>grimes - art angels
>20th century women
ITT: Your favorite album and the last 5-star movie you saw
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shameless self bump
why is Sup Forums's average age like 17 years old? It's consistently one of the youngest boards on Sup Forums, next to Sup Forums and /x/.
if you have a single album you call your favorite you're probably underage and retarded.
Rebels of the Neon God
They're shilling this trash on Sup Forums now?
Grimes is a tranny. Seriously.
They shill him on Sup Forums to an absurd level.
(((Social Engineering)))
Andrei Rublev
pls go
kek, another bullshit compromised band (((they))) shill constantly.
go back to Sup Forums
fucking grimesfags are worse than anything on Sup Forums
Now that you ask, I can't remember the last really good movie I saw. Might have been The Sunset Boulevard
Are you underage? Art angels was alright, but it ain't that great.
My favorite album is either the campfire headphase, public strain, or the runners four. It's hard to pick an absolute favorite
>compromised band
what did you mean by this
The Shining
meaning, that Swans are a crypt-corporate band now. They work for the (((music industry))).
Sup Forums figured this out months ago.
No coincidence that the shill who started the Grimes thread also posted them.
not underage
Grimeth just really speaks to me as a woman. Every track on Art Angels is a perfect popomo pop song, and she did all the instrumentation/production herself. A real auteur.
>Grimes is a tranny.
100% true
Soundtracks for the Blind was twenty years ago though.
fuck off shill.
No one cares about this trap on Sup Forums, and we sure as fuck don't care about him here.
Why lie? How much is Larkin paying you?
Reminder that Gira a good boy, he dindu nuffin
Sabaton - The Last Stand
Prince of Egypt
17 was about the age when I started trying to get into music
>saving the thumbnail
Abbey Road, If You're Feeling Sinister, or OK Computer, cant decide
and to match, the last 3! 5-Star movies i've seen
They start these moronic threads on Sup Forums just so they can bump them and keep the tranny's face on the catalogue.
Grimes = Israeli psyop
I can see this. Plus with internet culture giving kids a sense of superiority for liking hip shit, Sup Forums is the Mecca for that.
that's 3 movies, not 6
>samefagging this hard
Kek, jealous that Sup Forums doesn't care about you anymore, Lavren?
Mayhaps you shouldn't have slutted it up so much in that music video. Dropped like a hot potato.
>Grimes is a tranny. Seriously.
Wtf I love grimes now
pretty much this, same with movies, books and vidya too
I have loads of 5star albums I could quote but to name my fav album is impossible
What's your favorite album and the last 5-star movie you saw?
Yep. Swans are an Israeli puppet band now. Prob legit have taken Soros $.
Bunch of broke dick old men sell-outs.
Stop picking on my waifu (male).
What? who the fuck is Lavren?
Gira was prob brought to heel by that fake rape accusation. (typical Jew shit)
'Indie' rock scene (shit you see on P4k) is pretty much now 100% Jew controlled now. Same shit as Hollywood.
They been fucking hard with straight white men's careers for the last year or so.
Slandering them in the press. Making them write dumb shit about transgender restrooms etc.
Don't be fooled anons.
Don't ever answer thnese type of questions anons.
These are shills looking for info.
Name someone and the next thing you know they'll be singing about transgender restrooms with a dead look in their eyes.
>knows about gira's rape accusations
>doesn't know lavren
Wtf? Have you literally never spent a single minute on Sup Forums? You don't remember the Lavren shitposting controversy that got covered in all the indie music press?
I think you mean husbando.
Grimes is a dude. For real.
I don't know who Lavren is.
I remember reading about the rape accusation and thinking it was fake.
Then I put 2+2 together with articles/stunts like: Aint hard to tell.
Also fucked with hard: Mark Kozelek & Father John Misty, and to a certain extent Lana Del Ray.
Israelis are trying to pawn off a fake indie scene as the real thing.
No way a pixie girl with that high of a voice can be trains
It's 100% a trap. That's what all the vocoder is for.
And the fact that use use 'trans' lets me know you're the shill who started this shit thread.
Also of interest: DFA records was completely a fake indie.
Silver Jews were forced to retire.
