish lizard lords.
All I'm saying is completely trusting police is not a recipe for success. Beware their power over you.
In a perfect (white) world, there wouldn't be any police.
Firemen, on the other, are great. Keep up the great work.
Dominic Roberts
Fuck off Jamal Dan Lime got BTFO. Clark is based. Sheriff Joe is based. BLM is a terrorist organization.
Lucas Roberts
Keep licking those boots, you fucking degenerate. If you keep it up, you might attain the status of nigger one day.
Austin Rivera
The best thing for us is for the niggers and kike protecting police to kill each other.
Don't take a side in this fight for it is better for us if they are both weakened by it.
Joseph Ross
Andrew Gonzalez
>t. (((Antifa)))
Nolan Moore
Andrew Reyes
>anarchists and libertarians in Sup Forums
Go jerk off to Rothbard and Nozick somewhere else; I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be 18+?
Lincoln Garcia
>we hate police Who's "we"? I'm not black and have never had any altercations with them. Maybe you darkies should stop robbing stores and killing each other. That shit only flew back in Africa.
Thomas Green
Evan Nelson
Fuck off you dindu apologist
Dominic Adams
>Please remember that we hate police more than shitskins Sup Forums
No, we don't.
Police aren't perfect, but they are a necessary evil. Shitskins are an unnecessary evil.
Owen Wright
I don't hate police because I'm not a dindu or an underage faggot. Get fucked kid
Kayden Collins
Kayden Allen
Sheriff David "Black on Black violence HAPPENS" Clarke
most accurate point ive seen on Sup Forums concerning blm
Mason Rodriguez
What if you got all your kids taken away because one fell down playing and the police are convinced you are abusive because you expressed antisocial opinions on social media?
Mason Flores
>have only been pulled over by a cop once years ago >it was for speeding >only got a warning
Cops are okay in my book. A guy on Stephan Molyneux's podcast suggested putting a "Police Lives Matter" sticker on your car and you'll never get a speeding ticket. I'm considering it.
Michael White
555555 get
Jeremiah Long
>higher standard I've been seeing that entire last post bandied about lately. It's almost like every time black on black crime is brought up the left starts having a different conversation
Zachary Mitchell
I can't say I've ever been pulled over. It's pretty common in this area to do 10-15 km over the speed limit, and the cops just let it be. Closest I've had was a cop driving by my house while I was drinking on the front step. He slowed down, waved, and asked me how my day was. I love being white.
You can always shoot or stab a nigger and blame it on them and let the coppers take them away.
But when you're targeted by police you can't shoot or stab. You have to litigate, you have to attend court hearings, spend money, spend time, spend mental stability.
Even if everything ends up getting dropped and you're found not guilty (which obviously all Sup Forumssters are) you're still out a bunch of time and energy.
Chimps are going to chimpout anyways, that isn't the issue. As long as you're carrying and you're not retarded you have nothing to worry about when it comes to sub humans.
On the other hand the uniformed fascists are allowed to do anything they want. Sure you can wave hello and they will too but if they want to they can start fucking your day up.
In a world with only whites there is no need for police.
is right, deal with the shit first then with the fascists. Then finally some freedom and peace and quiet.
Camden Baker
>Please remember that we hate police more than shitskins Sup Forums
Nathan Powell
No. Now fuck off anarcho nigger.
Isaac Phillips
Are we at 4 stars desu?
Zachary Powell
>uniformed fascists Adults are talking junior go catch some pokey man
Lincoln Cook
David "fucking niggers ruining this beautiful land" Clarke
Cameron Russell
Cops are okay about speeding here but there are a few designated speed traps at the end of downhill slopes that they always watch. The locals already know about them but anyone driving through town can get fucked over.
Sebastian Roberts
Living under a boot is a good thing? Why?
Sup Forums has a weird fixation with living under the rule of someone else. Like being a submissive to a dominant force.
William Myers
Yeah, they watch a few spots here, too. For the most part you can run quite a bit over without worrying.
Aaron Baker
>I'm not a criminal or a shit skin so I have no problems with the police.
Only criminals are targeted by police user.
John Gomez
fuck off nigger kike
Ian Phillips
We're gonna need all the bodies we can cram into uniforms to combat Isis btw.
Julian King
The fuck are you whining about? The fantasy you keep describing doesn't exist in America. If you want to smash a totalitarian state I suggest trying the Middle East
Alexander Bailey
A cop can take off the uniform and be somebody else and a cop does fucked up shit because the laws are fucked.
Take off a nigger's skin and all you've got is a skinned nigger.
James Wilson
OP is a dindu.
Levi Bennett
>Take off a nigger's skin and all you've got is a skinned nigger.
I don't believe you, I demand to see proof
Angel Perez
>implying roaming bands of activist dindus won't dindu nuffin to your back tire then carve KANGZ WUZ HERE on the hood and triumphantly incriminate all over social media
Ian Rivera
Main problem is they don't know how to converse. They know how to smugly think they are better at conversing than everyone who doesn't arrive at the "correct" conclusion, which at least makes it a little funny for us but yeah... It gets depressing the more you think about it.
Samuel Peterson
I live in fucking north west Indiana if you think I want less police power then you can go fuck yourself, my towns next door to dindu hellholes, I'm not some fucking nigger so I'd like to keep my town crime free
Nolan Sullivan
Henry Perry
Joseph Campbell
I stabbed a nigger outside the Hilton in South Bend.
I was smoking a fatty out front and noticed a group watching me when one fat nigger approached me
>excuse me si- >"stay back 20 feet" >wha- sir I just wanted to ask you if- >"stay 20 feet back nigger, I saw you casing me" >*stares in ape* >I just stand there with one hand behind my back, acting like I have a gun but its really just a 4 inch blade in holster >he says "if you had a gun you'd pull it" and runs at me >I pull out the knife and embed it into his fat gut just once and throw him down while his posse runs and leaves him there to bleed >call police >got interviewed for 45 minutes, watched the CCTV with the cops before I was let go an never contacted again. Guy I stabbed had 3 warrants for his arrest, all felonies >Cop shakes my hand and congratulates me on not being a victim
I fucking love this state, but the northwest niggers need purged. I'm northeast here, white man's paradise
Cooper Wood