>it's a people who defy societal norms trigger conservitards on Sup Forums episode
>it's a guy who doesn't know what site he's on thinks being hesitant of the hyper-left-wing cultural pushing makes someone conservative or right-wing episode
This place is mostly "classical liberals" as vague and fedora as that term is.
If this place were 'classical liberals' they wouldn't be concerned in the least about left-anything, they'd be pissed as the de facto oligarchy that continues to exist.
>classical liberals
>Sup Forums
Yes I was being 100% serial.
This was a shitpost.
Being okay with transgender people isn't "hyper-left-wing". Don't be retarded.
>its an op makes another low quality bait thread about neither television or film episode
Yes it is
Keep moving the goalpost, comrade.
>societal norms
lamo @ ur life
Really don't see how I'm moving the goal posts, perhaps you'd like to illuminate me?
Great arguments my friends
If Neo can stop a sentinel with his mind, could he stop a self-driving truck (given that it somehow found its way to Zion)?
>trying to argue with the people who want to protect the system
>arguing with Sup Forums
Even a decade ago, transgenderism was still considered by most reputable doctors and therapists as a mental disorder that shouldn't be treated by taking a scalpel to your genitals.
You wouldn't tell an anorexic that they should skip lunch.
This is the only kino they directed
>libtards wrapping their point of view around disposable pop culture
Sense8 is kino as fuck.
post yfw 20 year anniversary edition release says "The Wachowski Sisters"
Trannies belong in psychiatric facilities.
So we believed something a decade ago, we should believe it now? Shouldn't we assess the transgenderism on its own merits rather than by blindly applying historical beliefs?
Transgenderism merits:
>doesn't hurt anyone
>lets people live the way they want to
Sounds pretty good to me
>doesn't hurt anyone
That is literally the fault of people like you who make them feel unaccepted.
>citation needed
Is that why their suicide rates are so high?
But that's because they don't feel accepted because of people like you, not intrinsically because they're transgender. Did you really not consider this or are you shitposting?
>Matrix is responsible for Sup Forums's favorite term "redpilling"
>Sup Forums gets triggered by The Matrix
Really vibrates the cashews.
Or their severe mental illness leads to suicide like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.
>It's a my Sup Forums posts are starting to get under the cuck kiddies skins and make them start off topic threads episode
It's obvious, mate. Regular gay people have historically committed suicide rates at higher rates, and that's dropped off in the last few years as people have become more accepting.
Really, what's more likely? That transgender people commit suicide... just because they're transgender, I guess, or that they do it because a pretty big chunk of society actively dislikes them?
Gay here. Don't compare me to Transgender people. We're not the same and you're simplifying all of our differences for the sake of an arguing point. Thanks.
You're missing the point. I'm just comparing two demographics that have been historically been rejected by society. That's the only similarity relevant to my comparison.
>Really, what's more likely? That transgender people commit suicide... just because they're transgender, I guess, or that they do it because a pretty big chunk of society actively dislikes them?
Both are likely.
Wait, you're NOT the same?
You aren't the same as lesbians/gay men either. You shouldn't be compared to anyone. Right?
And you do understand that as medical science is now, these people do not become 'women' or 'men.' You will admit that, won't you? That they do not gain functioning genitalia (and I'm not even speaking about procreation, just function).
It's giving them false hope, because no, they can never be truly accepted by society, just like crazy people that do weird body modifications or excessive tattoos. And you're right, we should be nice to them. Provide them proper mental healthcare, and help them be happy.
I disagree with the idea that giving them "surgery" and calling a man "Caitlyn" is compassionate.
>it's a two user fall for a false flag episode
>I'm just comparing demographics who have been historically rejected in society
AND conveniently ignoring the fact that Trans people want special privileges, treatment, to mutilate their genitals, and basically assume a different identity. Maybe that's why they kill themselves more. It's a tall order.
Look. I can tell you're a bitter tranny who is upset because gay people don't want to be compared to you, but I don't care. You have a host of issues I don't and we aren't comprable.
>special privileges
There really isn't a comparison. Gay people are sort of broken, they are men/women who are attracted to the wrong sex, and they insist they are not broken.
Transsexuals say they are broken and want treatment that doesn't kill them. If they got sex-changes, they could be normal people. Gay people can never be normal.
