Y-you don't actually believe that being born in a certain race determines your personality and behaviour for the rest...

Y-you don't actually believe that being born in a certain race determines your personality and behaviour for the rest of your life, r-right?

The culture around it does, If you follow it that is.

I believe in genes and DNA doesn't lie.

user, there are studies that showed that arbitrary habits are passed on genetically. like biting your nails, for example.

Not race. It is culture. Everybody here is confused. The answer is always culture. One culture can be superior to another culture, but the same is not true with race. You can change your culture, but more often than not people retain many aspects of their "base culture".


Some races are on average less intelligent/more prone to impulsive behavior than others. Doesn't mean being a member of one of those races makes you stupid or pre-disposed to those behavioral traits.

depends on your IQ

smart folks can break free of genetically endowed tendancies

see thomas sowell and morgan freeman

I seriously doubt any of the niggers screaming at cops are above 30 IQ


if you grow up around fat headed white mid western kids and parents youll likely be one of them. Dont get pissed when you cant fit in cities were commerce, military, education, and economics rule.

race is a social construct you retarded nigger

Not trying to be a dick m'leafposter, but have you seen the wealth of data out there on average IQ differences?

It's not something I bring up in conversation offline (a little uncomfortable), but nonetheless something important to know about.

IQ 30 would be literal vegetables incapable of screaming at anything.

Is it really so hard to believe that humans could be differentiated by race the same way other animals could?

This, and more and more evidence implies that even our earliest moments as infants can impact our personality and demeanor for the rest of our lives. Good parenting and stability is a must for healthy societies.

there's actual well documented physiological differences between the races beyond the cosmetic (skin colour/skull shape). like muscle composition, bone density, even development stages to adulthood are different. yet it's somehow insane to think that there wouldn't be psychological and intellectual differences as well?

My god you're a retarded leaf, race is a social construct? are you serious?

It's just like men and women. Men can range from very low to very high IQ and women mostly are in between but have a lower range. East Asians and whites have the highest average IQ and range. Yes growing up in a better place will make a difference, but IQ is based on DNA too. All races are different.

Just be a good little Macaco.

race cannot be real as color is merely a product of our the differences we pick up using our eyes , you dont smell a black person coming from afar.

checkmate racists.

I think he may have actually been joking. Feel a little embarrassed bc I responded too.

the funny thing with todays internet is you can never really know for sure.

Until you said the thing about smell. I'm dying.

I agree with this

culture has a biological basis

Dog breeds are different, act different - it's genetic.

Human races are different, act different - "oh you silly, it's all about the culture... other than that we're all the same :^)"

not really, genes responsible for behavior, personality, etc. are a pretty complex lot, introns and exons, active genes, dormant, interacting and shifting. but there have been studies pointing to heredity of brain pattern, which again is still superficial in the larger sense.

so NO, but you don't see humans chasing down emus and killing them with our faces...anymore...

>muscle composition
>bone density
>developmental stages to adulthood
I wouldn't say these things are purely biologically based. Culture can affect nutrition, levels of activity and even hormones (I shit you not). Do you see?

Which is why blacks are so shit.

>when he was trying to stop this

less difference between a european and an african than between a wiener dog and a great dane
dogs were selectively bread
humans werent
whites are still the best though and darwin knew it

Less difference? Maybe. Specially physically. But the difference is there and it's enough to be noticeable. So don't blame it all on culture. That's the same as saying biology does not apply on humans.

>I'll take *instinct* for $200 Alex.
So all animals have genetic encoding telling them how to build a nest, or how to forrage for food, etc.
But some people actually believe that all people are identical mentally?

>people are animals

of course no, OP
but I can guarantee to you: be white in Brazil is play at easy level

Nah.. People are special. Animals are inferior. amirite special snowflake?

partly, but i think culture and environment play a role as well

like a common brazilian chimp
mulattoes have no pryde or identity, as a white brazilian I can say: we do not consider mulattoes or brown skin people as white

life as white person here is so easy


Determines? No. Influences? Yes. Blacks are more likely to be a certain way because they are blacks. That's irrelevant on the individual level, but it's unbelievably important on a population level.

