This is 1 right??

This is 1 right??

Attached: math1.png (1920x1080, 359K)

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It's 9

no 2 x 3 = 6 and 6 / 6 is 1



It’s 9
You do the brackets first, then the division, then times the two together

PEMDAS Multiplication comes first

You have the D and the M the wrong way round

Parentheses is 2(1+2) = 6.

Brainlets. It's 5.

Attached: 664.jpg (558x614, 18K)

3x3 = 9

Look at this as a fraction with the 6 on top, thank me later

Attached: the-superlative-laugh-or-highest-degree-of-laughter-55591984.png (500x743, 227K)

4.5 is the correct answer

Asshats the rule is parentheses, exponents, multiplication AND division, and then addition AND subtraction. They're grouped together. It's 9.


That's what i got

Its 1 retard

Multiplication doesn't come first. 2/2*2 is 2 not 1/2. Multiplication/division comes before addition/subtraction since multiplication and division are essentially the same operation/ so are addition and subtraction

I can't tell if you guys are trolling or not but for multiplication and division you're supposed to do those operations left to right

Attached: yes.jpg (912x317, 93K)

If you faggots new math, you’d wright the problem right and you’d get the right answer!

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big kids are talking


this is not

That’s right big kids are talking so you should leave.

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Where'd you get the 3 from? You do brackets first - so you got 3 - multiplied by the result of 6/2 (which is also 3 right?) . So the answer is 9. FPBP.

you are a gay retard.

Okay here we go again:

PEMDAS dictates we solve the equation with parentheses first, and some assert that 5 is 'grouped', and that this grouping has a greater precedence than other multiplication and division, based on the distributive property.

This is incorrect for two reasons.

First, because the distributive property works by terms. And terms are very clearly defined as the product of any values connected by multiplication and division, and separated by addition and subtraction. The term outside of the brackets in this case is 6÷2 as it is not separated by any addition and subtraction.

Secondly, and fundamentally, because implied multiplication is identical to explicit. If 2(2*2)=2*(2*2) then the multiplication exists. If it exists, it is commutable. Implied juxtapositional multiplication getting precedence has only ever been a convention in cases where the implication is using a variable, and if you disagree I challenge you to give a credible source.

The answer, without breaking the rules of mathematics, is therefore 9.

>But the ÷ symbol...
is synonymous with / and : which means you don't treat everything one side as the denominator, only the first value.

That is all.

No, you do the parenthesis first and then you do multiplication/division in order from left to right
First parenthesis:
(1+2) that's (3)
What's left?
In order from left to right
Order of operations:
3.Multiplication and Division (from left to right)
4.Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

its 9
6/2(1+2) is not the same thing as 6/(2(1+2))

Are you kidding me boy

Irrelevant. Division and multiplication share precedence.

>Viral Math Problem

>Math Problem


its 9 because bedmas and anyone who disagrees is a stupid nigger

Yes, it is

Attached: math.png (850x527, 11K)

The answer is 1.

Wrong, see


That would be 6/(2(1+2)), not 6/2(1+2). There's a difference.

Wrong, see

The correct answer is that op is faggot for reposting this shit, and the braincells who keep answering the correct answer are even dumber for not realising everyone else is just fucking with them.

Attached: 131594_1573587591.jpg (256x256, 12K)

Thank you

It's brainlet. What the fuck is braincel? Brain celibate?

When dealing with the brackets you didnt finish.

Simplify 2(1+2)
= 2*1 + 2*2
= 2 + 4
= 6

So you end up with 6 / 6 = 1
The number directly in front of the brackets gets applied to each inside the brackets, THEN you move on to other multiplication / division. At least that's how I learned it.

Once you add the numbers in the parenthesis up, youre done with the parenthesis. Then you work the problem from left to right and get 9.

Fucken retard

Holy fuck, the retards are running wild here

This is why I majored in English.

This is how it was done for centuries

This is how they want you to do it now because its easier to get humans to think like a computer than get a computer to think like a human. But this meme forgets that to make this problem work for a computer you need the "x" between the 2 and parenthesis, and if it was written as this, everyone would give the answer 9


Simplify the parenthesis to get 6÷2×3. How retarded are yall? That 2 isnt within the parenthesis. 2(2+1) equates to 2×3. You only simplify whats inside the parenthesis. after that, if you have operations with the same level of priority, you work left to right. Didn't your fucking FRESHMEN level instructers tell you to write in the operation of the numbers outside of parenthesis?

Answer is 9. Getting anything else means you dont know how to solve math problems.

Fuck, I think you're right. I don't even know anymore.

See The only possible argument to claim there is a different answer is that the special rule of operations should be used, which isnt valid as that rule is not used. If you foil the 2, youre doing multiplication before simplifying whats within the parenthesis, which is wrong.


BIDMAS stands for Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction

this is the way i was taught

Google "order of operations precedence" if your confused. Shit like this will fuck code if you are working with dumb programmers.

The American education system really is shit. Don't know why you gotta use some shitty acronym to do a simple equation. You can do division before multiplication but it's that you guys are shit with fraction and divisions so they teach you muts some shitty acronym to help you get through 3rd grade.