Merge records is ((()))
Beck Hanson is basically a prisoner.
Joshua Tree
The Edge of Seventeen
No Country for Old Men
Yo La Tengo - Painful
Song to Song
fake ass thread to promote a tranny
dirty fucking jew tactics
Please kill yourself.
dumb frogposter
I caught Fellowship on TV the other day so I guess that.
>grimes is a man
Is there any proof of this?
great taste op
the jews
>Plumtree - Predicts the Future
>La La Land
I don't have a favorite band but my favorite song is California Dreamin' by The Mamas and the Papas.
Last perfect movie I saw would be Love Me Tonight (1932)
jelly that you've seen song to song
*album, not band
No hard proof. But Grimes has been shilled unreasonably hard for years. It's definitely (((Grimes))). Of that I'm sure.
As far as being a tranny....mostly circumstantial evidence.
Personally, I believe there is a very good chance Grimes is a tranny.
Couldn't prove it though.
>his favorite album is less than 5 years old
this album is so fucking bad and I used to be a fan of Grimes.
Agreed. Grimes was on (((Roc Nation))) for fucks sake.
It is probably the hardest shilled artist on Sup Forums and on other sites as well.
Here it is with (((Gavin Newsom's))) niece at the (((Grammy's)))
Something is definitely rotten in Denmark.
Given that it is neither talented nor good looking, crypto-tranny psyop makes a lot of sense.
Wouldn't be surprised at all.
this is all true btw.
Every time I see a picture of her I want to puke. Grimes is a fitting name. She's trashy and grimy as fuck.
>It's definitely (((Grimes))). Of that I'm sure.
>DFA records was completely a fake indie.
suuuuuuuper sketchy
>Fav Album - Disintegration by The Cure or Graceland by Paul Simon
>Fav Movie - Jurassic Park
Something by Chairlift
The Aviator
Do you have schizophrenia or something? Why do you keep talking to yourself?
Do you realize the greenwich townhouse wasnt that expensive when they bought it initially?
The Best Of Swing Out Sister the Millennium collection
Phantom of the paradise
100% ugly maybe, the only "famous" trans musician is MACINTOSH PLUS
Hi shill.
Greenwich Village has been out of the range 0f 99.9% of the population for 50+ years.
It's not fucking Bushwick.
But nice try at disinfo.
Baby Dee
Bushwick isn't "Bushwick" anymore either, dude. You have to go all the way out to Brownsville to escape the hipsters these days
Solid album, my dude.
I live in NYC.
You are correct that house in Bushwick are pretty close to 1mil and up these days.
But kek, at the shill pretending a fucking townhouse in Greenwich village wasn't expensive when 'they' bought it.
The real story is even sketchier when you do some digging.
avatarposting is against the rules
hey man you cant jut expect these kids to understand prime numbers
looks like someone's getting nervous that their whole fake indie rock switcheroo is going to get exposed.
>even sketchier when you do some digging
codeword for source: my ass
you seem very upset by my posts.
emeralds - just to feel anything
nah you just don't have a source
a source to what exactly nigga? You're lucky I'm not dumping everything I know.
a source to "the real story"
i'm not trying to stop you from exposing it you just look deranged with just conjecture to fall back on
Nothing I've said is deranged at all. And I've made no outrageous claims.
(and I know you're just trying to gauge how much I've figured out)
more people would be woke to your causes if you backed them up with more than just your word
i'm genuinely curious what "the real story" of the DFA townhouse is because you brought it up and don't have any sources
>Beatles White Album
>The Seventh Seal
Honestly, I'm just a dude who has been involved in the music scene since I was a kid, is a critical thinker and has some research skills.
I'm not really trying to get involved w/ some of these people.
>20th century women
>not the most tryhard "indie" movie ever made
It sucked and the performances were GARBAGE
Furious 7: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Furious 7
with who?
Holy fuck OP, you complete faggot. That third Grimes album is complete trash. She will never again reach the transcendental beauty of Visions.
people who have nothing to do w/ music
Haven't the Rapture released something recently?
that makes sense then
just do you mate, see you round the block
Carrie & Lowell
Aloys (2016)
A Thousand Suns
Back to the Future