Why do women have so much influence in entertainment?

Why do women have so much influence in entertainment?

Their looks.

Because they're fucking hot!

another why do women x thread...

dear lord. you are fat and ugly and have no social skills thats why. and also women like to be desired and admired and men like to desire and admire then. you aren't a part of the game so you feel left out and bitter and come and post the same stupid shit her.


They pull in millions from teenage girls

Because they're entertaining.

Because you let them so

Little girl and teenager are the true jew behind degeneracy, they are the first and biggest market for this industry

Because they are roughly 50% of the human population, and are therefore a massive audience.

Entertainment industries would have to be retarded and actively trying to fail for them to ignore that.

Men don't watch much mainstream TV

Most consumers are women, so naturally programming and ads target women

I'm into scat, and I bet all these women have the best estrogen laden scat, sour, but robust smell and flavor . What I wouldn't do to have Tay-Tay fart in my mouth.

>Why do women have so much influence in entertainment?
because entertainment is their only function outside taking care of babies?

Because they exist to entertain humans

Because other women pay attention to them

Sex sells.
Man earn and spend the money.

To sell anything you have to show buitfull women.

Thats why. They are just sex objects. No one looks or listens if they smart. No body gives a fuck.


Because women spend 80% of all household income.

Men think with their dicks.

They don't. When you look at the most influential positions within the entertainment industry (writers, directors, producers) they're mostly men.

all acceptable answers

quiz next week guys, it's covering chapters 2 and 3 so study up

because they're perpetually seen as victims and underdogs so every useless accomplishment they have is retold as an amazing victory for humanity's progression