We want the GOTG audience

>we want the GOTG audience

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>we want the audience we already have
Brilliant assessment OP.

If nothing else he isn't wrong

is there anything more pathetic?

I've never been interested in a Thor movie and may go so this. I'm the GOTG audience.

>leddit tier comic

The guys knocking it never opened comics from the whacky Kirby years of Thor.

Aquadrogo maybe

I immediately unfriended everyone on my Facebook that liked this trailer

Have marvelcucks finally reached full redditness?

There was no desert, yet it reminded me of John Carter

The average capshitter is already part of the GOTG audience.

Camp is code for gay.

Last Monday was one of the worst I've ever seen on this site

>I didn't like the last 2 Thor movies, but this looks fun
>I'm a DC fun, but this looks fun
>I usually don't like capeshit, but this looks fun

It was literally wall-to-wall bot posts. Hiro needs to do something about these shills

are you serious, or did you fantasize?

It looks like a shitty Spartacus
>Gives Thor short hair
>Gives him dual wield swords
>Will most likely have a slave rebellion led by Thor

>this is what normies and critics believe


>anyone who likes something I don't is a shill

XD I KNO RIGHT. DC movies aren't any fun. Marvel makes me feel like a kid again!

It's a good audience, Brent.

Why? Do you think they'd want the Thor 2 audience instead?


Marvelites are so obsessed with their escapist nonsense that they call anything resembling the real world 'dark'. It's the same reasoning that led to pathetic articles from """journalists""" calling DC the Donald Trump of superhero films.

>we want the capekino audience

Kop tek

>All the triggered marvel and DC fans replying to this


Everyday is the worst day.

>board that showed absolutely no interest in a movie or its predecessors until the big marketing push began all of the sudden cant stop talking about or making threads

>this comic has already triggered six snyder fanboys

DC haven't done a good movie since TDKR

It's like Warcraft got hit with that dusty space Weeknd video

I clearly recall Sup Forums getting hyped about it because it was directed by the guy who did the Blackwater GoT episode

>we want no audience

we talked about it ever since it was announced Waititi was going to direct

>trailer drops
>people talk about it more

who could see that coming?

Not having friends probably made this significantly easier than it sounds.

Because it was a good trailer autismo.

Literally no company gives a shit about Sup Forums, nobody wastes money advertising on this shithole.

>harley holding a spork

The funniest part is sad DCucks trying to convince people that showing Hulk in the trailer was like showing Doomsday




Than caring about which of these flick camps 'wins'?
Anime, I guess.

>these sick dubs

you could interchange the characters of the comic for people who make websites part of their identity

>thinking only one side is responsible for this
Congratulations, you're the problem.

b-b-but it's either at night or not looking like it was shot exclusively in san francisco!!! that makes it dark!!!

capeshit needs to be banned from Sup Forums. dcucks and marlels are a plague and need to be contained.

this is probably the most accurate one yet

They are literally dark though. Superman's cape is red irl and in the movie it's graded violet.

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW that are hyped for a movie that will butcher 2 classic storylines for the sake of jokes and soundtrack nostalgia pandering

Superman isn't real, you child.

>immigrant song
>song about vikings
>hammer of gods
>new lands

even the fucking song chosen is KINO for Thor

>25M views already in YouTube in less than 48 hours

Is JL finished?

they were finished last March

You just made that number up cunt

Youre not even trying

Wow music is literally saying what is happening on screen. Woah thats like poetry dude le kino am I doing the KINO meme right fellow Sup Forums posters? Haha am I?

>capeshit can't have consequences because consequences trigger me

Sup Forums BTFO

so mad

>ancient evil awakens
>plans to destroy your world
>banishes you to death
>joke about it

Gee why dont I like Marvel movies

>Stop liking what I don't like!

>watchmen is shit because they play 99 Luftballoons, a 1980's song about nuclear war in a story with the threat of nuclear war in the background during the 1980's

>thor ragnarok is epic, led zeppelin is epic, must share trailer on facebook XD HULK SMASH YES

I actually liked that. It helped break up the tension of the generic "Hero loses everything in and has to start from scratch" plot (Iron Man 3, Spider-Man 2, Dark Knight Rises).

Cap is a darker blue in the movies than in the comics. Does that buttblast you?

The music was not the reason people hated watchmen.
It being shit was the reason people hated it.

who said shit about watchmen?!?!

People often make jokes in horrible situations. Look at any soldier's memoir, they're always full of at least some guys making wisecracks even while they're basically all dying or are about to die.

Yeah but it's fun

>I don't know what gallows humor is

holy shit swedeno on sucide watch

In all seriousness, why was Man of Steel such a dark movie? Isn't Superman mean to be a bright, cheesy superhero? He ended up coming across as basically Batman with different powers, it was really strange. Like making an Iron Man movie where Tony Stark gives up drinking, or a Wolverine movie where Logan opens up an ice cream shop.

Aside from Civil War which wasn't even very entertaining what was the last good avengers movie?
Thor 2, ultron, iron man 3 were trash and because I can't remember any others besides winter soldier I feel like they fell off since avengers one (excluding gotg for obvious reasons)

>1 new message

you started shitposting on Sup Forums

Shut up about shit you know nothing about'
Le atheist man reaction image. Youre typical reddit marvel audience member

>iron man 3
>from our lord and savior Shane Black

Spotted the dumb baby.

Alcohol is probably one of the more memorable Iron Man villains

Oh oops user, i should've got this reaction image from my Sup Forums meme folder

reddit is a state of mind, not just a website at this point

kinda like being a nigger.

Wait is this a meme or do you unironically actually enjoy stupid shitty movies like IM3

>like Walt simonsons Thor
>they never make an attempt to copy his style for the movies
>get Thoreddit instead

I guess Thor 2 was close to Walt but it was awful

It's a recent meme where people defend Iron Man 3 just because they realized Shane Black directed it

Forgetting the fact that it's fucking awful

Ok cool. I know people like to spam marvel and DC memes but it's getting really tough to figure this shit out

Tony Stark doesn't have a drinking problem in the movies though

>we want the pro-immigration from Syria audience

Well, you'll get it.

We want the MTG audience.

>batman pulling out a spray can of kryptonite

>image doesn't have Batman v Superman

Except in Iron Man 2 when he got shitfaced and blew a hole through his house, and got one of his suits stolen.

its pretty recent because underage fags never knew who Shane was until Nice Guys came out.
So they go back and pretend to like Iron Man 3 for some reason.
Forgetting that Shane hasn't made a legitimately good film since Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

It's the only MCU film with an actual memorable theme song, so there's that at least.



Oh wow I didnt realize getting drunk once meant you had a problem. But yeah it's totally been a recurring theme in the 7 years since.

>that metacommentary on this very thread

>the more realistic, the better!
also, why can't you enjoy all of them? fuck off

thor movies have always been goofy as fuck

>Wow music is literally saying what is happening on screen. Woah thats like poetry dude le kino am I doing the KINO meme right fellow Sup Forums posters? Haha am I?

Reminder that DCucks unironically did the same for the JL trailer with Come Together

>unironically including the record scratch meme in your billion dollar franchise

What are they trying to do?

>WonderWoman starts with an email
It okay when DC does it

>You're probably wondering how I got here. Let's start at the beginning...

This is a bad thing how?

>he is young enough to think it's a meme, not a cliche

gen z is cute