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Imagine being taught irrelevant math from 1917 and thinking somebody elses education is shitty L0000000L

it'd be 9, OP

how I was taught PEMDAS is that when it comes to multiplication/division or the addition/subtraction steps, you go left to right solving all the multiplication and division steps in no specific order but as long as they are all solved. So, 6÷2 comes before 2*3, since we are going left to right

Wait, but I remember in school we used to do that rainbow shit. Y'know draw two curved lines from a number outside the parenthesis to the numbers inside signifying that you multiplied those by the outside number and then you solved whatever was inside the parenthensis. Remember?

the crux of all these meme math problems seems to be the number adjacent to the parenthesized expression and uncertainty regarding the point in the order of operations at which their product is to be determined. in my opinion, since the number next to the parenthetical implies multiplication, that operation follows the same rules as any other multiplication/division operation in the equation, making this the equivalent of 6 / 2 * 3, which is 9.

Well shit, didn't know knowing how to multiply 6x6 or divide 6/2 is considered some lost arcane art or a forgotten science of an ancient civilization.

what happens between the second and third step there?

Well if you want you can start with division but I really don't know why do most Americans use some shitty acronym clutch just to do basic math.

Nothing. You simply rewrite the equation so it's easier to read. The same as rewritting 2*4+2*6 as 2(4+6)

Good so far
Just solve from left to right, you fucking dumbass. How are you gonna add parentheses and subtraction marks after you already SIMPLIFIED? The goal is to SIMPLIFY. Where did you get subtraction from you fucking STUPID IDIOT LMFAO Fuck you and your shithole country KEK

Yo larpfag stop it, isn't it all ready winter, summer ended a good few months ago.

i was under the impression that the acronym just represents an agreed upon interpretation of expressions. how else do we solve equations unambiguously?
where does the minus come from in though?

There's a reason the division symbol isn't used in physics

÷ is not proper notation

Finally someone who maths. Hate these "ambiguous" math problems. They wouldn't be if the unwashed retarded masses were forced to take up to calculus. Who the fuck uses division symbols after elementary school?

You were so close.

Yeah, in algebra. But in this equation, the values are given, so to foil the parenthesis would be incorrect.
>is given an equation
>solves an entirely different equation that doesnt have anything to do with the first
>hurrr u dont know da rules didnt know math was magic duuuuurrrrrrrrr

>this is why the world is fucked.

Attached: Screenshot_20191206-032402.png (720x1440, 116K)

Except he's wrong. The answer is 9. There are multiple ways to do a math problem. According to him, the answer is 1. But in programming, if you type 6/2(1+2) you're going to get 9 every time.

Google says it's 9.

6 / 2(1+2)

Someone who's taken algebra:
6/ 2(1+2)
6/ 2+4
6/6 = 1

Someone who's taken Calc:

6/2 = 3 (1+2)

Doesn't fucking matter both ways are right

Oh, ok.

Can we all just agree that the problem isn't properly formatted?

I never took calc and I get 9.

>Both ways are right
Math isn't some subjective abstraction. Math is math. Concrete and objective. Both can't be right. Second one is right.

Accualy if anyone still cares its neither 1 or 9 its undefined because its not properly writen thats all. you would have to make up additional rules that arent universaly accepted to make it either of them.

That's because you have a brain.

Yeah. Basically it's whatever you want it to be.

Alright fine. Both are wrong. Happy? It's formated so shit it can be interpreted as either.

Oh yeah, and let me guess, we all live in a simulation, right? Get real.

Yeah they can. It's just syntax. We invented the language of Algebra and Calculus. If Aliens abducted you tomorrow, even if you taught them our numbers, and our function symbols, they wouldn't be able to solve the problems, because they don't speak our specific mathematics.
That doesn't mean adding two and two doesn't always equal four. But it does mean we can structure, read, and solve, the same equations differently. It doesn't mean every equation is an accurate representation of reality. The universe isn't doing physics calculations.

Yes. Here’s why

>distribute 2 into brackets
>add the resulting 2+4 eliminating the brackets

This is the least controversial approach.

Attached: F06FB044-7169-4D44-ACF9-EF1236A365A6.png (659x525, 205K)

Give me a different way to solve that equation.

*All the languages that don't use base 10 numeral system probably couldn't solve this*

No multiplication and division are applied in whichever order they appear in the equation, same with + and —

Stfu you retard. You dont know how to math, as made apparent by you thinking theyre brackets. [ ] these are brackets. ( ) these are parenthesis.
You dont foil real numbers.
See God just stfu and kill yourself. THIS ISNT DEBATABLE. ANSWER IS 9. L2MATH.

Its the most realistic approch u get. if something isnt formlated properly its pointless discussing its result its just not defined like asking what is banana * rama - bullshit.


Better way to frame the problem:



Sure, sure. Nothing matters bro, it's all a spook. YOLO.

This. They are applied in whatever order they appear

anyone who says anything other than 9 is a literal retard