Wanting to be referred to as a specific or made up gender when you don't resemble it, wanting to use whatever bathroom you want at all times, etc. The world doesn't revolve around you.
You don't have to hang out with them.
>wanting to use the bathroom means the world revolves around you
Yeah, obviously they don't become "real" (you could also say "natural") men or women. They know that, so I really don't see how it's giving them false hope. Little anecdote, I've met several transgender people at University and a majority of them are happier than they were before.
Look, the larger problem isn't whether they're "mentally ill" or not. We could debate that all day. The problem is that you're trying to tell people how to live their lives because you, a shitposter on Sup Forums, are convinced that you know better than they do. Live and let live.
>they can never be truly accepted by society
Only because people like you refuse to accept them. I accept them because they're doing their thing and I'm doing mine.
For a false flag, I'm sure getting some pretty legitimate opposition here
What "special privileges and treatment" do they want? I really have no clue what you're referring to.
>to mutilate their genitals
Uh, yeah, people have the right to surgically alter themselves. So? You're not making good points here.
Transgenderism is quite literally a mental disorder. By following your logic, we should also pretend schizophrenia is also completely normal and nothing to be concerned about, right?
Are you mad degenerate tranny? Im gay and have a loving boyfriend and you can't afford your mutilations and will take your own life some day after tring to ride on the coat tails of our movement for social acceptance?
This is backwards. If anything, gays are genetic defects that automatically remove themselves from the gene pool, so, thanks.
>Societal norms
Hello there, tumblr
And just to add to this, sure, transgender people get schizophrenia at a higher rate than non-trans people. So what's the solution? It's to treat the transgender people who get schizophrenia for schizophrenia and to leave the rest of them, the ones who don't have schizophrenia, alone.
Surgical alterations and mutilation aren't the same thing. Try again tranny.
Homosexuals and Transgenders are both mental illnesses. I sympathize with them the same way I sympathize with pedophiles. And just like pedophiles, I think they should suppress their urges and learn to live with their disease, just like millions of other people do.
>Wants doctors to provide destructive elective surgeries to the mentally ill
Yeah, the far left is so compassionate.
Schizophrenia is a hindrance to functioning in society. Transgenderism isn't. The intrinsic nature of mental illness is that it in some way hurts your ability to function in day-to-day life and if whatever we're talking about doesn't do that, I don't see how calling it a mental illness is justified.
It's a mental abnormality, sure. But I'd argue that it's not a mental illness, at least by the definition I just gave.
*mentally ill
I'm a straight person.
Transsexuals are exactly as broken as gay people. How can you possibly dispute that?
The difference in that way is that gay people have decided to tell people they are not broken, which doesn't work for transsexuals, since they both need and want treatment.
Even you could become normal, you could get a sex-change and go out with a man, if it's so important to you to continue being attracted to men.
>at least by the definition I just gave.
Hence my original point about moving the goalpost to perpetuate a communist agenda. Thank you for proving my point.
If the subjects want that surgery, why shouldn't they be free to have it done? What happened to conservatives being for personal freedom?
>I'm a straight person.
Cool, you a psychiatrist too? No? Okay.
Pedophilia harms children, Transgenderism harms the individual. Homosexuality harms no one. Also, men make better partners than women. Your move.
"Moving the goalpost" is a retarded buzzword (or phrase). Do you think my definition is wrong? Should mental abnormalities that don't hinder your ability to function be considered "illnesses"? Why?
>moving the goalpost to perpetuate a communist agenda
It's not that user's fault you're being intentionally dense.
>Homosexuality harms no one.
But it wouldn't harm a homosexual to undergo the same treatment you think transsexuals should undergo. So they could be normal, if they wanted to be.
>Transgenderism harms the individual
And you agree with me. Being abnormal is harming the individual who is abnormal. Why wouldn't gay people want treatment the same way transsexuals do?
yeah cause everyone here loves the globalist jewish oligarchy
>Schizophrenia is a hindrance to functioning in society. Transgenderism isn't
Oh come on now, you can't possibly believe that. Of course it's a hindrance to functioning in society - transgenders often look unnatural, are unable to form proper bonds with other humans, and have disturbing ideas about sexuality and gender that sets them far apart from "regular" human beings - and all of that is painfully apparent if you come across a tranny. And don't say that these things are only problems when surrounded by transphobic people; transphobia is a natural reaction to being confronted by a very unnatural and frankly unnerving person. Just like it is natural for straight people to be repulsed by homosexuality, so too is it natural for relatively normal people to be repulsed and disgusted by trannies.
