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Its actually already out for the Kickstarter backers as of yesterday.
what are people saying?
The one thing I've heard is that it's hard to distinguish the voices/personalities
response has been positive, too, but that could just be them in denial about the money they wasted
Well, what do they think? Taking their bias into account.
I can't get excited. MST3K is one of my favorite shows of all time, but there is no need for another season, especially when the cast looks horrible and Mike isn't writing.
I love Jonah Ray, but his face is too plain. If he wants to get big, he needs to spice up his face.
Like Mark Hamill?
MY WIFE.....
*audible chuckles*
*audience erupts in laughter*
for teh lulz
What is his fucking problem?
Movie list?
why even keep the non-movie parts? literally none of it was ever funny
hell, even the commentary on the actual movies was trite and unoriginal half of the time
Real fans skip the host segments
>not knowing the glory that is TV's Frank
this is the first movie
>Conniff wearing black denim instead of slacks
And you thought Droppo was the laziest man on Mars...
how do they keep the ape from attacking the cow or camel or people?
What's so funny about watching other people watch shitty movies?
>It's a Pearl ruins what could have been the funniest episode ever episode
>no mike
enjoy your terrible pop culture reference jokes
Fuck you, that song was hilarious.
I really do like pie.
Is she going to have a disgusting fat baby belly in these episodes?
>Behind the scenes, the lead writer will be Elliott Kalan, former head writer for The Daily Show With Jon Stewart.[57] Dan Harmon and Joel McHale are also slated as writers for the show.[50][58] Hodgson has also announced plans to have guest writers for certain episodes that include Justin Roiland, Rob Schrab, Nell Scovell, Ernie Cline, Pat Rothfuss, Paul & Storm, and Dana Gould.
will that bring her up to 2 or 3 humps total?
>former writter for the daily show
Dear God how horrifying. Glad I didn't spend a dime on this.
>he doesn't like The Daily Show
though tbf, he was the head writer for its worst Stewart years (2014-15)
This faggot is the only person not smiling, the fuck.
Best MST3K Song.
All Mikefags should watch this before they demand his return.
what's the point in watching this when we have RiffTrax. it's classic MST3K but without the skits and they cover more movies.
Are you implying this wasn't good?
fwiw Redditors who funded the Kickstarter absolutely love the new episodes
that wasn't the slightest bit funny
Yeah. Something like High School Musical doesn't deserve the riff treatment. I know I shit on Conniff a lot but the man was masterful in selecting perfectly riffable films.
That's also why the first Sci-Fi season sucks.
This is Sup Forums, not the nu-male cuck forums m8.
Why don't they make fun of recent movies?
The only season that sucks is the first season.
Look at all that cancer.
the way this pic is shot seems like they don't really want her on the show.
Because they couldn't afford to buy the broadcast and distribution rights for recent movies even if the studios agreed which they wouldn't.
And RiffTrax fills that gap.
I think that people that skip the skits are just the worst and are not true MSTies
>h-hey Sup Forums i used "cuck" and "nu-male" in a sentence. am i cool yet?
>You must be 18+ to post on Sup Forums
I know a couple guys
>My wife is dead
>A camel
>black guy
>two nu-males and a literally who
>worst host
ohhhhhhhh boy I can't wait
the weird thing is, J.E.Weinstein is the best part of Cinematic Titanic
I think they're just trolling, and I collapsed their posts because I don't care what they have to say regardless of if they believed it or not
>Wanted to continue riffing live while watching instead of meticulous timecode
Is Weinstein, dare say it, our guy?
I don't skip them but I also don't think that they're vital to the show.
Can't contain the shame of murdering his junkie wife for much longer
I'm thinking people giving this good reviews didn't know this show existed before the kickstarter began.
Why? She's posting next to the protagonist.
You know you want me, baby!
Idiot control now
Even during live shows they're not improvising, they still have a meticulous schedule and you have been tricked.
NuMale Theater: Current year
Is there any evidence whatsoever that KTMA was improvised? The making of documentary makes it quite clear that they can't see the movie while filming it and the way they go out of synch a bit even with songs suggests they can't hear it either so I fail to see how this is true.
I've long suspected an executive told them to stop improvising and they went along with it because they didn't want to admit they were shit. It's no coincidence that they hired Mike, stopped improvising and stopped being shit at the same time.
I'm liking the new season. Some of the riffing is still too fast paced and aren't as funny as they could be. Good shit though, honestly the 4 episodes I've watched are better than a lot of MST3K episodes from the past. Above the 60%~ mark for sure.
A lot of musical numbers, and the skits are shorter overall. Dunno, keep an open mind.
He's got a bad case of DEAD WIFE
LMAO his wife dieded isn't that hilarious.
Spotted the fag.
I know bro!
*high fives you*
There's a monitor, they can hear and see the film. Start at 6:20
Personally, I'm not really a fan of their riffs of recent movies. I much prefer when they riff on really weird shit, like Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny, or Fun in Balloonland. For whatever reason, anytime they do a Christmas related movie, they knock it out of the park.
The show has duds, and not just in KTMA. A lot of bad host segments, unfunny riffing throughout the series. New season has been somewhat consistent.
What are the fucking movies?
Idiots think MST3K is good because they made fun of Bad Movies. No it sucks when Rifftracks does Birdemic or The Room, I want strange B-Movies, Horror and Exploitation.
Pic related, this is actually a good movie on its own. Crawford was amazing. Fuck Feud for making it appear to be shitty it's better than Sweet Charlotte.
New movies are weird too, you just don't realise because they're contemporary, the Star Wars prequels and X-Men trilogy are great sets of riffs.
