Go on Instagram

>go on Instagram
>see friend liked this post
>read post
>can't even think clearly because I am so frustrated and angry
>read comments
>people using emojis of clapping hands, thumbs up, "preach", "yass", "this guy speaks the truth", "finally an American who recognizes how shitty America is", "Americans are the bad guys", "respect".

(((They))) have literally gone and fully supported 9/11 and people agree with them. I don't even know where to start.

Here's a picture of the guy who said it:

He's right though
The US has been running a shitshow in the middle east for several decades now

I'd say he should be in a cuck shed, but we all know how expensive property in NYC is.

My jewdar is going off

Damn he's already got the JUST hair. Don't even have to shop it on him.

The U.S. is the best country in the world, deal with it. If it wasn't for trade with us you'd be tossing scalding hot refried beans at each other in a tequila filled rage

Truth hurts doesn't it white boy

All to protect Jewish interests in Israel, too

Face it burgers, your government and military are just evil Jew puppets

>I don't even know where to start.

By recognizing that the only reason you're mad is because in some sense you haven't processed yet that you and these people are distinct. I mean: you do not belong to the same nation. You have no loyalty to them and they have no loyalty to you. We have reached a point now where the divide in value and identity is deep enough that we are, for all intent and purposes, cohabiting with people who might as well belong to a foreign country. It is mere happenstance that we are ruled by a same government.

There is no point at being angry at your enemies. They are what they are by nature.

Wasn't much of a paradise before that tho

The bit around the middle is a perfectly valid argument. It's just that this fag has co-opted it for outrageous amounts of virtue signalling and self flagellation.

> Says the Middle East is made up of artificial countries made from the Ottoman Empire

Well, what the hell was the Ottoman Empire? An artificial state made by Turks after winning wars!

Theoretically what would happen if the US cancelled all involvement in the middle east tomorrow?

Also was the iranian revolution funded by the US?

I dislike this man.

How am I supposed to respond to a comment like this? "Yeah, I should just not get angry like a cuck when someone says 3000 innocent people deserved to die."

You're not supposed to respond unless it's to actively hurt them and make them suffer. You think this guy didn't say what he said precisely to make us suffer?

He and the people who think like him are enemies. You only use dialogue with people you intend to live with and there's no living with an enemy. Right now you're under the illusion that somehow this guy, and the people who like what he said, are our co-citizens, that we have to live with them or that we're part of the same national unit.

We're not.

The thing that bothers me is this man just doesn't know his history. EVERY country has killed for its soil and people. The British was responsible for the aftermath of the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

and the "slaughter of innocents" comment in relation to the American Indian... Do sacrifices and tribal warfare ring a bell? No group of people on planet Earth has ever been completely innocent.

The message I got from this man is that he believes we should just be one country on Earth (Artificial lines comment comes to mind) where we sing kumbaya so no one kills rapes or tortures anymore. Highly unrealistic and delusional of this man to hold such kindergarten views.

This is one of the reasons I hate Humans of New York more than Occupy Democrats. Occupy Democrats atleast is blatantly honest with their propaganda. Humans of New York likes dropping subtle blue pills like this one that gives people hope for a unified one world government with no war.

This is why commies should be exterminated.

>not only thinks 9/11 was an actual attack and not greasing the wheels of the war economy with some innocent blood
>but also thinks in the case it was an attack it was deserved
only on the left

Thank you for that, it was actually quite reassuring.
