Actors who have never been in a good movie
Actors who have never been in a good movie
OPs who have never made a good thread
>he hasn't watched Buried (2010)
Are you even into films, OP?
>ever capable of being good
Buried is a solid flick but not even close to being a "film".
newfag please go, capeshit refers to superhero movies post Iron Man (2007)
you fucking plebian
It's at least a movie. So OP is wrong, and a faggot.
Buried was good.
>op has shit taste
>I saw a movie before I was old enough to have standards so that means it is good
All superhero movies are "pro-entertainment" and therefore worthless cheeto dust video game hotpocket masturbation on an innate level.
If it's designed to "excite" or be "cool" then it is a Jewish tool of infantilization.
>this entire post
Sup Forums has ruined an entire generation of young men
Matchstick Men and The Rock
>Anime meme reaction image
You are the ruined generation. Conditioned by the Jew to worship hotpockets, action figures and pornography. Imprisoned and infantile. The white race reduced to negroid hedonism.
I hate this cunt but I can't not enjoy JUST Friends
I was gonna say Michael Caine but then I remembered Children of Men, which is mostly solid.
He is by far the worst part of the movie.
Lucky I take the radical position you're both fucking faggots
Post pics.
Prove your ubermensch status
This board needs a word filter so you bitter, election losing unmitigated faggot can stop derailing threads mentioning our board. Just get over it already. It will be easier for you in the long run libcuck.
Why do they keep putting him in capeshit and dramas when he's a great comic actor?
this has to be bait
please be bait
>He hasn't seen "The Voices"
>He hasn't seen "The Man Who Would Be King"
The one where he's a psychotic killer who stores Anna Kendrick's head in the fridge and talks to his dog and cat is pretty kino.
welcome back my frend
we need you more than ever
Not him, but based on the nature of his replies it seems he's described the kind of people who cry Sup Forums. You all seem really taken back and upset.
Lord of War
Bad Lieutenant
i voted for trump though. recognizing that Sup Forums has invaded the website and turned impressionable underage boys into paranoid neo nazis doesn't make me a liberal. this fucking kid brought up Jews in a thread about Ryan Renolds
Just Friends is kino
>Iron Man (2007)
Go back to fucking reddit
spectacular post
van wilder was fantastic
so was waiting
so was that movie where he got buried alive
Raising Arizona, pleb
>I voted for trump... but...
>bunch of shit someone who voted for trump wouldn't say
Why are libcucks so spineless? Just own it. You voted for Hillary and lost, jeez.
>everyone who voted for trump is a neo nazi
Kikes/cucks btfo
>still saying shit a trump voter wouldn't say
>still thinking you're fooling anyone
Why does it have to be bait? Because it's too real for you? You're living inside a Jewish murder machine. They're hacking the flesh from our bodies this very second. We're so pumped so full of their pornographic capeshit sedative that we descend into their mincers with great smiles on our faces. Wheezing out a final haze of hot pocket dust as we are ground in the teeth of rusted metal.
You can bury your head in the sand or you can accept it and strive to do as much damage to it as you can on your way out.
Just Friends
All are kino.
>dat delusion
Deadpool revived R rated movies. Even The Dark Knight wasn't as influential. Sup Forums doesn't want to acknowledge a cheap comedy flick is the single best and by far most influential superhero film ever made while shit like BvS and Watchman are laughed off as complete garbage.