Believing it has nothing to do with it is more deluded friendo

I think that guy acknowledged that white brazilians wouldn't think of him as white. They aspire to whiteness, though.

I think it's a combination of genes and outside influence. But genes definitely have a big influence.

>I will just prove how superior I am by acting exactly like the pic described

I hate this country and everyone in it.
My parents should never have left new zealand.
Somehow "white" brazilians (inbreed mongrels down south, an unholy mixture of slavs and germans and godforbid is it ugly) are more obnoxious than the avarage brownish ones.

its funny, if you ask to a mulatto he will say he is whyte, but if governance ask (to give him any social benefit) he will turn in a nigger without any doubt

>uh i hatu muh countriiiiiii
>pleasi killl me God

You is just a disgrace of this country, you now for sure the term: vira-lata.

its very easy to manipulate person like you here, its funny how all of you have the same quotes

gosh, boy. I'm not even brazilian.

The worlds most intelligent dog breeds such as an Australian Shepard or Border Collie can be just as dumb as any other breed if they have been abused, neglected or improperly trained. Just as any mutt has potential if they are properly taken care of and trained well. Yes genetics do play a big role in the ease of training, but a good teacher knows how to work around the quirks of any breed and even use it to an advantage.

I don't see why we as humans have to deny that there are in fact genetic difference between groups of people that predispose them towards certain levels of intelligence, athleticism, diseases and certain behaviors. Or why that has to be a bad thing? Why not better cater our society and education system to helping groups of people reach there maximum potential while also working on there weaknesses? That way we advance our civilization and ourselves as a species.

oh man, he is pardo and suffers from hallucination

>Why not better cater our society and education system to helping groups of people reach there maximum potential while also working on there weaknesses?

Because in the case of most non-whites the ROI would be too low.

It's simply not worth it to waste resources on improving the negro for example, as decades of failure in your country show.

I would say that your genetics as a whole determine your personality, not just your race. Brains are physical and each brain structure gives rise to different personalities. Some people are naturally a certain way simply because their brain is made that way. If you had a brain like a dog, you'd behave like a typical dog. I think some things are out of your control, but if you can't control it, you have to accept it and move on. I'm short, but it's out of my control, so I try not to let it bother me. However, you do have some control; if you want to change, you can. But try not to get attached to great image of who you can be, you will always fall short. But always aim to be better. If there is something you want to change about yourself, pick the one or two most important things you want to change and focus on improving on it. If you think you are too unfriendly, try to focus on smiling at people more often, then practicing asking genuine questions about people, little steps like that.

Yeah, this

Ok look at it from the perspective of a dog breeder.

We have one breed known for its high intelligence, but unfortunately it is very feeble, prone to disease such as blindness and mental disorders and is known to be excessively passive.

On the other hand I have a breed known for its strength, endurance and overall athleticism, but it is known to not be the most intelligent or cooperative and even sometimes aggressive.

So we take the best specimens of each group breed them, a good portion of the pups will likely receive the negative traits of both groups. A good breeder will arrange for these pups to have loving homes to go too where they can be happy but otherwise unable to have offspring.

The lucky few pups that have the positive traits of both groups, will then be allowed to go on and breed with similar unrelated groups thus seamlessly combining the very best traits of the two parent breeds and creating a far superior breed.



thailand with the biggest redpill

culture is determined by the biology of the animal

freedom is the freedom to say 2+2=4

sorry op


well said.


Born black - obstacle 1 is not insurmountable

"Raised" as a nigger - *PAK *PAK *PAK *PAK *PAK *PAK

Yeah nah smell abos daily brah from afar

Go back to tumblr and have another donut.

sounds about right

>you don't actually believe your DNA effects your development r-right
I dunno pal sometimes I noticed chinese parents don't give birth to tall blond nords. Probably just Sup Forums propaganda though

Very nice. If only we were courageous enough to apply this for humans too.

of course it does

lmao, pygmies have 50 iq points

i smell blacks, they totally have a scent