The old series was made one show at a time, in a weekly watch-write-tape cycle. The new season was written all at once and shot in a couple of weeks in September. So it makes sense it's more consistent.
You're pretty much in line with Joel with that opinion. You can see the entire movie list where Kickstarter backers are streaming it: mst3k.vhx. tv/products/experiment085
that bitch on the left looks photoshopped in
Looks like a pretty good selection of movies, desu.
Watched someone stream it last night. I think I might have chuckled once, but I also wouldn't say it's terrible. I was expecting the worst, especially when it opened with a Will Wheadon cameo, but it won me over a bit by the end. It wasn't full of memes and shit, and most of the riffs seemed like they would have fit in with older episodes. That said, the delivery of a lot of the jokes was rather flat, and as you mentioned, it's hard to distinguish Tom and Crow at points. I actually thought Jonah's voice would have suited Servo more, but he does an okay job as host. Speaking of voices, they also made the confusing decision of giving Gypsy a normal woman's voice, essentially combining her and Magic Voice. Day and Oswald are another off point. They feel out of place and they should have just used some unknown comedians or something.
From what you've seen, does it explain how Crow, Servo, and Gypsy end up back on the SoL? Or why there's another SoL, for that matter?
uhhh... uhhh...
Ive been watching the old series on Netflix.
I fast forward directly to the riffs. The skit segments are not funny and cringey as hell. Anyone else do this?
Space Mutiny
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
Gamera vs Guiron
The Day the Earth Froze
Some skits are good, some aren't, but the riffs are undoubtedly the reason to watch the show.
who /rosdower/ here?
None of that will be explained
so what era of movies are they gonna spoof on? I'll be sick if they feature some low hanging sharknado bullshit.
Looking at , it seems to be mostly sci-fi and fantasy shit from the 60s. I'm totally cool with that.
looks like the same type of movies they've always riffed on
Cry Wilderness: imdb.com
I thought whores were supposed to be pretty
>What's so funny about watching other people watch shitty movies?
>he said in the generation that will have to explain "Let's Play" to their siblings' kids
>Dan Harmon and Joel McHale are also slated as writers for the show
Rick and Morty and fucking Punsy. They were born to do this
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Every day he has to wake up and remember he killed his wife
muh-muh-muh-muh mitchell
in the same order they appear there
Fuck Camel Forrester
Marry Clayton
Kill Pearl
Like you have it, left to right
I would kill Patton, but he's already bound to get the death penalty once the public finds out what happened to Michelle
>All was calm in Deep 13. Dr. Forrester had went off to grab the next batch of movies from their old offices in the Gizmonic Institute. Dr. Erhardt was just sitting around doing nothing, feeling sorry for himself.
>"Clay always treats me like I'm just a lackey, and not a mad scientist!" Larry said. "Why can't he respect me?"
>That though was interrupted by a buzzing from the techtronic control panel. There was a light blinking. The words under it said "SOL".
>"What? What do they want?" he said pressing the "Open Channel" button. What do you want Joel?"
>But it wasn't Joel on the monitor. It was Tom Servo, and he was just sitting there next to the buttons.
>"Oh, hello! I didn't think that anyone would pick up this hour. I was just curious, why do you put up with Dr. F?" Servo said.
>"What do you mean?"
>"Well, he always makes you file things, treats you like an intern. If I was a mad scientist and was asked to file something, I would say no thank you!"
>"Well, he's the superior one I guess."
>"You ever think about leaving this dump? Going away and doing your own stuff?"
>"Well, now that you mention it..."
>"That's what you should do, leave and never come back! Let's see how Forrester fares without you!"
>"That's a great idea! I'm going to leave, and destroy Clay if it's the last thing I do!" Larry said as he hit the "close channel" button and ran to his room to collect his things and leave.
>Crow walked onto the bridge of the Satellite of Love. Servo swiveled to talk to Crow.
>"Hey Tom, what were you doing there?"
>"I was just messing with Dr. Erhardt, telling him that he should leave and destroy Doctor Forrester. I figure we might be able to have some fun with them, pit them against each other until they decide to stop sending us those Commando Cody shorts"
>"Heh, that's pretty funny. We should tell Dr. F that Larry called him a dickweed"
>It had been several months since Laurence Erhardt had went "missing" from Deep 13. Dr. F was worried at first, but got over it. TV's Frank had taken over and was a lot better that Erhardt because he never talked back to him when he told him to file something. But he wasn't gone forever.
>In Deep 13 the night after Gamera vs. Guiron had been shown to Joel and the Bots, a shadowy figure was sneaking in the caverns, looking for something. While he was looking Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank were filing away the bad movies. They had them in two piles, bad and SHOW TO JOEL.
>"I don't know Frank, your last invention exchange was a rip off of Joel's. Why should I let you do it again?" Dr. Forrester said while shuffling movies around.
>"I promise this time it won't be a rip off. See, I even have the plans written down in this notebook!" Frank said holding up a notebook that had the name Joel Robinson on it which was crossed out and the name TV's Frank written in marker.
>"Well, I guess I'll let you do next week's exchange. At least you have original ideas, unlike Larry who just piggybacked off of mine"
>"Thanks a lot sir. I won't let you down."
>Meanwhile, that shadowy figure was digging through boxes until he found what he needed. It was a SOL maintenance manual. He quickly put it under his jacket and ran out of Deep 13 as Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank approached the main room.
>"He'll pay for what he did!" the figure said as he was running out of the room. "I'll make sure he'll never forget me!"
>Dr. Forrester and Frank walked toward the movie projector. Dr. F put down a box while Frank put down four.
>"Good job Frank, today was a good day. Next week we show them Earth vs. The Spider and that one will make them crack!"
>"I hope it is Clay. I hope it is."