How does transgenderism harm the individual?
I've wondered, what makes transsexuals want to cut off their penis or grow a dick.
When I really think about it, my identity is really tied to me being a male, it's tied to my passions and hobbies, my family and friends, my sense of humour, stuff like that. If I were to suddenly turn into an actual woman, I'd be like "woah this is weird" and then continue doing all the stuff I usually do. So why do trans people feel the need to change themselves? You're born as a certain gender due to chance, why mutilate yourself?
>Sup Forums wants to protect jewish plutocracy
I wouldn't care what they have under their skirts if every movie they made after The Matrix hadn't been a godawful disaster. I'm still mad about being tricked into sitting through Cloud Atlas. V for Vendetta is okay for a 1984 ripoff.
>my identity is really tied to me being a male, it's tied to my passions and hobbies, my family and friends, my sense of humour, stuff like that.
That is absolute nonsense. You only like those things because you were raised to like them. If you were raised as a girl, you'd like all girl things. Male and female brains are identical, that's why transsexuals are delusional.
If your brother kept hitting himself in the head with a rock, would you stop him?
Speed Racer nigga
Sense8 is great.
>Of course it's a hindrance to functioning in society
>f-for starters, they're ugly...?
I can't handle these iron clad arguments.
They believe they were born in the wrong body. It's not like they want to be the other gender. They feel like they already are on the inside.
>You only like those things because you were raised to like them. If you were raised as a girl, you'd like all girl things.
I was raised in a pretty traditional home, and I like cooking. I also like lifting weights.
>transgenders often look unnatural
People who go through sex reassignment surgery accept this, and while many people come through looking odd, many others come through looking normal. The point is that these people accept the risks and make their own decision.
>are unable to form proper bonds with other humans
I'm not sure how to respond to this. Where did you get this idea? I've known several transgender people from University classes and I've gotten along and "bonded" with them just as well as with anyone else.
>and have disturbing ideas about sexuality and gender
Ideas that YOU consider disturbing. Should people with ideas outside of the mainstream be considered mentally ill? Seems like dangerous, authoritarian route you're going down.
You didn't even bother trying to address my arguments. And no, they're not ugly. They're deformed. Ask any deformed person if being deformed is a hindrance to their functioning in society.
Seems like your just an uggo, and are projecting onto trans people to make yourself feel better.
One day you'll grow up and understand. I want you to remember this moment when you do. Titty Sprinkles.
Which is absurd, the only thing that makes men and women different is that they are raised differently.
How is transgenderism comparable to hitting yourself in the head with a rock?
That's your attitude and your identity. I'm a guy and personally, my identity is barely tied to gender at all. My interests span from traditionally masculine to traditionally feminine and my personality is kind of androgynous. Is it so hard to believe that some people think about themselves and who they are differently than you do?
>You didn't even bother trying to address my arguments.
"They're ugly" is not an argument. We don't throw you into the gulag because of your neckbeard.
"Titty sprinkles" says the mature, wise adult.
I'm 25.
Oh wow, check out the 25 year old guys. I bet he has arm hair!
>The intrinsic nature of mental illness is that it in some way hurts your ability to function in day-to-day life and if whatever we're talking about doesn't do that
Cutting off your dick and taking massive amounts of hormone suppressants with estrogen doesn't alter your day to day functioning?
Dysphoria prevents one from functioning.
Gay people might not understand since they don't feel broken; the closest analogy would be how a gay person might feel if they had to have sex with women all day. Transsexual people do not feel normal.
And do you think that sexual reassignment surgery is the best, most compassionate form of treatment?
They do once they have transitioned, but then people like you make them feel like shit. Just don't do it and they would be fine.
It is the only form of treatment conceivable for the condition that they have.
>They believe they were born in the wrong body.
I just don't understand that, you have the body you're born with. If you like traditionally feminine activities, use your body to do them, if you like traditionally "male" activities, then you can do that too.
Do you believe the only difference between men and women is that they are raised differently?
There are obvious biological differences.
Are there? Why? Where do these alleged biological differences come from?
Then describe an alternative. One that would also work for gay people.