In like 4 months there will be a new and improved Wheel,With some shitty gimmick.A choice space or one were they half to spin two more times some shit like that .
Also will be called Wheel of the Worst 2.O™
In like 4 months there will be a new and improved Wheel,With some shitty gimmick.A choice space or one were they half to spin two more times some shit like that .
Also will be called Wheel of the Worst 2.O™
>4 months to put a wooden wheel onto a piece of plywood
It won't be as comfy as the 1st one.
Was genuinely surprised at how fucked up the wheel was just from a push
Plinketto board is better anyway, assuming they didn't scrap it.
It's not going to take that long to repair, but it's not like the very next Best of the Worst episode is going to be another Wheel episode.
It's fake. They sawed it. Nothing breaks in a straight line like that
As much as I agree it's fake. It is possible to break wood along the grain just like that. I've done with knife stab and tomahawks.
tfw the Wheel of the Worst got a more thoughtful send-off than Jessie did (an actual human)?
Literally whomst've?
>Grandpa Rich
Are you fucking Chinese or something?
Inside job?
But it's always been two semi-circles superglued together, of course if it gets unstuck it would look like a straight line
It will take at least 12 years to make
>In like 4 months
Try a month at most.
Rip in peace
You died like a bitch.
Then gust glue it back together. Why all the drama?
Why are they so intent on killing this series?
Honestly, for me WotW is the most entertaining series they do, the shit they watch on this is fucking surreal. That episode with Eloise Cole was probably the single most laugh filled RLM video for me.
>Nothing breaks in a straight line like that
>Kids today don't know anything about carpentry
They said in the episode that the split was caused by the bolt in the middle. This is super common if you don't pre drill your holes.
Why did Rich pretend to get so angry at Mike for breaking the wheel if that was their last episode anyway?
>bolt in the middle
more like the dolt in the middle
They should just fuse it back together with safety wire or something. It would give it that stitched Frankenstein look, which would be appropriate for the wheel returning from the dead.
First they almost lost a camera or two on Nerd Crew. Now they broke the Wheel. Next time someone is gonna break an arm or something
I just bought Rogue One at Costco. Fuck you RLM.