Best Stephen King adaption?

Best Stephen King adaption?

besides The Shining you fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

The Shining.

The Mist

Maximum Overdrive, you dang dummy.

Shawshank Redemption
Stand By Me
Apt Pupil
The Stand

It's hard to pick a favorite.

The IT original will always be my favourite horror movie

I probably prefer The Mist more than the shining, ain't pretentious shit and more cosmic horror

70s Carrie

>The Shining.
OP said besides that you dumb fucks

It's shit. Tim Curry is literally the only noteworthy thing about it and he's in like 5% of the movie.

I enjoyed The Stand miniseries for what it was.

The Shining was shit tho


Yup. It ignored the themes. Shit ending.

The Stand is on the same level as The Langoliers and The Tommyknockers.

Which is exactly why I mentioned it.

It's pretty fucking crazy how he can come up with so many great books.

M-O-O-N, that spells Fuck You

The one with Froggo in it.

The movie was like a badass car without the engine.

The part where he takes that first gulp of whiskey and his eyes just glaze over, after reading the book, spoke volumes. But that's just my humble idiotic opinion. Enjoy what you want to enjoy friends!

I swear to god I think the Mist is the WORST movie I've ever seen and anyone who likes it has the worst taste ever. You can like a lot of shitty movies and I can still consider you a person, but if you like The Mist to me you are nothing but a complete and utter retard.


the dark tower

ive never seen the mist, give me a quick rundown on why its ass

never saw it, why does it suck?

You're just being contrarian. It's really not bad at all, let alone as REEEEEEE bad as you're trying to say.

Green Mile is pure Stephen Kino


I'd say either Misery or Stand By Me.

this t b q h f a m

read damn near every King novel at least once, excepting the last few years because i've grown tired of it

honestly, the Mist is one of my favorite movies, not even in a subcategory like King adaptations. not that shook that you consider me as untermenschen, either

Rose Red (i think) was the worst adapatation tho

the exorcist

Misery is the only right answer

The one that actually scared me was Pet Sematary, the disfigured sister, some nasty jumpscares and that scene where the kid is under the bed and cuts of his dads ankle tendon are scenes I still remember.

They are not even that good, but people are not creative and they just use his shit a lot.

>You will never trim his fingernails with your teeth

Why God? Why even live?


Book and movie were shit eh. Only good thing was that that cheating whore got what she deserved

The Dead Zone

This was known as his worst book and movie for a reason, while drugs may open peoples mind and be more creative, being drunk and coked up and shitting out a book in one night while your blacked out is always going to be shit. It is the same with musicians, drugs give them soul but addiction and actually being drugged up ruins it, it is the experience after that gives soul.

>This was known as his worst book and movie for a reason
>worst movie
>what is langoliers
>what is it pt 2 of mini series

He drank like a full bottle ofvodka and is finishing off an 8ball he goes I gotta make a new book quick, how about a killer dog, better break out another 8ball and write this.

One day..

No, the langoliers was very good and I liked it.

The langoliers is quite good up until the last 5 mins when the langoliers actually show up

Why does he wear such retarded glasses? There's zero peripheral coverage there.


Stand By Me and Pet Semetary

This and Maximum Overdrive.

one of my favorite Schwarznegger movies

the stand

tfw Kubrick destroyed king so much when he literally took kings shitty ghost story for kids and turned into a genuine horror experience for adults

kings: le spoopy guys in sheets

kubick: a deep and detailed look into the human psyche and mental strength of humans pushed to their limits

The Shining movie is terrible.

Shawshank is the answer.

I loved The Langoliers.

And The Stand.

Secret Window

Hey remember when the kid talked to his finger in a goofy voice. That part really took me deep into the human psyche of humanity.

if by best adaptation you mean which made the best movie then Shawshank followed by Stand By Me.

The Mist is the Se7en of sci-fi horror

It's shit now. I couldn't agree more. But when it first came out I was 10, and THAT acting was normal back then. Watch an 80/90's movie. At the time it was the scariest fucking thing in the world and considered kino.

It's the first and only series/movie to ever truly scare me, and I'd seen Freddy, Exorcist etc

Langoliers was 100% certified kino. Only flaw was CGI

This. Stephen King at his peak. Written and Directed by a constantly coked out King. Emelio Estevez. Based AC/DC soundtrack.

Most of the Mist was shit, but that last two minutes literally left me in tears. So, the Mist.


You know what's up my man

Walken saved that undicisive anti climatic pile of mediocre ass.

The new IT movie


Dark horse answer: the adaptation of The Raft in Creepshow 2.

Guilty pleasure of mine.

I watched Pet Sematary after reading the novel a year or so back and I thought it was pretty fucking bad..... laughable. The book really gets you enveloped in the story and is more impactful, as I could take the story seriously - the movie I could not take seriously at all =(

But it's not a movie user

Why are his books and movies are pure kino? My facourite is his classic IT

This. And shawshank. And green mile. And the upcoming it

Night flier is my favorite

It's a abc miniseries, and it's absolute shit. If you watched it with adult eyes you'd know that.

>no Christine

Come on lads

It could've been better, having not watched the series.

What a great book. Really showed how Trump could've been ruined, however now we have to deal with nuclear war on our timeline

Apparently king was really butt hurt about kubricks version and it's not the best adaptation... because it's better than the source material

The books is leagues better than the movie, and the movie is pretty good

>78 posts
>No 1408
Fuck everyone here

Man, talk about forgotten movies. I remember thinking it was good in theatres then at some point I watched it again on a tv and it was shit

Was just thinking the same. Enjoyed it the first time in theaters but that was about it.

No SILVER BULLET is the bigger crime

is 11.22.63 any good? i liked the book.

It's worth watching for the fucking goddess alone. The book is more enjoyable but it was actually pretty ok

Really? I personally love it along with the alternate ending of him living and the recording of his daughter talking on it to him. Personal fave for me, The Mist is miles better though.

The Mist>Green Mile>The Shining>Shawshank Redemption>1408>Stand By Me>Running Man>Pet Cemetery >>>>Power Gap>>>It>Cujo>Carrie>>>>>Literal Shit>>>>Dreamcatcher>>>>>Oh god why>>>Cell

Havent seen Misery, Langoliers or Dead Zone

Forgot 11.22.63 completely, but thats in the top tier adaptations. Was fucking great, shockingly Franco was good

Lawnmower Man.

Misery is definitely high up there. It's certainly one of the most high profile and best made.

gonna check it out rn, thanks man

Children of the Corn

This was a miniseries but it was great.

Havent seen that either yet lol


I don't remember Cell ever actually being released in Theatres

Pet Semetary

>Nobody has said Christine

you may want to ctr+f before posting, yo.

Dolores Claiborne

Just finished 11.22.63, thought it was exceptional and got a little respect for James Franco as a director